2 minute read
What Is Your Battin$ Average ?
Big Babe Ruth rvill soon be again swatting the ball ! He is hitting it so doggoned hard that the resounding cracks of his b1t are heard around the world.
Everybody nolv knows Babe Ruth !
Can you imagine how thoroughly saturated with CONFIDENCE Bad'e must be rvhen he takes his bat in hand and walks toward the old plate ! He KNOWS he is going to HIT THAT BALL. He feels it' He believes he can do it. If you were to walk to him and ty t9 tell him that he couldn't do it you would probably be thrown out of his sight. Nobody on earth can convince Ruth that he can't kndck that ball-clean over the outfield fence.
And then think a minute about the poor devil of a pitcher who must face the great Home-Run Hitter. Hasn't he a sweet job on his hairds? Here comes Babe Ruth to bat! Forty thousand fans are standing up and screaming for a ho'me run. The pitcher obtains no sympathy- from the crowd. He must face the music. If he passes Ruth he is a coward. If he pitches to him Babe is going to srving that old war club madlv and when ball meets club old man Ball turns suddenly around and starts off in the opposite direction like a bird going south for the winter !
It's a good deal the same way lvith local sales managers in this Erganization. We know dozens of Babe Ruths' They steflright up to tbeiate-and HIT THE BALL' fney SELI-'instead of HIT! That's about.the only differeice. They are just as good in -their lines as Babe Ruth is in his. They have ali the CONFIDENCE in the world in themselves and in their company. They KNOW they are going to connect. Nobody on earth can convince theh thal anvone else has a chance.
The man who is going to be compelled to opp-o-s! them is scared to death. Fe kiows that thty are CONFIDENT' He is as rveak in the fingers as a cub pitcher who is pitching to Ruth for the first time.
CONFIDENCE is a wonderful thing. Saturate a man rvith it and he can lick the world. Babe Ruth has it. Many men in this organization have it.
You can tell a man rvho is confident as far as you can see him. You know it the tliird word he says to yott' If he has confidence in his company and in himself you will soon feel the same way about the company as he does' YOU
CONFIDENCE is brought about by KNOWLEDGE'
When you get to know ithing.well, you soon become confident that you can talk about it to someone else' You soon find out iliat you knorv more about th-e subject than the other fellorv ani that this KNOWLEDGE is going to ' be of SERVICE to the other fellorv and then the rest is easy.
t'o have confidence in vour product STUDY IT ! Find out about it. To have ionfid-ence in the policies of this company you must merely understand -them. If- you do not irnderstand them it means that you have not dug deep enough in the fundamental principles to knorv-rvhy they were-adopted. It is an easy matter to tell whether a local sales mairager has confidence in the company's policies by merely llancing at the manner in rvhich he makes his sales.
Get CONFIDENCE ! Without it yott are lost. Believe in vourself. Believe in your company. If you don't believe get converted. D6n't try to kid 1'oursel.f into believin{that you can really and truly "put it over" and only half believe in rvhat you are doing.
Babe Ruth is CONVINCED that he can knock the cover off the ball rvhen he goes to bat.
You'll find that it rvorks ottt abottt the same rvay in selling as in playing ball.