1 minute read
JackDionne ,futlishu
Incorporetcd mdcr thc hwr of Caltfornia
J. C. Dlonnc, Pree. rld Tru.; Phll B. Hrrt' VlcaPnr.; J. E. Mrrdg Secy. PublLhcd thc l.t rnd l5th of och E6th tt 3l&rr-20 CENTRAL BUILDTNG. L(Xt AIIGELES, CAL., TELEPHONE, Vrlndlhc (tl5 Entcrcd ae Sccond-clar Erttcr SaDteEbat B, ItA rt thc Pottolfica at Lor AnSclce, Califonir' undcr Act of Merch 3' 1E79.
How Lumber Looks
For the entire month of June, the softwood lumber producers of the United States shipped more lumber than they cut, and sold more lumber than they shipped, so the general situation is better than it was June first.
The same is true of the entire hardwood industry, the ,mills having secured more orders for the month than their cut amounted to.
In California things have not done so well as the national situation justified. Plenty of lumber was brought into California and sold, but the price situation remains entirely unsatisfactory. The physical conditions do not warrant what has happenpd, but they often do not. The price of Fir in
Sen Frrlcirco C)Gcc t0ll Mrteon Bld3. Phcnc Dtvcqrrt !51
Southern California has softened slightly in the past thirty days, due largely to the strenuous efforts to sell, and the united front of the larger buyers in the direction of buying nothing they have not immediately and absolutely npeded.
The docks at San Pedro, for instance, contains less lumber than they did thirty days ago, in spite of the fact that the volume of lumber unloading has been great. The water borne lumber that came into Southern California in June totalled 137,000,000 feet, and caused no accumulation.
It is safe to say that the lumber stocks in the yards and docks of Southern California today are below the average in volume.
Those retailers who don't think business is too good in California can be grateful they are not in Florida since the big boom has collapsed. According to a lumber journal publiched there the retail price of lumber in Southern Florida today is less than one-half what it was a few short montrhs ago. Since the wholesale price is practically the same the thing that has happened to the retail hrmber game can easily be nnagined.