1 minute read
of color \ in this shingle
-blended fron hny gems of slate"
Did you ever stand close to a fine oil painting and see nothing but confused spots of color? Yet when you looked at it from across the room, these spots blended into the beautiful strades of picture.
On this same principle, nature has created a hitherto unknown rooflng color in €late, and an entirely new slate-sirrfaced shingle is the result.
If you closely examine this new wealhercd Drau shingle you will see thousands of ti-ny 'slateseach one closely overlayrng the other. Stand across the room and vou will seeone inimitable tone as beautifirl asrusset meadows in November.
The rapidly growing poprlarity of this new shingle makes it excellent to recommendtoyourcustomers. Architects are enthusiastic at its unique color effects, espetially when it is blended with other
Richardson shingles of jade green, tile red, or black pearl.
A super-shingle
Weatheredbrownis used exclusively on the Richardson Super-Giant Shingle-a unique roofing product which in addition to its beauty, offers you an unusual degree of roofing sen'iceability. For example, its greater size (10'x 14) saves 35lo in cost of laying. lts @6 greater thickness makes it last much longer. And, its100/o greater stiffness keeps it risid in all kinds of weather and mak6s the whole roof twice as firm.
Moreover, its inner materials, feltandas phalt, give conclusive evidmce of itsendurance. Richardsonfelt, as you know, has for the last fifty years been recognizedasthe best. And the asphalt which goesintoitisof the highest grade raw materials refined exclusively by the Richardson process,
From the malurs oJ Flc4+ t;le Hotts.tobs, Vishalt M.mhaw bud, aniJ sirnild Protlucts
Prooe the tacts yourself
A super-shingle indeed, when you weigh itspointsone by one! Firstabsolutelv exclusive color effects. Second-'unusual dimensions which give added life to the roof at / less in cost of laying. And finally-exceptionally high test standards in its materials.
These definite talking pointsespecially the exclusive color effects -will bring you new customers. And, of couise, Richardson SuperGiants are equally good for new or "over the old roof'jobs.
Send forour beautiful new color, chart, together with samples of Richardson Super-Giant Shingles in weatlured broun and. other colors. Whatever your roofing need there is a Richardson product to meet itfrom lok-Top Asphalt Shingles to Rubbertex Roll Roofing with Pyramid Kaps. Just use the coupon below.
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Icklmd (Cincinnati), Ohio Melroe Park (Chica8o) , Ill. New orlo' Is