1 minute read
This Dealer Sees
-increasing s a I e s oolume based on the neu demand lo, California Redwood
Here is compelling proof of the upward swing in demand for Redwood. The 'West Turlock Lumber and Mill Company says:
"Our sales for the period January I to April I this year show an average ot 49% for Redwood and 5l% for all other woods. (The average for the same period in the years 1922-25 was 37/z% for Redwood and 62%% for other woods.)
"This undoubtedly is partly caused by our Redwood advertising, and if the same percentage is maintained for the whole year it will show an increase in sales of Redwood of scveral hundred thousand feet.tt
Reports of like increases are coming in from everywhere. Be prepared for the new demand. National advertising is now appearing in Better Homes and Gardens, House Beautiful, House and Garden and the Small Home.
Your customers will know about Redwood. They will ask for it. Balance up your stocks of Redwood today.