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W"%says \f/ide Colonial Siding
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Some call it ttwide bevel;tt others say ttEaStern Colonialr" or ctBungalowt' siding.
The name doesn't make so much difference, providing the lumber is the right kiid. California Pine Colonial siding is prbduced 8, 10 or 12 inches nominal width, with thickoesses on the- heavy edge of 9.6 in. or % in., and on the thin edge, ftin. ot /a in.
Colonial siding is sold under the samc grades as the relular bevel sidings.
TheseSidines are sradedfrom thefacc side. The thidk ede? is considered oart of the face. Defecls on the thin 6dee are permitted if situatcd so that thEy wilfbe covered.
Below are given thc grading rules for 6'Bevel Sidings. Hofucveri8,ro and rz-inch Colonials permit more defects in the ratio that their grearer widths bcar to the 6n Bevel Si&ngs.
uB" and"Bctrcr" Siding. The first and highest is known as "B and Better Siding." This grade admits of three or four small knots, if well located, or a small pitch pocket, say ,6 in. x 2 in., that does noi go through. Two smaller ones, if a coniiderablJdistancc apart, will alsobe admitted. Pieces may also have a small amount of light itain, slight traces of pitch, or othet minor defects, but no slrious combination of them.
"C" Sidinl. Thc next qradc is 'Co Sidins. Thi"s erade admits of two or threc-sound [nots, oot exceeding 1 inch in diameter, ormorc of thcmwhen they are smaller: also a small oitch pocl.t that does not show throiueh. Medium stain covering one-third ihc face, or a greate: arr'l 5f fighter stain, is admitted, but not in combination with other marked defects. Defects requiring a cut not to exceed 4 inches are allowed in high line pieces rz feet long and longer, but not more than zo per cent of such pieces shall be perinitted in this grade. aeet Forhomesandotherstructuresof thc New England, Dutch or Georgian Co. lonial styles, this siding is essential. It is also vew attractivc whcn used around the bise of houses finishedwith 4 in. or 6 in. bevel siding abovc thc base line. Sometimes thc wide siding effect is carried up to the second flooi of the structure.
"D" Siding.The next sfade is known as "D" sidiig, and wil'i admit season checks, pitch, defective mill work, and a nrimber of small knots, if well scattered over thc f.ace of. the piece, medium stain covering the entiri: facc -if not in combination with othcr defects-and pieces 12 feet or longer may have two defects causing waste not exceeding four inches euih, provided the balance is of'D'and"Betier' quality. Inpieces lOfeetlongorlonger, lequilng one cut, one- of the remaining pieces must be of. nC' Select or "Better'qualiry.
Comcc California Pine Siding is a highly in Ne a t, profi table item for the re"tail vard."Th'e Compaci iengths are good, running larye|y 8 feet Bufutce and longer, though bundles down to I feet may be included in a shipmenr. t*.nty per cent.of lengths bilow 8 leet are permrttecl.
A veryusualmethod of orderingColonial sidings is to ask that they be run from No. r and zClear, CSelect, or D Select lumber; the buyer taking the siding product which thc chosen gradc prbduces.
Aho.{ade While usually made in thc regular withRab- wedge or bevei shape, ^Wpe kiown betted .rso"ily "s "bunqaloi,vt sidine. is made Ddge with irabbett-on the thickldgc.