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Rondom Items-Mill Run
4 A. IraRDwooD ExErBrr arrBAcrs lvtrlry vlsrrI I ORS-IS EDUCATTONAL AND ATTRACTTVE
j / Scores of visitors continue daily to inspect the exhibit of I f the Los Angeles hardwood distributors in the Metropolitan \.1/ Building, Fifth and Broad.way.
I This exhibit was installed last February by six of the leading wholesale ffrms of Los Angeles, and has been a mighty big success from the start. These ffrms are: E. J. Stanton & Son, C.'W. Bohnhoff, W. E. Cooper Irumber Co., Western Hard.wood Lumber Co., American Hard.wood. Co., and the California Panel & Veneer Co. It is in charge of F. C. Cook, an experienced hardwood. man who explains the numerous attractive details to the visitors.
The entrance to the exhibit is through an imposing doorway of old, black walnut from Tennessee, with ornamental pillasters and panels of the sane aristocratic wood.. The room itself is finished in panels of Central American and Philippine mahogany, with a fine display of doors and. panels of quarter sawed oak, straight grain oak and Southern figured gum. AII doors and panels are of natural or standard sizes.
The ceiling is paneled. in birch with a mahogany finish.
The floor is of lr/2-inch quartered oak, with parquetry effect, caused by a l-inch strip of walnut set 12 inches apart for a bord.er. This is intended as a hint for usage in dining rooms or living rooms with or without small rugs.
A convenient raek contains 80 panels of various species of commercial hardwood.s, showing the possibilities of the painter's brush. For example, some of the mahogany is finished Iike maple, some like fir and so on.
The exhibitors invite retail lumber clealers visiting in Los Angeles to call and look it over. Nothing is sold there, and no prices are quoted. It is instructive and. educational entirely and is doing a lot to interest people in hardwoods. Architects, engineers, contractors and prospective homebuilders also are invited.
Andrew F. Mahoney, well known San Francisco ship operator and. Iumber wholesaler, left a few days ago, by automobile, for Portland. Ile also will visit other lumber centers of the Northwest. Mr. Mahoney is one of the important factors in the cargo movement from the Northwest to California. It was one of his vessels, the Rose Mahoney, that brought into Los Angeles harbor last spring, the record cargo for size. It measured. 3,000,000 feet and was distributed. in Southern California and. Arizona by Fletcher & Frambes, his LoS Angeles representatives'
E. C. Gearhart, nanager of the hardwood department of the Ilammond Lumber Company, has returned from'a trip to Memphis and other hardwood centers of the Midclle 'West. He visited some of the prineipal hardwood mills in Louisiafi6Fkansas and Tennlssee and reports stoeks at most of them short with logging operations tlifficult on account of last spring's floods.
We $rades
carry a Full Stock all and sizes of WOCO QUALITY
3 Ply Oregon Pine Panels in our Los Angeles warehouse. Quick service in carload lots from the factory at Tacod Wash., also at your servide.
THEWHEEIER, (|SG|I(|D G(|. of California
LOS ANGELES 16th andLong Beach
Fires in the Northwest already have done much d.amage to camps and mills. The situation is serious. Without a quenching rain soon, billions of feet of timber will be destroyed, as well as many mills. Among the mills already destroyed are those of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company at Wendling, Ore.; Cameron-Hogg Lunber Co., at Bull Run, Ore.; Murphy Timber Co., at Banks, Ore.; Delta Shingle Co., Florence, Ore.; Faulconer Lumber Co., Skamania, 'Wash., and University Shingle Co., Portland., Ore.
A. R. McCullough and H. J. X'agan of the McCulloughFagan Lumber Company, have ehanged. places for a month, Mr. McCullough going to Portland and. Mr. Fagan to San Franeisco. In this way each gets some first hand knowledge of som.e of the other fellow's grief and can call it a vacation if he wants to. Mr. McCullough is taking advantage of his presence in the Northwest to visit some of the mills in Oregon and'Washington.