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A StnvPle Test!
Take a piece of smooth surfaced "Weaoer" Rgoting. Bend i!. Observe its flexibility. It will stand more flexing than other roofing. Why?
Because "Weaoer" Roofing is made of the long fibres of genuine rag felt, tightly interwoven. Cohesion is increased by complete saturation with "W eaoer" weather-resisting compound.
Again, take a piece of the ornamental finish type. Try to rub off the coating. It can't be done. Why?
BJcause the slate is processed right into the fabric-made a very part of it -under great pressure and intense heat; not sprinkled on as in the case of inferior roofing.
"Weaoer" Roofing is the product of years of conscientious endeavor. It is definitely guaranteed to endure.
Remember that when your customer lays "Weaver" Roofing he will have a roof that will defy scorching sun and torrential raina roof that. will give the satisfactory servlce you promlse.
A Dealer May Well Be Judged By The Appearance Of His Yard
If your yard is sloppy, it goes without saying that your office and book work and salesmanship are likewise sloppy.
It follows that your business is done in a haphazard manner, that you have trci.uble making settlements, and that there is always something dragging.
A lumber yard is attractive if pains are taken to make it so. It looks like a junk heap if the manager is careless.
It is easy to sell building material out of an attractive looking lumber yard. It is hard to do so out of a junk heap.
The fellow who runs a rotten looking yard is always making excuses. But they are stock excuses. They don't mean a thing.
810 Loew'r State Building MAin 552)-56i21
Portland Garco Building Main 5llf7
Seattlc Wf,itc Buildins Elliott 2go
Mcnbcrr Arncrican Inrtitutc of Accountutr National Arociation of Cort Accountantr
An excuse, after all, is hopelessly inefiective rvhen it comes right down to brass tacks.
It s'eldom gets one anywhere, but just serves to emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
Poorly kept lumber yards stick out in a town like a sore thumb. They cannot be kept under cover.
The lumber yard is one place of business that everybody sees. If it looks good, the townspeople are proud of it. If it looks bad, they are ashamed of it and think little of the manager.
The lumber yard operator has a responsibility in regard to civic attractiveness which many other business men of the town do not have. He can spoil the appearance of his part of town, or improve it, according to the way he handles his yard.
A neat, well painted, well kept lumber yard, is an asset to a community. The other kind is a blot on the communitv. Which kind are YOU running?
Weyerhaeuser Program At Longview To Be Pushed
LONGVIE\M, Wash., July lO.-Preliminary surveys by engineers on the site where the Weyerhaeuser mitt is tt rise on the Columbia river at Longview are under way, accordTg .to A. L. Raught, Jr., manager of the Weyerhaeuser Timber company office here. No other definite-announcements are being made, but Mr. Raught indicated that the company ryoqld push.,forward its local program as rapidly as is practically possible.
It is understood that work on plans for the mill to be erected here is progressing rapidiy at Tacoma.