2 minute read
Sellitg the Kind of Lumber That Holds Customers
HE retailer who has been casting about for something that will tie customers to him may find the answer in the lumber he buys and the way he buys it.
Many a'lumber dealer has discovered that when he"sells"the quality and service value of hislumberhegives his customers a definite reason forcoming to himwhen theyare again in the market. These retailers have found that their best business getter is their own stock and their o\iln service. Just as they have found that the confirmed price buyer is nobody's customer.
Every year finds more and more lumber dealers looking at the sale of lumber in this light. And putting their stocks in shape to meet this enlightened demand. They have found that it doesn't pay to experiment in their buying. They concentrate their pur' chases among the concerns who deliver saleable, uniform lumber, car after car' year after year.
These retailers know iust what type of lumber their local contractors and carpen' ters want for each particular use. And they always have it for them because theirlumber is always uniform in type as well as in grade, size and pattern.
What is more, these retailers do not have to contend with the boneyard evil. The lumber they have is saleable and in demand.
They can always depend on getting a clean turnover on their stock.
HE Weyerhaeusermills are equipped to render a complete service to retailers who want to do business on this basis. They are doing it now for hundreds of {ealers,: The Weyerhaeuser timber holdings and perrnanent mills, coupled with the Weyerhaeuser quality standards , are a guarantee of a uni' form lumber supply for many years to come.
The first policy of the Weyerhaeuser mills is to make high-quality, uniform lumber and deliver it to the retailer in saleable condition. The entire personnel of the Weyerhaeuser mills works to this one otandard. Not a detail is overlooked in the making and ship- ping of the lumber.
Every process, every machine is perfectecl for the production of highquality, uniforrn products. So that the dealer will never be forced to make excuses to himself or his customer for his stock of 'Weyerhaeuserlumber-so that he will find it all saleable at a profit.
It Teyerhaeuser
YY lumberisavailable to retail dealers through the Weyerhaeu ser salesman. You will find the Weyerhaeuser repr€sentatiye a good man to know. His first principle of selling is to help you. To aid you adjust your stocks to meet your local demands-to see that you are covered on your requirements { th" right time and in the right way. Part of his duty is to see that you are satiefiid with every stick of lumber you buy of hirh.

The Weyerhaeuser salesman knows personally the personnel of each mill he represents; he knows their stocks; he knows juptwhat they can'do for you. He is a riran who understands the buying aswell as the selling of lumber. The mills have confidence in him. They rely on his iudgment; they fulfill his promises to his trade.
If you do not know the address of our local district representative, a letter or wire to our nearest branch ofrce will put him in touch with you at any time.