4 minute read
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Our French Door
We mahe a full line of Screen Doors _ plain and three panel-French Doors, and Panel Doors. We make all these doors blind mortise and tenon, the strongest door manufactured. Also White Pine Mouldings. QUTCKEST
Our products are all rrade from the sofest and lightest White Pine on the American Continent--weighs only 2000 lbs. to the | 000 feetbetter than the famous old Michigan Cork Pine.
6O2 Central Building
'We are particularly proud of the quality of our White Pine windows, all made with PUTTY ANCHOR in the GLASS RABBETT. The Whitmer'Jackson window leads the world. Plain Screen Door.
HIGHEST QUALITY education, everything that America has and that the Chinese want-. And still there are Retail Lumbelmen wiho will not advertise, will ;not put in a display roorn, will not have a Plan Servico or a Seruice Departmcrrt- yet they claim to be progressive and if anyone should,mention the fact that they were as far behind, the times as the slumbering Chinese they would be absolutely ,insulted or wouldn't recognize the fact that they were the one that was meant, but would think it was the dealer in the reighboring town-
(Continued from, Page 19.)
Do you see what I mean, Mr. Dionne? I guess it will have to be that we Progressive Retail Lumlbermen will just have to let the old Conservative Lu'mberman die, die, die, (because we really don't believe in murder-and it would srake an expensive funerall) and then the present younger generation ard the generations to come will form the Great Progressive American Retail Building Material Dealers Association with every Retail Building Material Merchant in America working for better homes, better manhood and better womanhood.
The tearing down of the wall around, the City of Canton, China, the building of a moder:r boulevard around the city in its place, the building of two straight streets across the city, one hundred and seventy-five feet wide-and other streets eighty-five feet wide, until they have twenty-five miles of paved streets in the City of Canton alone. might well represent the Retail Building Material Merchants of the U. S. and the rest of China, the Retail 'LUMBER Yards !
It is the same kind of a problem that China fuces-yet ours is so simple in compar'ison, dire tearing down of the old and the building up of the new, and we won't have to wait so long becausd I think if enough 'propaganda. is spread around, hard enough, often enough and thick enough, even the "Old Fossiles" will come to life a:rd we won't have to wait for them to die.
And so Dr. Chew sees the dawning of a New China-I see the dawning of the New Era for the Retail Building Material Merchant. What do you see ?
P. S. Don't you think in most 'cases this same thing would apply to the Wholesale Lumber Dealers as well? I DO!

G. E. Brown, president of the Strable Hardwood Co., of Oakland, accompanied by Mrs. G. E. Brown,,have returned from an extended eastern trip which carried him through the hardwood region of the Mississippi Valley ard to other points of interest along the Atlantic Coast. Mr. Brown entered the hardwood production district at New Orleans and spent about thirty days in the Mississippi Valley, inspecting and purchasing hardwood lumber for his Oakland plant. In sumrnarizing conditions as he found them throughout the hardwood region, Mr. Brown states that the hirdwood demand,, although not as strong as it was prior to March 1, is holding up fairly well and that prices have not shown much weakening, except in instances, where the mills were ,over-stocked on special items. His itinerary carried him to New Orleans, St. Louis, Nashville, Memphis, Cincinnati, Columbus, Chicago, Detroit, Washington, and other eastern cities. The return trip west was made over the Canadian National by way of Vancouver, B. C., Seattle and Portland.
E. L. Fifield, popular San Francisco wholesaler, is on a two-weeks' trip in dhe Northwest calling on hlg m'ill connections in OrCgon and Washin,gton. During his abse:rce, his special representative, O. F. Folsom, is looking after the affairs of the San Francisco office.

Rod Hendrickson Does A Little Ranching
Rod Hendrickson, prominent San Francisco wholesaler, is back on the job again after spendieg a weeks' vacation at his ranch niar Santa Rosa' He is displaying several photographs showing the activities around the ranch, and when iuirounded bl his bunch of jtrsey heifers, Rod sure does look like a typical ranchman-
L. Kraemer, of Washington, D. C., Building Code Expert, with the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, is spendi:rg a few weeks in California, making a survey of the ;building code situation. After spending a few days in San Francisco, he left for Los Angeles, by way of Stockton and Fresno. He will return to San Francisco to attend the Directors meeting of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association on July 25 and 26.
J. H. Holmes, president of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., has returned to San Francisco after spending the past five months traveling in South America. Mr. Holmes'itinerary carried him to Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Panlma, Porto Rico and Cuba. Mrs. J. H. Holmes accompanied him on the trip.
Frank Trower Spending Vacation In Oregon
Frank Trouler, of the Trower Lumber Co., San Francisco, accompanied by Mrs. Trower and their two children, are spend.ing a three-weeks' vacation in Oregon.- 'They are makihs Portland their headquarters and are making many interes"ting side trips out from that point. They made the trip north by automobile.
Fred Golding On Vacation Trip
Mr. Fred E. Goldine, of the Fred E. Golding Lurnber Company, wholesalers of I-os Angeles, has left for a two weekl auto trip through the northern part of the state.
Mr. Golding *"t iccompanied by Mrs. Golding and t'heir two sons.
We are proud of the fact thr of experience, yet it is composed er tttg photographs show.
Ten years of cargo and twer qualifies us to render the degree of business.
Ask The Yards 1
Astoria Box Co.
Bryant Lumber Co.
Crossett Western Lumber Co.
Douty Lumber Co.

Multnomah Lumber & Box Co.
So;rth Portland Shingle Co.
Stimson Timber Co.
'West'Waterway Lumber Co.
The Whitney Co.