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Now R""dy forYou and Your Custorners- Wby"rhaeuser l*Proyed Cedar Siding
Weyerhaeuser Cedar Siding is improved siding. Cut from selected timber- fnely manufactured-care{:ully and neady packaged. Better looking than most siding on the market-and the quality is every bit as good as it looks. A Veyerhaeuser product. Made at Snoqualmie Falls.
ERE is an item that you should put right in stock. Weyerhaeuser Cedar Siding sells on sight. It is a repeater. It carries your cedar siding business way be. yond competition. Read all about it on the next page. Order atrial shipment. Display it. Put some push back of it. And watch it sell.
Special Help in Ordering
You don't need to order a carload of Weyerhaeuser Siding to try it out.
Let it come along with some other popular Snoqualmie items of Cedar, Fir and Hemlock and CedarShingles-all Weyerhaeuser quality stock.
CaIl up the Weyerhaeuser man.
Let him fix you up with a Combination Carload including Weyerhaeuser Improved Cedar Siding.
FOR all siding purposes Snoqualmie
L Red Cedar requires no introduction. It has earned a splendid reputation for all exposed uses.
Weyerhaeuser improved Cedar Siding is a special brand of selected Snoqualmie Cedar.
Only the finest strips go into this brand.
Manufactured with preci,si,on-so the sizes are correct and anffirm.
Air-seasoned by scientific methods that bring out the best qualities of the woodand also practically do away with seasoning defects.
Every board cornes out of the planer with smooth, velvety surface-no gouges, waves, or "whiskerg."
Rigid grading, inspection and re. checking.
Every piece of every bundle is usable. Finally Weyerhaeuser Cedar Siding is put up in workmanlike, secure bundles.
The ends of the bundles are trimmed even. A neat package.
Each bundle is marked with the'Weyer. haeuser Brand, the grade mark and the trade-mark.
A fine looking package of fine lumber. The kind of stock the good contractor is proud to have delivereci on the job.
,Sr.sas.' Beael Sidmg, % inch bg 4,5, 6,8 and l0 inches; Bungalow Siding, % inch by 8, L0 and 12 inches.
Weyerhaeuser Sales Company

GloquetLumberCo... -. Ooquet,Minn. BonnercFerryLumbetCr.... BonnersFetry, Idaho potlatchlumberCo. ... pottatchrldaho
.rhe Northern Lumbet C,o. 91"q""., I{P* |l"cy.t rri" Falls LumberC,o. . . . Snoqualmie fdl",Wr"n. Boise Payette Lumber Co. Bofue;Idaho Johnson-Wentworthco..Cloquet,Minn. HumbirdlumberCo...:.. .Sandpoint, Idaho VeyerbaeuserTimberCo..EvetettrVash. wood(bnveEionCo.. Cloquet,Minn. EdwandRutledgeTimberCo Coeurd'Abnerldaho lfeyerhaeuserTimberCo.. BaltimorerMd. Veyerhaeueer Tinber C,o., Minnesota Transfer, St. Paul, Min.. Veyerhaeuset Timber C-o., portsmouth, R. I.
(Continued from Fage 31) tition with the manufacturer, and frequently the wholesaler does likewise.
This "pulling" force to attract 9Qod9 and to control the source oi "oppTy goes still furthei back along the lines of oroduction aita aiJtriUution ;,automobile manufacturers buy iarts plants, Henry Ford buys and builds steel, textile and