1 minute read
By Jach Dionne Age not guaranteed-some I have told for 20 years-some less.
Higher Up On the Hog
One Sunday morning in the early winter, Old parson Jones stepped up into his prilpit, putted his gold-rirnmed spectacles down over his nose, sized up his well filted church in a very serious manner, and then began:
"Breden an sisten: Ah got sumthin Ah wants to talk to youall about, an Ahm goin to do it befo the season gitr any oldah. Las wintah every time th froot came an yornll went out an killed yer hawgs, Ah natchally expected to git me some poke. But all Ah eveh got all wintah was jus pigs feet, pigs feet. Ah got go ti'ad of plgs feet Ah couldn't look a hawg in th face. An what Ah wants to announce to youall right now IS, thet if yo,uall expecks me to preach in dishere congregashun DIS wintah, ahm jest nachally goin to have t' eat higher up on the hawg-'61s all-HIGHER UP ON THE HAWG!,, lT's