1 minute read
By lack Dionnc Age
not guaranteed-Some
I have told for 2O
years-,Some less.
Wives and Sweethearts
He was not an adept at public speaking, and when they called on him at the banquet to give a toast, he wished for the .rvit of a Depew to help him out of the dilemma.
But, unlike some folks r,r'ho, finding themselves facing a situation, try something they are not capable of, and make a "bust" in so doing, he decided that since he didn't know anything clever, he will just give what he did know.
So, it'being a mixed banquet, he said he only knew one toast, and would give that-
"Here's to our wives and slveethearts; may they never meet."
The Toastmaster arose, and said: "A toast? My dear sir, that isn't a toast. THAT'S A PRAYER !"
Three Gr&e ue Prsdtced.