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our entire organization is one of young men, as the accompir!years of rail experience particularly upon which we have built our
Heat Proof rr Cold Proof r- Sound Proof With One Material- CEL OT EX !

is INSULATING LUMBER. It ie made from bagar8c, or cane 6bre. This fibre is felted and interhced into a tough, rigid, board, having great structural etrength.
Scientific Construction Makes Good Buildings Better
No one today, who ie interested in building a home can longer afford to ignore the value of insulation in the walls and roofs as protection against heat and cold.
The common practice of constructing buildings with ordinary wood sheathing and building paper, to shut out heat and cold, is gradually giving way to the use of the modern-day material-Celotex Insulating Lumber.
The scientific procesr, uaed in converting thc cancfibrc, from which Celotex is made, into building lumber cauaes it to dcvelop miriarda of minute air cells, forming its remarkable insulating quality. Its strength ac gheathing h"" lieen fully terted by leading engineers, proving that it is auperior to wood gheathing when used for thir purpose. Besides replacing wood sheathing, Celoter is alao a plaater base, eliminating lath, an interior, exterior finigh, and sound deadener. Insulation against heat and cold is combined in all ita useg. Celotcx makes buildings better.
Dealers Profit
Some live and up-to-date building material dealer is going to secure distributor's rights in your territory. You cannot afford to overlook this opportunity. It means money to you. For completc infrmation address: Wholesale Department, Western Celotex Company.