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Hardwood Firm Holds Annual *
Oakdale, La., June 22, 1925.-The big annual celebration of I{illyer Deutsch Edwards, Inc., of this city, was held here June 19th.
This annual event consists of ball games between the three plants of the company, and its allied company' Hillyer Edwards Fuller, Inc., the plants being located at Oakdale, Mab and Glenmora; follorved by a big dinner given by the two companies to all heads of departments. At the dinner the program consists of a few friendly talks by members of the organization with an inspirational speech by a well known orator.
This year the first ball game \1ras between Mab and Glenmora, the Msb team ll'inning 19 to 9. Mab then played Oakdale, being defeated in an extra inning game 8 to 7. This is the third straight year Oakdale has won the championship. '
At the dinner, at 'which about one hundred men were present, J. B. Edrvards, president of the company, acted as toastmaster. Among the speakers were F. L. Hillyer, of San Antonio, rvho paid a high compliment to the men of the organization; J. C. Burford, who reported for the Safety Counsel ; Earl Dionne, Advertising Agent for the Company, who talked on the importance of the men "backing up" the advertising; and the principal talk was made by Granville Jones, nationally known lecturer and orator.
This rvas the sixth annual celebration of its kind.
Arizona Mill
master of ceremo-
The W. M. Cady Lumber Company, which operates the great white pine sawmill plant at McNary, Arizona, announce that they have been awarded a large government timber tract on a recent bid they made, in the Seagraves National Forest, in Arizona, the first unit of the purchase being 300,000,0@ feet. They announce that they will begin in the near future the erection of a big mill at or near Holbrook, Ariz., where they will manufacture this timber.
They are also planning to begin immediately the building of a complete planing mill and box factory at Holbrook, where they will dry and dress for market the product of their big McNary plant. After the completion of this unit they will no longei dress their lumber at McNary but ship it down to the warmer levels for that purpose'
RAYMOND, 'Wash., July 1O.-Willapa harbor operators are returning to the six-day week following an extensive period of curlailment of production, a census of the lumber mills indicated yesterday. The Quinault mill was the first to begin the 48-hour week again and was followed almost at onie by the Raymond Lumber company and by the Siler Mill- company, operators of the Siler and Hanify plants. The Wittapa m;tt will resume the-six-day week beginning July 6, W. FL Turner, manag'er, has announced.