2 minute read
Man and His Shelter
K. V. Eaymaker, of Michigan, came to California last month to talk to the real estate and other business men of San Franeisco and 1-,,ss Angeles on the vital subject of home OWNING rather than home RENTING.
THE CAI.,IFORNIA ITUMBER MERCHANT heartily ind.orses the work of Mr. Haymaker. One of its chief works will be the proaching of the home owning idea, and its relationship to the lumber industry.
'We believe that more home owning, and less home renting are our very greatest national needs, and that the lumbermen have taken all too small a direct interest in the work of seeuring homes for people, and we are told that this is true in California as elsewhere. It is reportecl that many times in this good state, the local lumbermen have been the last to join "Own Your Own flome" campaign movementg.
Antl yet,-the dearest thing to the heart of every right made man or woman-next to cherishing each other and the little ones that Providence has sent them-is the desire for a home. It is a charm that creeps into the hearts of rich and poor alike; a bond of kinship between those who labor and those who are blessed with this world.'s goods. To own a home ! To say as you return from your day of toil, whether it be from, the field of waving corn, or from mahogany desk-THIS is MY hearthstone-is a sentiment so filled with goodness, and so free from alloy, as to deserve the name of blessed.
The ancient love of man for his shelter has gone down into song and story from ages that are dim with the dusk of the past. The HOME that holcls for woman all the tJeasures of her mind., her heart, must continue to be the guiding star of the wise-men of the future.
To be PEDDITERS OF BOARDS is a little thing, un- touched by sentiment and unsoftened by the imagination, To be HOME BUILDERS is a title that knows no peer.
I-TUMBEB makes no appeal. Nor does any other raw material.
But in its completed, ffnished state; in the things it will MAKE and DO ancl CREATE, it possesses a charm that lentls itself wonderfully to the advertiser and the salesman.
"Own your Own llome" is a slogan that grips antl sttraets.
The Lumbermen's Reciprocal Association, of llouston, Texas, is now operating a California ofrice at 476 Monadnock Building, San Francisco.
This organization was created in Texas a number of years ago at a time when the rates charged the sawmills of that state for liability insurance were prohibitively high.
A number of the biggest and nost aetive mill men of Texas grouped themselves together and created. this reciprocal organization for the purpose of inter-insuring one another. At first it was eonffned to the many big mills of its creators. Then, by virtue of the splendid service given, it spread to Louisiana, then Arkansas, and then to all of the other Southern States, where it has built up a magniffcent reputation as an insurer of lunbernen for cost only.
It now has invaded the west and has some splend.id aceounts in the state of California. It hopes to become as big in the West as it has been in the South:
Its entire personnel is of the highest and ffnest character, ancl it is an organization in which any lumberman may safely repose his confidence.
George R. Christie of Eouston is Cleneral Manager.