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Weaver Roof Gompany Now is Operating What is Assefted to be Most Etficient Plant in U. S.
(Extract from Los Angeles Times, June 18, 1022)
Jrut rounding into full production with the firgt unit of the new plant at the northwest corner of Elauson svenue and Iron -street, the Weaver Roof Compann presided over by Sylvester 'Sleaver, last year's president of the Chamber of Commeroe, &nnounces its readiness for corylete service, after maintaining a partial service siuce flre deotroyed its downtown plant last winter.
Ite ffrst unit new building now occupied and in full operstion, is 300 feet long by 60 feet wide; is of cgncrete, stee-l and hollow tile construction; has monitor roof, concrete floors, and with its equipment of new maohinery Mr. Weaver declares it to be the most mod.em and nogt efricient rooflng plant in the United States.
- Itis building comprises the machine room, wa,rehouse a,nd other uses for which other buildingr and facilities will be provided from time to time, on the couervative basis of re- -invested ea,rningt. Thu investment in the busircss at the present time, in-buildingt and equipment is obout $200,000. hmployment is given to 110 peoPle.
Iihe new mtchinery, largely automatic, turns out o perfect roll of felt roofing every twelve leconds, or cbout 1,600 rollr a day; a roll being three feet wide and tbirty-si: feet long. Besiids this roofing output a carload per day of felt building p&per also i! produced, and other products such as felt rhin -gles ana asbegtos materialg.
The roofings comprise plain or smoot\ sanded, red slate, green slate, and. asbestos. Slate shingles, in both the red and the greeq also are made of the same mrterials; building and insulating paper and saturated felts also in large quantitieg. Annual turnover is well above $1,000,000 in these conmodties, vrhich is distributed through the lumber and building trades to all the Paciffc States, with good begrnnings of huge erport business with South and Central America and ilexico, New Zealand and Australia.
The ofricial gtafr of the Weaver Boof Company comprises: Sylvester L. TVeaver, president and general manager; W. B. Koehler, vice-president; C. A. Aikins, secretary-treasnrer; E. F. Boesche, sales manager; \ililliom Fletcher, superintendent of production. The ofrices of the company will remain at the old location, 3:19-41 East Second street.
Mr. Weaver declares that Los Angeles is now equippe{ through the new plant of his compann with facilities for rooffng manufacture superior to any in the United States, in both quality of roofing and efriciency of production, and th&t \rith his return to aotive participation, after giving the city a year of his life as president of the Ghamber of Comnerce, he proposes, jointly with his associates, to toke every advantage of the great developnent of domegtic and foreigl trade facilities, in building up a rooffng manufaature that will reflect the imprtance of the industrial and maritime nscendrncy of Lor Algeles md Soutbern Oolifornio.