1 minute read
The Home: A Stabilizing Influence
The great need of the world-the crying need of the civilization at this moment-is a rallying point-a STABILIZING INFLUENCE.
And that stabilizing influence must be MENTAL'iI cannot be material or physical, because the day of brute FORCE is passed.
It must be UNIVERSAL-iI must be a FORCE-an influence if you please-that will affect an,d appeal to the entire world-for the entire world is'involved in the present conditions.
It must be ELEVATING. It must not appeal to the baser characteristics of man, but to his nobler ideals.
It must be CONSTRUCTIVE. The world has been fed to repletion on destruction.
Our business is HELPING PEOPLE BUILD-and in and through that business-THAT PROFESSION-we have a means at hand for giving the world a rallying point.
In spite of what may develop this election year; in spite of high costs; in spite of everything-PEOPlE MUST HAVE SHELTER.
You men of the shelter-building industry-your business
BETTER PAINT MAKES BETTER HOMES is the great steadying point of civilization, for it is founded on the HOME.
We havc a print proporition to live lumbcr dcrlen, who dcrirc to lrandle pdnts of qudity and backcd by rervice.
Our materidr arc made forpcoplc ytho lmow what good print will & to imptove the ecceptability of their lumbcr.
A home-owner does NOT recklessly endanger his hearth; he does not de'liberately endorse or participate in radical or extreme socialistic movements; HE IS A STABILIZING INFLUENCE.
There are thousands of you who are definitely connected with the building industry; there are hundreds of other thousands who are indirectly connected therewith; real estate men, furniture dealers, carpenters, hardware men, contractors, painters and paint dealers, gardeners.
But why try to give a list?
Can you mention a single man in YOUR town who is not vitally interested in HOMES? Whose business does not depend on the fact that thete are HOMES in that town?
Can you see what would happen if all the people interested in the building of homes would. realize that fact and co-operate in'the formation of a STABLE PUBLIC SENTIMENT?
Then, as the building SPECIALIST busy and mobilize that sentiment. your town, get
Preach HOMES: there 'is no finer text.
We sell anything in softwoods that the C^alifornia dealer desires.
White Pine, Douglas Fir, Redwood, Cedar and Redwood Shingles, Split Redwood Posts, Tieg rnd Stakes.
Our connections are the best, atd 0e gioe the best Possfble seroice.