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Help Your Service By Living Up to Slogans
From the last Bulletin of ttre California Retail Lumhermens' Association
^ Wise ma-xims jotted down on our rounds as displayed in California lumber offices:
David Harum said: "It ain't a bad idea in the hoss business anyway, to let the other fellow make a dollar once in a while."
"The customer must be satisfied t"
"Live Bees don't waste much time with artificial flowers.,'
"Work is the best thing ever invented for killing time."
"A foot or a million."
"SERViCE-That's US !"
"Rumors are never the truth-somebody simply imagines them."
PAUL BUNYAN LATH, eheathing and lath combined in one piece. A p.tfect bond for stucco. A rolid iob of rhcathing. One letc item of material to bgy. Reduces cot.
"We treat you on the square the year round."
"Dependable as the Falcon."
"Those who never do dny'more than they ger paid for never get paid for any more than they do."
"Ffom tree to consumef."
"Keep the market steady."
"A deed to a homre is a certificate of citizenship."
Billy Sunday says: "The renter who sings Home Sweet Home-is kidding himself an,d serenading his landlord."
"Headquarters for Homes."
"A m'odel is just a small imitation of the real thing."
Building lumber and FinfutL Factory Lumbcr. Pattern Stock Wide dears and uppers for &ainbcrde and chelvmg. Siding and Moldingr, Lath and Shook