3 minute read
Kiln-Ihied -Agr;ff*"s
pdo Altr ltumbrt,gonpan?
LUMBER ero BUILDING MATEBIALS aacoa!to. ca!ttoiila
Srnt. Fc Imbc! OoDFrql, 16 C.ltfotf,tr st.' 8an Franoltoor 0.lt'1.
Urloh 26, Lg26 r-----Tllc t t a #2 c@. N. D. glglB o! StSl aa tt ta!, tant ovo! flna. nlo oclllrl8-and rultto sar thc b6!t tr bavo had llnoe tc ltartcd d! ya!6 and we lavo haal roDc ?o!y gooa Batclrtal ftt@ othc! nlll!. rwo can aay the lua of thc Stcp-ptn8 an'l cloar N. O. 948. Eira textulc of the tooal and thc i"ct oi rt botna roft old grolth yollot flrt-rsslc! r .intoun of raiptng and no cnil ohccklng. .ltl. faot Drcvos to ur thet tha trtlnTlTtng l! cotdrQog a! tc irovo takcn 1o6!e! on otho! lub€r thtcb tc Dafle"c ra8 Just a! good bgforc nanutaotultrl8.
E.R.ELLIS of Palo Alto knows -dePenda. bility -quality --serc)ice
Kiln-Dried Fir wins the good will of dealers' customers. There's "Satisfac. tion in 61-sry foot" of our Old Growth Yellow Frr lumber because it is thor. oughly kiln-dried and dressed after seasoning to Ameri. can Standard si:es. All degrades are taken out at the mrll.
nTho #e vo t4lootlng t! Eorc than-.yd lald tt eould be. The faot that lt tr Fradod #2 and botter nakea lt tho bclt tg oan ltry and Lf tr can alley! g.t tt rc wlll bc Pcrfootly satt!flc'!.
tthc mohlnc tolk ls partloulally Sood'n
Vcry tnrly yourlt PAI'OALTOLI'Ii{BER COUPA}IY ailo
Watch these ads and read what others say about this dependable lumber.
(A. !. "Gus" Russell)
Distributors in California and Arizona
So. Ccli/ornia Offce: San Frincisco, ealifornia
General Offces:
Los Angeles, California St. Clair Building
397 Pacific Electric Building
16 California Streit Bruce L. Burlingame, Agent
"sudden Seruice"
General Oftces: Kansas Ciry' Missouri
(Oregon-American Lumber Co., Vernoniar Ore.)
For Public Speaking Three Rules
Stand up to be seen. Speak up to be heard. Sit down to be liked.
"Flello Rastus."
"I{ello Rufus."
"Ah heah yo'all been quarrelin, ovah t, yo' house.', "Yessuh, dat no count wife o' mine am all de time got de habitttHowob'xaggeratin'." come now?"
"She done gone an had twins.', -E. L. Bruce Bulletin.

Seneca To His Mother
The great Rornan philosopher and teacher, Seneca, once complimented his mother in the following words, in a letter addressed to that very remarkable woman herself :
"You never stained your face with walnut juice or rouge; you never wore gowns conspicuously made; your ornaments were a loveliness of mind and person that time could not tarnish."
The World And You
The average man is inclined to believe an old adage to the effect that the world owes him a living. And it isn't true. The man owes the world a life. And as he pays the life, he gets the living.
To apologize
To begin over
To take advice
To admit error
To face a sneer
To be
Lincoln Said
"From this day on I mean to do the best I can. If I am right, time will prove it. If I am not right, ten angels swearing I am right will not make it so.,'
If your customers object to the fees of architect aqd you fear they won't erect house or barn on lines correct, then you must be circumspect. Make your sales talk indirect so they really can't object and a flank attack effect. Thus, you'll quickly recollect plan books treated with neglect. One of them you will select, bring it out with deep respect; let your customer inspect all the plans and then dissect each in turn, the bad reject, finally the best elect and the estimate subjec! to your expert intellect. On the lot the house pro. ject-then the price in full collect-and you will your trade protect.
Bill Was A Gent
A spinster living in a London suburb was shocked at the language used by workmen repairing telegraph lines close to her house. She wrote to the company and foreman was asked to report. This he did in the following way:
"Me and Bill Fairweather were on this job. I was up the telegraph pole, and accidentalty let the hot lead fall upon Bill. ft went down his neck. Then he said_.you really must be more careful, Ifarry.,',-lqnden Daily Express.
"The more you study the question, the more you will see that the true law of social life is the law of love, and law of liberty, the law of each for all and all for each; that the golden rule of morals is also the golden rule of the science of wealth; that the highest expressions of religious truth include the widest generalizations of political economy.',_ Henry George.
To and forget mistakes
Tos Tod deserved blame underhandedness
To the best of a little
To an unruly temper
To fecognize the silver lining
To fccept just rebuke gracefully