1 minute read
WhV Park Lane Apartments are equipped throughout with Laminex doors ,1
W E installed Laminex doors in the Park Lane Apartments," says architect E. E. Young, San Francisco, "because themanufacturers back their assertion:'Latninex doors utill not utarprt with a definite replacement guarantee label on every door."
Doors made the ordinaryway arc apt to qrarp when subjected to difference of temperature and climate, dampness in walls and all such conditions. Scipnce shows. that wood contains thy cells or tracbeids, These never change in length, but with moisture, heat and cold, they shrink and swell in width, causing warping. It is this characteristic of wood that the Laminex Process overcomes.
In ,all Laminex doors the stiles and rails are built on a core of interlocking blocks with the grain crossed in adjoining sections. All parts, including the plywood panels, are welded with Laprinex waterproof cement and held under qemendous pressure for z4 hours.
Thus it is thatLaminex is guaranteed against warping and all such troubles which befall ordinary doors. The scientific principle which distinguishes Laminex is being told in a big way to the public through national advertising. Dealers therefore find that it pays to concentrate on Laminex. It's a fast seller; a rapid repeater. Progressive door jobbers stock Laminex. Vrite for name of nearest distributorl and send for our "Help-you-sell" plan and other literature; also samples of Laminex wood to distribute for tests. Sales offces in principal cities.