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Osgood Lumber Company Opens Lynwood Yard
The Osgood Lumber Company opened their new yard at l,ynnwood last week. They have built modern sheds and offices, and have a very attractive establishment.
The second fire in three months at the San Pedro Lum' ber Company's harbor plant, occurred on July first.
The blaze was caused by an explosion in a saw dust bin, and caused a loss of approximately $10,000.00
Arizona Lumbermen Attack Lumber Rates
Rates on lumber and mill products from various points into Phoenix and Alhambra, Arizona, are attacked in a complaint filed recently with the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce.
The com;plaint alleges unfair and discriminatory rates, allowing an advantage to dealers in other parts of the state.
Mr. Chas. R. McCormick, president of the Chas. R. McCormick Com,pany, with other officers of the company, spent a few days in San Diego and vi,cinity recently.
Eagle Rock Lumber Company Plans Improvements
Mr. Emil Swanson, of the Eagle Rock Lumber Company, Eagle Rock has puriirased the property that hc has been leas'ing for his vard and will proceed immediately with various improvements to the establishment.
Another Good Man Peeved Over Iphone Change
Now comes the populbr and versatile B. W. (Bobbie) Byrnes, of the Western Hardwood Lumher Company, Log Angeles, announcing in tones and language also- versatile, that they are the victims of a change in their'phone num; bers. This change business has grown into an epidemic ih Los Angeles, making it hard on the switch board girls.
When calling the Western Hardwood Lumber, use the new number: HUMBOI-DT 5633.
Moorehead Buys Interest In Modesto Yard
Mr. Charles C. Moorehead has purcsased an interest in the yard at Modesto that he rhas been managing for the past nine years. The company will now be known as The Irwin Lumber Company.
Notice has been filed of the co-partnership of S. J. Irwin and Chas. C. Moorehead.