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Smoothness of Shingle Butts Is Important,
sayE theRite-GradeInspector
fD ED Cedar Shingles are invarlably storred in I\ piles in the yard of the retail lumber merctra,ni The customer inspecting str,ingh stocks thus sees only the ends of the bundles-in other words, the "butts" of the shingles.
This is one reason why it is mighty important to have srrlooth sawn shingles. Shingles rnay be otherwise excellent in,manufacture and grading and still have a very Poor appearance if the ends of the bundles are rough.
In my inspection of Rite-Grade rn'ills I p1y nar; ticular attention to smooth sawing of both "butts" and "faces." The report of each inspection which I send to the main office o'f the Rite-Crrade Shinsle Association cbntains a record of the smodthttes" of all shingles inspccted. If shingles are not up to the.Ritc-Grade standard of smootlrness thc mill receives a warning from headguarters.
And in compiling thc monthly rating of Ritc'Grade rnills a wcigirt 6f twenry-fivc pcr c-ent is givcst to smoothness of "butts" and twenty-five pcr ocnt to smoothness of ."faccs." .In brief, Rite-Gradc Inspected "ttittlt"Ji" addition to bcing "t9"tly up to gradc and "f fitt covering capacity-nnrst bc up to a reasonably high standard of smootihness.
Thoso of us who are bired as Ritc-Gradc inspoctors are oflen humorously referrcd 1s as "linot lrole de@'ctivcs."
A- b"n; "a-.- might bo '"'guardrans of Rite'Grade ;;ii6:t our iob is to prdtcct the repnrtation of fiitrsf"" bearing -thc Rite'Gradc Ins,pected trade-mark.
Henry Building, -Seattle,, Wash.
Who Said There is NoSentiment in Business?
When a man works hard and saves every penny for years in order to build a homeWhen he and his family have to forego many of the niceties of life so that they may have a snuggery of their very own in the years to come- will give that home a permanently eatisfaetory overhead cove"iog. The menwho makeit stake their reputation on its eervice. Your conscience is clear when you sell esVeatser" Roofing.
It's a moral certainty you want to be as' suredbeyond peradventure of a doubt that what you supply for the building of that home is going to stand the test of time.
Weaver Roof Company
Syhsester L. Weaoer
Broadway ?84 Loe Angeles