1 minute read
Rondom Items-Mill Run
The Fruit Glrowers'Supply Company is very proud. indeed of their big white pine mill at Susanville, California.
The mill itself has been in operation for some time, but the details ancl high lights of the plant and town are still being completed.
For instance, they have just completed the handsome and commodious Club House for their employees which is doing much to lend interest to the lives of their employees and their families. In this CIub House there are a danee hall, billiard rooms, library, reading rooms, etc., all clelightfully fitted up and equipped. The employees themselves ofricer and operate the club.
They have likewise recently completed for their employees four attractive apartment houses, diviclecl into three and four room apartmnts; a spacious dining hall seating 400 men; four men's d.ormitories of 28 rooms each, and other modern conveniences.
In the woods operations the men are fed in well equipped dining cars, and the woods crews also have the special convenience of cars equipped with shower baths ready for their use when work is over,
This mill has its own dairy farm, the products of which the employees have the beneffts of, the ranch having a splendid herd of Holstein cows to furnish milk and its products.
The sawmill itself is one of the finest in the country. It is equipped with two bands and two gangs, and cuts 120,000,000 feet of lumber annually. A big box factory is acldecl to the thoroughly mod.ern and complete milling, dressing, drying, and shipping equipment.
The general office of the Fruit Growers' Supply Company is in Los Angeles, and the general lumber ofrices are in San Francisco.
X'. B. Hutchins, of Los Angeles, is General Manager of the Company, and B. 'W. Adams, of San Francisco, is Manager of the Irumber Department. '
Country Boy-It's about fifteen minutes' walk from here.
Mr. Eomeseeker-Fifteen minutes? 'Why, the advertisement saye five.
Boy-'Well, you kin believe me or you kin believe the aclvertisement, nister; but I ain't
E. N. Strawn, for many years a well known retail yard operator in Southern California and for the last few years engaged. in other activities, has returned to the lumber game and. recently took over the Ilyde Park I-rumber eompany. The company has been reorganized with Mr. Strawn at the head and is doing a good volume of business.