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An Open Messq,ge for Mr. Geotge E. Ream Kerckhoff.Cuzner Mill Cs Lurnber Co.
If one of your best customers told you tomorrow that he intended plac' ing a large order for wallboard and wanted your recommendation as to thl most satisfactory brand on the market, what would be your reply? We would like to point out to you here four definite reasons why your ansnwer should be "Buttress." Later, one of our salesmen will call to go into the matter in more detail. Perhaps you have always thought of wallboard as just-wallboard. You undoubtedly carry a number of different wallboards, all of them apparently. of about equal merit. Yet there is one that stands above the rest in quality. Buttress, a really superior product that possesses four striking qualities: l. It's stronger.
2. It's more flexible.
3. It deadens sound.
4. It defieg fire.
Our salesmen will bring definite data on these features and also some very convincing testimonials from the trade. Please consider his message carefully. Buttrere Manufacturing Cornpany, 691O So. ALamede St., Lor Angeler, Calif.
Winfield Scott Addresses Hoo Hoo Club No. 9
Winfield Scott, California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association, was the speaker of the day at the regular luncheon of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9, held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, on Thursday, lane 24. He gave an interesting discussion on "Forestry and Reforestation in the Sierras," his talk being illustrated with many beautiful slides of forest scenes in the Pine and Redwood regions.
Austin Black, California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association, was Chairman of the Day.
President John McCabbe presided over the business session. Owing to many of the members being on their vacation during the month of July, it was voted to adjourn the club luncheons during the month of July. The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, August 12.
The following were appointed to act on the nominating committee for club officers for the next year:-Frank O'Connor, Frank Harris, J. Walter Kelly, Frank Trower, and Homer Maris.
A. T. McKenzie, well known California lumberman, died at San Francisco on July 7. Mr. McKenzie was a native of California and was forty years of age. He is survived by his wife, Meta McKenzie, and, three children, Nancy, Alec, and Roderick McKenzie. Interment was at Monticello, California.
Mr. McKenzie was associated with the lumber business in California for many years, and for the past seven years '.vas sales manager of the California White and Sugar Pine Department for the Chas. Nelson Company of San Franclsco.
Carl Hornibrook A San Francisco Visitor
Carl Hornibrook, sales manager of the Hutchinson Lumber Company, Oroville, was a recent Bay District visitor q'here he spent a few days calling on the lumber trade and looking over market conditions. He reports that their nrill is operating to capacity and that the pine market in the east continues to show improvement.
Stockton Plant Burns
Fire destroyed the main plant of the California Cedar Products Company on June 13, causing a loss estimated at $200,000. The plant is located just outside the city limits of Stockton. W. B. Thurman, president and general manager of the company, announces that the factory will probablv be rebuilt at once.
The Arrangements Committee, headed by Garnet Fraser and Oscar Johnson, announce that the plans for the annual picnic of the Bay District Hoo-Hoo are well under way and that a monster crowd is expected to attend the affair at Kendall Dell on Sunday, Augast 22. Announcements will be ofi the press shortly giving a list of the attractions of the day. The committee ur5;e all lumber men, together with their friends and families, to attend the picnic. Kendall Dell is an ideal sport for a picnic and a big time is anticipated for everybody.
Downey Plant Changes Hands
The Downey Building Supply Company yard, at Downey, has been taken over bv the newlv formed Downev Lumber Company.
The new company is composed of W. W. Harvey, R. G. Tryon,and S. E. Moses. Mr. Harvey was for several years Secretary of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club.

Ash - Birch - Maple - Elm - Basswood
Either air dried or kiln dried.
Can be shipped in straight or mixed cars with "KORRECT-M/0\KE' Birch and Maple Flooring world's best.