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Directors Of National Lumber Manufacturers Association To Meet In San Francisco
The directors of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association will meet at the palace Hotel, San Francisco, on July 25 and 26, Wilson Compton, of Washington, D. C., sec-retary-manager of the association, announces that the tollowrng matters will bi considered at the Directors me'eting.
1. Financial Condition of : National Lumber Manufacturers Association. National Lrmber Manufacturers Association Inter Insurance Exchange. National Lumber Marufacturers Association Credit Corporation.
2. _ Report of Publicity Activities.
^ Publicity and Adverlising program.
3. Standardization.
Progress towards standard sizes for lumber yards. Pr.ogress towar.ds perfecting mechanical lumber markrng.
Progress towards standard yard lumber and structural timber grades.
4. Scientific and engineering developments afrecting the use of timber.
5. Methods of conducting statistical exchanges by Lum- ber Manufacturers Associaiion.
6. Forestry legislation.
..7. Pending and prospective Federal and State Legisla_ tlon.
8. Developments in Federal taxation.
9. Constitution Anniversary Association.
10. National.transportation-iastitute.
John W. Blogett. of Grand Rap,ids, Michigan. oresidert of the association, will preside at ihe meeting] R.'F. Ham- matt, secretary-manager of the California Redwood Association, and S. S,towell Smith, secretary-manager-of ttre California White and-Sugar pine Associaiior,, ".E in charte of the arrangements for the meeting.
Mark Lillard To Take Long Deferred Vacation
.M-r. I{ark Lillard, well known and popular Los Angeles wholesaler is about to depart on a vaiatio:r trip,to lasi for some time. He will leave about July l5th, accompanied by Mrs. I illard, going first to Del Moirte, San Frantir"o "rri Lake Tahoe and, from there will roam over the country 25 their fancy directs, with no particular place as the objec- tive.
Mark states that this is the first vacation that he has ever taken and that he intends making it a good one. He is takilg his three most prized possissionsltis wife. his car and his. golf clubs,-ard in his-own words: ,,Doesnit give a darn when he gets back."
Mr. Lillard is the Southern California representative for the Whitmer Jackson_Company of Albuqueique, N. M., and for the Nicolai Door Company, of Portland. ^
New Wholesale Office In Los Angeles
The Booth-Kelly Lumber Company. who recentlv opened an office in the Central Buildihg,'Los Angeles, i1 now actively in the field. Mr. H. C. Claik, their r6presen- tative for many years in the Sacramento Vallev. is in charge and reports a cordial reception on the part'of dealers on whom he has been able to call. This-comipanv is well known as large and thoroughly responsible mbnufacturers ard they are assured a li,beral patronage.
First Raft Arrives At Benson Lumber Companys San Diego Mill
The first of four rafts that will be brought down this vear 91'- tttg Benson Lumber Company, arrived at San Oieg6 on July 3rd.
Containing over 5,000,000 feet of iumber in addition to about 100,0m lineal feet of piling, this huge floating toresi has created a sensation alorig thi waterfr6nt in the" *oitern port.
Mr. Fred C. Hamiltott, tsr piego Sales Manager for the Benson Company, states that sincl the arrival of tfri"-trje shrpment, their company has had numerous dem,ands for special cu,ttings, and-thai they will be in a position to tJ; care of this business, promptly.
^ tt. R. Isherwood, of S!, Louis, secretary_treasurer of the Uoncatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo, w:as t'ire guest of honor at a luncheon held at the Commercial Club, -San Francisco, on Ja.ly 2. .{.."ry Faull, vicegerent of the Bay District, was the presiding officer and Mr. Isherwood gav'e an inter_ gstjng talk on the activities of the order. Sin-ce Septe,mber 1, he stated that ll84 new mernlbers have been admitted to membership, and. 387 re-instatements have been received. He referred to the progress being made in organizing Hoo- htoo L:lubs throughout the cou:rtry an,d statCd that fifteen clubs have been organized up to the present time. In regard to the work being carried on by-the order on Re- forestation and Conservalion, he outlined the progiam of the work and advised that a great deal was beingiaccom_ plished in educating the public mind on these i p..t""t problems. He asked that a large delegation from: Caiifornia attend the annual meeting to be held at New Orleans on September 8 to Septembei 12, inclusive. He said it "i.lrt_ orate plans were being rnade for the meeting, and in addi- tion to the regular business s.essions, on" tay would be spent inspecting the large mill of the Southern furnUer Company, at Bogalusa, I ouisiana, where they would be guests of the company. This is Mr. Isherwood,s first trio to the Pacific Coast ,in two years, and prior to his arrival in California, spent about two weeks in the Northwest. O; the evening -of July- 2, he was the guest of R. A. Hiscox, p-ast snark of the universe, at a dinner at the Unton League Club. Mr. Isherwood left for Fresno on July 3, where-hi visited with Senior Hoo-IIoo, C. D. LeMister, after whidr he proce_ede.cl to I-os Angeles. Mr. Isherwood plans to re- turn to St. Louis about the middle of the month.
Elrnroje King, of -the King Lum,ber Co., Bakersfield, was a San Francisco visitor around the m,iddle of the month whene he_spent several days calling on the Bay District dealers. Ife was accompanied rorih by his ta:milv. whs will_spe_nd th_e next three or four uleeks, visiting relatiues in Northern California.
^ A.. R. McCullough, of the McCullough-Fagan Lumber Uo., has returned to San Francisco after spenting several days in Oregon on company business. tie .rrisilea tt eir Portlaad office and also spent some time at the Whitnev Lumber Company mill a[ Garabaldi. The McCullougiiT"ry_l- I.-umber Co., are the California representatives-of the Whitney Lumber Company.