1 minute read
n las Firdthe ideal farm lumtbq Lrouglos rtr'4 t
Douglas Fir is easy ro work- any man who is arc uniform in color, take and hold paing varnish, hand] with tools can do a good job with it. As stainrenamel,waxandpossessgrcatbeautyofgrain. framing lgmter, Douglas Fir is-stg1gp9rtran! du1 You can alk real business with tfie Gmrers in your able,-yet light and easily sawed. It holds nails ygll vicinity when your yard is stocked with Douglas Fir and has almost no tendency to waqp, swell or shrink.pt,r."d 6y " p"*nt industry witli a perFor sheds, pens, runways, fences, gutters and other p.tiol supply and J standardized product. You can exposed woodwork, its ttigtt p.tl.trt"g" of heart- itock Douglas Fir yand stock an$ facqilg i, *iq wood maLes it resist tt"'th"tittg "id dttty- perfect safity-6uery-stic! will say bright and Douglas Fir is long-lasting lumbel -stoight-saleable to the last foot" Douglas Fir is equally suiable for interior finish. DouglasFirisobtainableineveryimporantlumber The?lear g".d".,itu"ys furnished for this purpose, marklt it *y required size, shape or specification.
Every lumbec dealec and lu shoud have a copy or "#'*ffi
dbu gla S Fi r
"DurableDouglarFir-America'sPermanent .\,ruEnrcA's pBnMANENt Lunb€r Supply." This o-ntains faca about (-, LUMoaI SUPPLY the great Douglar Fir industry never befote published" It will help you sellnotelunbet
California Hoo Hoo Jurisdictions
For a handy reference, and to show the additions made in the past twelve months, in Hoo Hoo jurisdictions in California, the following list is given, as taken from the last Hoo Hoo Bulletin.
It shows ten Hoo Hoo Districts in the state, each with a Vicegerent Snark and the balance of a Nine, and nine Hoo Hoo Club districts, one more than we had last year.
No. 9, San Francisco, J. C. McCabe, President.
No. 3, San Diego, R. O. Zumwalt, President.
No. 31, Fresno, Frank S. Minard, President.
No. 37, Susanville, J. B. McAllister, President.
No.38, Westwood, Walter Lufi, President.
No. 39, Oakland, Chas. Lamb, President.
No.44, San Bernardino, A. D. White, President.
No. 55, McCloud, B. Lakin. President.
San Joaquin Valley District, L. L. Ealker, Snark, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno.
Sacramento Valley District, Walter N. Baker, Snark, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento.
Northern District, Richard S. Pershing, Snark, Red River Lumber Co., Westwood.
San Francisco District, Fred Roth, Snark, McCallum Lumber Co.
Los Angeles District, Phil B. Hart, Snark, "California Lumber Merchant."
San Diego District, lfomer H. Miller, Snark, Miller McDermott Hardwood Co.
Coast Counties District, Henry L. Wills, Snark, Central Lumber. Co., Gilroy.
San Bernardino District, H. W. Newton, Snark, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.
_Riverside District, J. Wesley Shrimp, Snark, Cresmer Mfg. Co.
Susanville District, Wm. C. Graf, Snark.
Hoo Hoo Clubs:
No. 2, Los Angeles, 'W. B. Wickersham, President.