3 minute read
Fun, Facts and Filosophy
Kind Hearted
gpr dog just bit a piece out of my leg, Madam." lqd you mentioned it. Now I won't have to feed him."
Screens And Plans
Tire lumberman was very wise
He didn't want to "swat the flies," [\r dead flies always have a look, $Ih"tt one has smashed them with a bookT\et isn't pleasant to be seen;
.And so he bought himself a screen dnfl hinged it up before the door.
"Ah, Hu !" he said, "they'll comle no more, N{ longer will I have fe 5rlvxfI n$ the wise gazabe-'e1'fixf ?"
Bqt lust to have t'he screen could not Uqttfn the place of daily swat, Unlhil, indeed, 'twas given o'er, Tq dq the thing he'd bought it for.
Ald eyerr day with jovial grin,
This thgt we say may make you smile;
But thinb it over for a while
And see i{ you have then the face
To say ittg different in your case.
You bought some plan books as an aid
To help you sell. Were you afraid
To "swat the sale" and make it stick?
Or did the labor make you sick?
How is YQUR screen? Did you try hard
Or do you let the other yard
Cop sales that wo'uld have been yours-ifTwixt screens and plan books, what's the dif ?
The Kind He Needed
"I went a black suit" said the solemtr faced customer, "something of a strong heavy material that will keep its shape and last for a number of years."
"You don't want a suit, sir," the modern clerk assured him, "what you have in mind is a cofifin."
Youth is not a timte of life; it's a state of mird.
It is not a matter of ripe cheeks and supple knees; it's a temper of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of emotion.
It is a freshness of the deep springs of life.
Youth means temperamental predominance of courage bver timidity, the appetite for adverture, over the life of ease. This often exists in one of fifty, as well as one of twenty.
Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear, and dispair in these are the long hard, years that bow the heart and turn the cringing spirit back to dust.
You are as young as your faith-as old as your doubt.
As young as your self-confidence; as old as your dispair.
A Hint To Time Wasters
As a gentle hint to those who drop in during busy hours of the day and take up the time of both them,selves and their hosts, one of our friends has stuck up a black lettered sign near his desk, so that it is in easy sight ofl his visitors, which reads:
"Yon breezy pine, whose foliage shades the-springs, In many a vocal whisper, sweetly bings." (Theocritus)
Oh, when I am safe in my sylvan home I laugh at the pov/er of Greece and Rome; And when I am stretched beneath the pines Where the evening star so holy shines f scoff at the pride and lore of man, At his Sophist school, at his learned plan, For what are they all, in their high conceit, When man in the woods his God may meet.
"There should be flowers, 'green g'rass, w,hite stones, gravel driveways, square piles, signs, straight fences ard clean bins in a lumber yard. The office should be the best looking ofifice in the town. None of these necessary essentials require very much mroney. Most of them simply require am,bition and a little elbow grease.
"Until the lumber dealer becomes a merchandiser vdho understands the value of DISPLAY-until he realizes that he ,could get the business in his tou/n without competition by exercising a little ingenuity in making his yard a place of beauty instead, of a scrap heap-until he realizes !ha!-lte must do with his stock what other successful merchandisers lhave done with theirs-lumber yards will not come into their own."
By R. E. Saberson, ol Thompson Yards.
So Are Many Of Us
Beggar-"Help a poor cripPle?"
Paisirby-"Ilow are you criPPled ?"
Beggar-" Financial1y."
What this country needs -is more work on the young biz-and more $rins on the old phiz.
The Wood Core lVall Board
"Great Stuff to lJ[ork with"
That's what builders say of Compo-Board. It does not chip, crack or break oft in handling, it saws and nails like lumber, and never leaves a frayed edge. The large 4foot-wide sheets save time in building and insure a neat, tight job.
No unpleasant come-backs. CompoBoard does not shrink, warp, buclcle or pull away from the nails. It has the strength to stand hard knocks, wear and rough use.
Compo-Board is non-moisture lbsorbing, and insures better protection against heit and cold than a plaster wall a foot thick.
Takes Ary Decoration
Does not require panel strips. Can be papered, painted or kalsomined. Get the genuine. I-ook for the wood core. Made and sold for 30 years.