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(The Clearing House)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for: The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rate: s2.s0 per coturnn inch The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
A well known wholesale and retail concern has an opening for an experienced lumber salesman to work territory in Los Angeles and vicinity. Prefer a man familiar with industrial lumber and acquainted wlth Furniture Manufacturers. Give age, expefie.,ce and salary expected. Address box A-52, care California Lumber Merchant.
LOGGING ENGINEER: Wide experience in R. R. Location and construction, logging layout, topographical surveys and estimates. 12 years' experience in Yellow Pine and Douglas Fir districts. Accurate and economical. References. Address California Lumber Merchant,900 Matson Bldg., San Fiancisco.
I Auditor Or Credit Manager
Man, age 37, thoroughly competent and experienced, wants position as head of credit and collection department of a line of retail lumber yards, large or small. Expert in accounts, credits and collections.
Address Box A-54 care California Lumber Merchant.
Wanted-a manager of proven ability for a yard in Arizona tor^,'n of 30,000. Give references and experience. Address "Arizona," care California Lumber Merchant.
I WANTED-Position in some good California town, by 'competent lumberman, capable in yard or office, 20 yeari' bxperience retailing. Will start in any capacity. Can furpish A-l references. Address 537 care California I-umber Merchant.
Can You Use This Experienced Retailer Who Needs Job Badly
The California Lumber Merchant has a letter from J. M. Ennis, P. O. Box 417 Reedley, California, who is experienced for l5 years in the retail lumber business, says he can do bookkeeping, estimating, planing ' mill or yard managing, but has'a family, needs a job badly, and isn't afraid to work. If you have something to offer him, write him.
Office Man Wanted
WANTED: Young man as estimator, assistant to bookkeeper and general office man. Must know how to use 'typewriter. Give references, age and if married. Address Box A-53. care California Lumber Merchant.
Dimmick Lumber Company
Pacific Coast Lumber
CAR erd CARGO nGDrc.Gltaruva. Port Orforal Ftltc Ocilrr Tgc.t.rr lylltc CGd.r Co. Douglt. FtF--SDncG_Ecnlocl ,. #HrT."jl, r,ti3B?l o.. ---- *.a- c.aJi srr*l.. ' Ooqrrlllc' Orcao! Ccdar Polcr tral Pfllr8
SAN FRANCISCO Tel. Douglar t925