2 minute read
The records show that in the City of Los Angeles alone there were built during the years 1924 and 1925 a total of 44,978 homes, an average of 73/q homes per working hour.
We are proud to have furnished much material for these homes and hope that 1926 will eclipse that record.
(Continued from Page 10.)
the winter time the, heat rises and escaDes if the roof is not insulated, while in the summer time -an uninsulated roof lets in the heat. Moistite should be applied to the sheathing boards on a roof whether the outer covering is a builtup roof, metal, slate, tile or wood shingle, or a prepared roofing. When re-roofing, Moistite should always be used between old shingles or prepared roofing and the new roof covering. It is especially desirable as a "drysheet" under built-up construction on permanent flat roof buildings. Moistite helps greatly to prevent condensation under concrete or metal roofs.
Moistite for Refrigeration
Because Moistite will not taint food stuffs. it is suitable for dairies, ice houses and cold storage plants. It is valuable'for protecting fruit produce and perishable food stufis, while in the warehouse or in transit.
It is used for car lining now in shipping letttrce, cantaloupes, oranges, lemons and other deciduous fruits to eastern markets.
In lettuce shipping the ice is packed on top of the crates as well as in the refrigerator. By using the Moistite liner it saved about 25 per cent of their icings between here and New York City.
Moistite keeps out moisture and is a resistant to cold, heat, frost and gases. Refrigeration engineers furthermore prefer Moistite because it bends around angles without breaking. Moistite is particularly efficient for the lining of co.ncrete warehouses and for the covering of concrete floors at docks and railroad warehouses where grains are stored for any length of time.
: Pase of Application
When Moistite is applied direct to sheathing boards or vertical walls, or on a roof deck, it is placed horizontallv with a lap of two inches and tacked along the seams sufficiently to hold in place. When applied tolertical studding
Manufactrrer: direct, Moistite is applied vertically with a two-inch lap and , , tacked to.the studs. When gsed under stucco, Moistite is applied horizontally, lapping two inches and over which furring strips are nailed-placed about sixteen inches apart. Metal lath is then nailed to the furring and the stucco is applied.
Moistite on the Farm
The farmer has long wanted a light colored, waterproof sheathing paper-one that he could economically ald easily apply himself, especially for remodeling work around the farm. Moistite answers this need. As a lining for grain and vegetable bins, for the covering of the ceilings of milk houses, and for use in barns, chicken coops and other buildings housing domestic animals, Moistite is ideal for the purpose.

Other Interesting Uses for Moistite
Moistite is effectively used over new cement walks, and also as a covering for new hardwood floors, especially where wet plaster is apt to fall. If ordinary building paper is used, the plaster is apt to seep through and stain the floor. Moistite resists lime, alkali and acids.
Moistite is popular with paper hangers because it can be applied direct to the plaster, and the wall paper then applied direct to the Moistite. The moisture in the hot flour paste cannot go through Moistite and a perfect adhesion is thus obtained between the wall paper and the wall, while the Moistite helps to cover rough places on the wall and thus gives a smooth surface. It prevents moisture from coming through and spoiling wall paper.
Moistite makes a good "tray paper" to spread on the ground where fruit may be drying or evaporating. Moistite does not tear easily and when laid on the ground it protects the fruit from any sand or dirt that might become mixed with the raisins or other dried fruits. Moistite makes a splendid waterproof cover for cold frames in vegetable nurseries where young plants are raised before transplantrng.
Mf. Builder!---

The first thing your prospective buyer sees
We are the exclusive makers of the celebrated "Green
Vertical Grain