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Mrs. Conner's Latest Delightful Advertisement LUMBERTALKS mo.\il.s.
Casa Guadalupe
Oh, little house at Guadalupe, How long ago it seems Since thoge old Spanish days of ease, Siestas, carnivals and dreams; And yet you're waiting there today 'Where golden sunlight o'er you streams.
At night, oh, casa Guadalupe, Beneath fair luna's light, \ffith old adobe walls agleam, And windows still and white, You call across the tide of years And waken memoriee of delight.
The waving of a fragrant fan, The tinkle of a light guitar, The fountain'e splashing serenade, The song of mocking bird afar, The crimson peppers on the wall, The burning rays of one great star.
'Tis but a dream; for naught rernains Of those dead days, save thege gray walls And this old roof where mosses cling, And winds moan low, and shadows fallThis time-scarred roof that sheltered those Who heard the first insistant call.
Of "Goldt Goldt C,oldl" that shattered all The idylls of a passing day And thrilled the hearts of youth and age With tales of toil and ruder play. Ah, old, old roof, thy hoary shingles mock At man and his brief troubled sway. -A. M. C.
Some time ago Mr. A. J. Russell of the Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, offered $75 for the oldegt wooden shingle in California. Mr. Smith of Santa Maria won the prize with a shingle from the roof of an old adobe house at Rancho Guadalupe. The O. W. S. is 74 years of age, having been in continual use since | 849. It is of rawn redwood, time scarred and mo$ covered, but still able to defy the sun and the rain.
Casa Guadalupe ie now the property of the Druids' Lodge of Santa Maria, and is used regularly. The adobc wallg are thirty inches thick, which reminds us that the builders of that day used much mud to keep out heat and cold, and calls our attention to the fact that a well built frame house is far more weather resistive than one made with ttricker. walls but of moigture absorbing materials.
The O. W. S. contest is over'. Mr. Smith has the money. Mr. Russell has the aged shingle. You have something to think about when you need a roof, and we have nice, new, time-defying redwood shingles to sell.
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Main 711 ( Seven-Cone-Eleven)