2 minute read
Kindly Expressions
One gear ago toilay we publisheil a page of letters, aII wishing succ€ss and growth to The California Lumber Merchant. The following are some lhal were rcceiveil after the Birthdag /ssue was published.
"I want, to tay that in all my forty years of lumber cxperience I have never aeen a brighter, cleaner, more artirtic make up than that of your last issue." (Henry Riddiford, Lor Angelec.)
"Some time ago you asked me what I thought of THE CALIFORNTA LLMBER MERCHANT. The best boost we can give you ir to say that youn is the first Lumber Jourad we have ever formd interesting enough to read from cover to cover, and we found the Birthday'Issue no exception." (B. W. Bookstaver, McCullowh Fagan Co., l^oc Angeles.)
"We wich to add our little n(xe-gay to tte verbal bouquets with which you are accurtomed to being ghowerg{. If it-b€ tnre that the neal god of commerce today is the Satisfied Curtomer, &en we are indeed privileged to sip arnbrosia with the elect on Olymptls. (E. B. McClellan' Parlier Lumber Co., Parlier.)
"Congratulations. She's a Peach." (telegram.) (George Schnitzer, Houston, Texas.)
"The Frost Pine group extend hearty congrahrlations on thic your fint annivertarSr." (telegram) (R. B. Bearden, St Louis.)
ttBully good paper.t' (A. T. Show; Los Angeler.)
"I think it is a fine magazine and I enjoy it very much." (Geo. C. Vaughan & Sons, Wichita, Kas") jjTh"_ birthday issrle wa1 a wonderfut job of trade iour- *Uq from every viewpoint.', (W. M.-Be.*,-S"r-f,; clsco.,
"K"ep up the good work. Califomia needed you and you lure are filling the need. The Birthday hsue was the fine* I have ever seen, anywhere." (H. L. Rorenberg, Hipolito Screen Co., Lor Angeler.)
"I have always enjoyed the California Lumber Mercbang in fact I read every issue from covcr to cover. Yours is the only trade journal that I how of that you cen do this. Your last inue, the 'Yearling' ir the best one I ever read." (F. M. Connelly, Woodhead Lumber Co., Loa Angeles.)
"This ir to acknowledge a copy of your Birthday Edition. You surely did get out a splendid issue and we qrngratulate you.tt (H.F. Hossack, Security Hotrsing Corp., Los Angeles.)
"Your Bi*hday issue was splendid. In fact I alwayr crrry every i9su9 of the California Lumber Merchant, home. The whole family enjoys it." (A. R. McCullough, San Frencirco.)
-"The Bi4h_{1v Issue was a wonder{ul one." (R. F. Hamrnatt, California Redwood Assn., S." E-r"l;-i' -
- 1'F"_ -B-ythafv_ Issue was a knock-out. Tbe personnel 9f the C,alifornia Lumber Merchant should b"-;-6;-hrhtJ 91 settins out such " 1u* issue." (C. M. M"ttd-W;; States Lumber Co., San Francisco.)
_ ll4 "9"v_ beautiful_paper. We are all so proud of The Califorrda Lumber Merchant I have to lat<e ;h;-h";; i; "."q it. _It_--i" 4tirg us real service "rd-fi[" ; ffi-f"it want in Califonda. I am certainly pleared with th;Eirth: day l*ue." (Char. R. McCornrlat.l
. "Greeting and congratulations on thie anniverrary. ,Nott_ ing -sucgeeds like success' is well attestJ i"- tfru'poridl.n attained bv- Ihu california Lumber Merchant .rtri "rrJ per cent of the lumbe_rmen of California during it" -aini year of existence." (Curtis Williams, Los Argei-ec.t ---
"Would not miss a copy f3r a great deal" (J. H. Baker; Waterloo, Iowa.)
"The Birthday numf,et wer quite an ircue. The Mer- chal! bal rurely rnafe wonderful growth in one yeer.'?
(A. E Trower, Trower Lumb; Co., San Fra;ds;)
"The Birthday krue wal a beautiful number.r'
(J..Waltcr Kclly, Char. R. McConnick Co., San Frencttco.
- "!h9 Birthday lrcue was ve,ry good. We like The Celi- fornia Lurnber Merchant ver5r much and look forruard to itr coming into the office."
(M. L. Euphrat, Wendling Nathan Co., San Francirco.)
^ i.Tf.-9"!hday lreue w-ar fine. .I surc enjoy getting The Cdifornia Lumber Merchant and read "n'e,ry i""""-fr; cover to coyer.tt (Wdter Madill, McKay & Co.)
. .l'Th" Birthdey Iscue war very nicc. I enjoyed reedinC it tt
(Rod Hendrickron, Hendrickron Lbr. Co., S. F.)
"We take pleasrne in encoleirg check for rcveral rubrcriptione to 'The Leading Lumber Jounml.' Your effortr are- certeinly dererving of the signal 3ucser you have achieved and chould merit.tlre heartv, cooperation of evety lumbcrraan." (Exeter Lumber Company)