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65/o of his average weekly earnings-not exceeding, hor{ever, $20.83 per week. 'This is figured out according to e formula which is specified in the law. In addition to this payment, he must be furnished with full medical attentioh ind ample provision is made for permanent disability and death.
The passage'of this law supplanted all previous laws of negligence and the act specificially applies to all labor petformed, e*cept lab,or which is "casual and not in the course of t.he trade or business of the employee" tnd "do,mestic service and all {orms of farm service."
Each employer is subject to the act unless the employment be casual, as defined in: the act. This definition is to an extent important. The act provides that where work is to be completed in not exceedihg ten days and the total labor cost of doing the job is less than $100 the work is casual. Therefore, any person, firm or corporation undertaking any work at a labor cost in excess of $100, 'or which will take more tlhan ten days to perform, assumes an obligation to pay compensation. His obligation can only be avoided by the purchase of Compensation ,insurance.
The law specificially states that licensed insurance carriers must under the terms of their policy assume the entire responsibility of the policy-holder, direct to the injured employee, and the policy must be unlimited in its amount.
While the carrying of insurance is not compulsory, the terms of the law are such that it virtually amounts to the
(Continued on Page 16.)