2 minute read
Not Bad, Eh?
There waa one itern we forgot to mention last issuFREDWOOD. We furnish Redwood for rail shipment with the same enthusiasm that we do Douglas Fir and Red Cedar Shingles. Some items are hard to get, and we don't pretend to do the impossible (although we often DO things in a SERVICE way that folks say can't be done), but our service in POSSIBLE THINGS is mighty keen. We put the good old PERSONAL EQUATION and INTEREST into every order we get. And don't forget; we've put an office in L. A. to give Southern California the SUDDENEST SERVICE.
Do lou know this corner?
This is the famous Hipolito corner' used on all Hipolito Stock Size Screens.
It's a profit maker for the Dealers
Lumber dealers all over the West are malcing good, steady profits through selling Hipolito Stock Size Window Screens. They 6t all standard size openings.
Write for our plan
If you are not now handling these Screens write us for information about our plan for lumber dealers. Just a line on a post card or clip this advertisement and mail it with your letterhead, we'll know what You want.
A Home Building Tip From Ancient Greece
"I cannot play upot any rtringsd inttf,umentr" raid the wLe Tbcmirtoclcr, ..h* I can tcll you how to MAKE A CITY GROVY."
F'.npircr harrc rircn and fdlen into the durt; dynarticr havc rpnmg into arogance and powert end fallcn inlo dirrre and decay; nationt have comc and gone end bcen lort in thc dtuk of the perg rince Thcnirtocler trod the grar of Mother Edh.
And durinc dl thet time men have cearched for thc thing thet the Grcck regc raid f,3 fues-fierv to nakc e city grow.
Br* today' h hudnedf of citier of thir land' ttcrc arc mcn rvf,o are entturiarticdly engaged in thc work sf "pdring citicttt grow via ttre moderrr honc bdldhg route.
Wondcr if TH.A,T wer wha,t Themirtoclq war tdHng aboril when he boarted of hir hoard of knowledgp?
Pctepr tho t{ire man of old raw in hir prophetic cyc thc'coming of tbc Celifornia bungalow type of honc, which home type har doae more to make thc hurnan "mouth walert' tban any other reridence rince Adan war "rhell roadedtt otrt of Eden" lfiaybe. ]Vho knorvr?
Retailers ought to cany more hardwood lumber in stock, said I-.,eroy Stanton of E. J. Stanton & Son, hardwood distributom, at a recent Hoo-Hoo luncheon at the City Club in Los Angeles.
A few well arranged specimen panels of hard.wood. flooring and finish frequently will help a retail dealer in selling a complete house job, declared Mr. Stanton. Many of the progressive retailers now are camying stocks of hard.wood. flooring, and reeently more of them have begun to carry hardwood finish.
"The averege home-builder," he explained "wants hardwood in at least two of the rooms-the living room and dining room-and the dealer who would cater'to the wants of his customers is going to stock up with the goods to meet this demand."
The average dealer or wholesaler handling only softwood. stocks knows little of the perplexing problems that oonstantly confront the hardwood specialist. The big harclwood yards in San F ranciseo and lros Angeles c-arry as matry as 25 tlifierent varieties of wood in stoek. Some of them are not ealled for nore than once or twice in a year, but the progressive dealer must eany them all the same.
Ilardwood is a slow-moving commodity, compared with the soft*oods. The first eosts average substantially higher. It must be earried in stock longer, hence a heavier investment. As the turnover is less frequent than with the softwoods, the costs naturally mount hishe-1 As most of it is shipped a long distance the freight is a big item.These are some of the things that enter into the cost and keep the hardwood dealer constantly explaining how he determines his priee.