1 minute read
The Lumbermans National Bank of Houston,Texas,
To WhoDr It Uay Conoetn3
I an advlsedl that t[r. foQ.Dloure, of thls 0lty, conteuplates the establlslu€nt ancl publloatlon of a lunber Jarrnal on the Iaolflo Coast, sald publloatlon to be slnllar to the Gulf Coast Irrnbennanf now ownetl andt publlshed by lF.Dlonne ln thls City.
t have for the pstthlrty years or rbr€ kept ln close touoh wlth the dlfferent lunber publlcatlons of thocountry, anil foel safe ln saylng that no perloalcal of thls oharacterr North or South, has sornrecl the lunber lnterests more lntelllgently and offoctlvely thau has the Gulf Coast trumberman, referrecl to above. Mr.Dlonle has for a number of years ftlled acceptably the posltion of Secrsta.ry of the lumberrens Assoclat ion of Texas, ls now Presldent of the Lurnbernans Club of t{suston, and atands hlgh tn our comnrnlty as a cltlzen. Ho ls the best all around. ttlumbor nevrspaper man" I have evor'lotown. In fact, he ts a llve wlre In that Ilnc, aggfessive yet practlcal, a olose stud.ont of lurnber condltlons anl unusually acqrrate ln hls concluslons. t thtnk the lurnber lnterests of the Paclflc Coast fortunate ln the fact that Lir. Dloturo haa deoldedl to ostabllsh the publloatlon referred to.
Siuoh oourtesles es nay be ertentled lfr.Dlonno w111 be .appreclated by hlnselfras rreIl as the rrnderslgnett.