2 minute read
Own A Home
The man who travels all around And ne'er acquires a foot of ground, Or from the town that gave him birth, Goes forth, and visits all the earth, WilI fincl, when at his journey's end He hacl no time to make a friend. Ancl all alone must ope the gate, Of life's last dr.ror, and face his fate. Ancl likewise whose money's spent, For other people's homes, in rent, Ile, also, is as insecure, Ancl finds elsewhere as great a lure, As he who travels on his way, Here yesterday, and there today. But you will find in every town,
That those good men who settle dowu Anal build a home and keep a pup Are always those who settle up And pay their bills right on the dot, And keep a lien from house and lot. 'Ihat man's a citizen worth while, The banker greets him with a smile, The butcher cuts a chunk of wuerst And. says: "Just pay me on the first." The grocer sends him sack and can His bill is good with such a man, And favors he will always show To hin who owns a bungalow. The moral of this little pome Is that it pays to own a home.
I The O'Malley Lumber Company of Phoenix, Ariz., has / just purehased property in EI Paso, Texas, to be occupied. V by the Southu estern Sash & Door Company of EI Paso, - rvhich is eontrolleti by the O'Malley interests.
e Corlett Planing Mills at Napa have just been purcfased by Fred W. and CarI Jaekle of that city. The new ners, who are well known in their comm\rnity, already ave taken possession and are making plans to continue the business with energy and enterprise. The Corlett plant is one of the oldest manufacturing establishments in Napa, having been started more than 40 years ago.
The Anchor Lumber Company is the newest enterprise to establish at Long Beach. The concern has leased the property of the Craig Shipbuilding Company. The company will specialize in the manufacture of stueco lath.
The Hammond Lumber Yards at Eureka have been taken over by the firm of Jacobs, Ackerman & Crozier, contractors of that city, rvho are installing mod.ern planing mill machinery. They will manufacture sash, doors, m'ouldings and other planing mill prod.ucts for the trade of Eureka and vicinity.
There has been a wond.erful change in the lumber situation of the Unitecl States since the first of JuIy, 1921. At this time last year production was at a low level, the market was sickeningly weak, most mills in the country were running at a loss, and. there were three-quarters of a million men out of work in the lumber industry alone.
Totlay the mills are running at top speed in every district of the Unitecl States and in every species of lumber, and in many places there is a decided scarcity of labor. The production of lumber for the first six months of 1922 will rival the best years the industry has previously known, and it is unquestionably true that more wood.en HOMES have been built during the first six months of this year than in any other six months in the history of the nation.
The box factory of the Hutchinson I-rumber Company's new mill near Oroville now is practically in complete -operation. Three saws now are running in this part of the plant alone. ft is estimated that nearly 100,000 feet of lumber are run through the box factory every day. The entire uew plant, which began operations late in May, has been running successfully from the start.
The finest way show what some on earth to show other man HAS what one DONB. man may do, rs to