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Lumber By-Products, North and South
From Shasta's Lofty Summit to Coronado's Silver Strand.
soNoRA HAs NEw LUMBER yeno t
Hale & Symon, general merchants of Sonora, have taken over the retail lumber business of the Standar'd Lumber Co. at Sonora. The Standard Lumber Co. have carried on a retail lumber business at Sonora for over twent retarl lumDer tluslness twenty years ln conjunction with their mill operations but recently decided to hand this branch of their business over I recenrry oecloe(] to Hale & Symon.
, J. H. Stutz, formerly connected with the Coos Bay Lumber Co. at B,ay Foint, has been appointed the San Joaquin Valley representative of the comrpany with headquarters in Fresno. Mr. Stutz will succeed Ralph Duncan, who recently resigned to accept the position of manager of the Halsted Lumber ComDanv's Fresno vard.
_ T'h" Hilgard Lumber Company, with headquarters in Chicago, Illinois, have open,ed offic.. in the Monadnock Building, San Francisco, where they will carry on a general wholesale lumber business in hardwoods and white and sugar pine. Their San Francisco office is under the management of W. F. Barwlick, who for the past several years followed the lumber business in the northlvest with headquarters in Seattle.
STATEl|Et'IT OF THE OWI{ERSHIP, MAiIAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., BEQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, I9I2. Ot Tho Callfomts Lumber Merchant, published B€ml-monthly &t Ia ADgelos, Cslltonls, lor Aprll 1, 1,923, gtrtc ot Calllomia County of L8 lDgeles, s. Befolo me, a Notrry Public in and lor tbc Strte snd county sforesaid, per- sonally app€ared Phll B. Han, who, hering b@! duly Bwom &cordlng to law, doDos€8 and says that he ls the Mrnaglng Editor ol the Callfornl& Lumb€r Merchant 8nd that the following is, to tb€ best of h18 tnovledge and beliet, a true statem€nt of iho ownership, manrgement (and lf r dslly D&D€r, tbe cllculstlon), etc., of the aforesald Dubllcatlon lor lho date shom ln th€ sbore csptlon, requlred by the Act ol lugust 21, 1912, embodleal ln sectlon ll3, Poltd Lsp8 rnd B€8ulstlon8, prlnted on the reYene ol thts lom, to-wlt:
1. lthet tho names rnd addre88es ot th€ publlshsr, €dltor, msnsglna edltor, and buginesE maDagers re:
Publlsher, J. C. DloDno, {08 Fly Blds., I4s lnael€8, Csl. Edltor, J. C. DtonDe, {08 Fay Bldg., IaE AnspleE, CsI. llsnrdng Edltor, Phtl B. grrt, 108 X'ay Bldc., f,os Angeles, Cal.
2. That the om€rE ale: (GIvo nam6 rnd rddr€sses ot lndlvtdusl om€!a, or, if a corporatloD, giv€ lts name and tho n&ea rDd rddreB&s ot 8t@hholders ownlna or holding I D€r cent or more ol tho totrl rmount ol 8t@k.) J. C. DlotrDe, omcr, 408 tr'ay Bldg,, Ir8 .Ang€Ie8, Cal,
3. That the knou bondholders, mortgag€os, snd oth€r s€curlty holdcn omlng or holdlng 1 lEr cent or moro of total amount ol bonds, mortg&€Es, or other s€curlties &re: (Il there eo nono, so rtat€.) NoDe.
Hink Visits Southern California
Henry M. Hink, of the Dolbeer-Carson Lumber Company, San Francisco, was a recent visitor to Los Angeles where he spent a week looki,ng over conditions in the redwood market in Southern California. He states that their mill is openating ,to {ull capacity and that the construction of their new mill is progressing rapidly.
4. That the two p&ragrapbs n€xt rbore, gtvtng tho nu€s ot the omerg, Etoclholders, and security holder8, lf any, contsln not only the llst of st@kholders and security holdcrs as they aDp€ar uDon the books ol tho compeny but al8o, ln cas€s Nhere the stockholder or securlty holder aptrears upon the books ol the compeDy s trustee or ln any oth€r flduclary relatlon, the nsme ol t}lo p€rson or coR)or&tloD for whom 8uch trustee 18 actlnS, ls glven; slso that th€ said two par.graDhs con- laln statements embnclng af,nent's full lnowlcda€ snd b€lt€f rs to tho slrcumstances ud endltloDs under vhich stchholders sud security holders sho do not aDpear upon the boots of tho company aB trurtd. hold st@k ud securltles ln r caDaclty other thsD that ot r bons flde omor; snd tbl8 alflcant has no leson to bellevs that any otber D€r8oD, &sadiatlon, or @rDorrtlon h4 aDy lntore3t dlroct o! lndlrect ,n tho sald stock, tDnds, or oth€r recurities than as 80 Btat€d by hlm.
5- That the aJer&ge numb€r of coples of erch l8suo ol this Dublrc&tlon sold or dlstrbuted, through the malls or oth€rwlse, to Daid subscrib€rs durtng the st months prec€dlng the dat€ shom above 1*, (Thls lnfomation ts requlred lroE dally publlcatlons only.)
swoln ro urd Bub;cribed bffor€ mo this llrh u"" "t nonllTi$ls Edltor' (SEAL.) (My eommission erplree Juno 13, 1923. (SIg!6d} ANNABEL ATOCI(MAN.