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How Lumber Looks
With the building permits considerably lower than for any previous month this year, this resulting of course in lower sales by the yards, the wholesale market has not reacted as it no doubt would have at any other time of the year, than during tlre surnmer months that always show a slackening in building. July and August are usually quiet, especially in retail circles. The reasons for this are obvious.
ln Log Angeles, up to the night of the tenth, the total number of building permits authorized was 14O2, these to a value of but $3,905,445.00.
Reports coming in in regard to the dealers' attitude indicate a general optimistic view for fall, and a confidence that will result in larger orders being pLaced. At thiE wridng, less stocks are being offered than for some time iast. For a few days random commons were at an ebb, and tten bounced back to prices that should remain as normal until the big buving resumes. Cutting orders are not so hard to place as they were tlvo wee&s ago, and the price seems to be practically the rame as at that time. One mill representative was heard to remark that in his opinion the strong factor in the Califonria market from now rmtil fall, would be green clears. That the mills, a large majority of them, are cutting logs that are not producing the quantity of uppers that should result, causing what, in his opinion, would be a ticklish situation in case the buyers were extra active for a few days. Shingles are not in demand, and will no doubt be lowered in the retail market before the end of this month. Lath have not changed materially, and the demand seems steady, orders being placed for immediate requirements.
The hardwood market has stiffened, flooring especially. For a few days stocks were offered at much lower pricel than had prevailed for several weeks. About the first of this month however thia condition waa changed, resuhing in a much steadier situation in this line. The fir mills in the past week have kept their production at about thc same figures as for the week previous. Reporting members give total production of IOT,OOOTOOO feet, and thcir orders 8lrOOO,00O feet. This is a dropping off in ralcr of about IO,OOO,OOO feet, and the cut b'ut 5rOOOr00O below the former figures. Their shipments reach about the same totals each week; this report shows ll3rOOOr(X)O feet. The members of the West Coast Lumbermens Agociation had unfilled rail orders for nearly 6rO(X) cars.
In the south comparative figures show very little change. 134 reportinC mi[s produced 76,000,000 feet, with their sales showing 58,O(X)rOOO feet, or about 23/o below &c cut. Shipments were but 8/o below the production.
The redwood mills have increased their production in the past week, the last figures showing a weekts cut to bc well over II,OOO'OOO feet, with ordets reaching right close to the usual weelis sales of around 8rO(X)r(X)O fect. They shipped a little better than 8,OOO,O(X) feet. Jrut one-half of the redwood sold during this period was for delivery in California.
Lagt minute reportr on tte arrivals at San Pedro, dir. close that up to the night of the eleventh, 55 veceelr bed docked; canying 72,(X)OTOOO feet of fir end redwood. Of there, 46 were cargoes of fir and 9 carried redwood.