1 minute read
The,se Fra.mes Are Nineteen Years Old
EOR nineteen years the wind and water have b... trying f to wear out these window frames, but cannot do itIohn Reichel built this house in 1905, using Andersen 'W'hite Pine Frames. Yet these frames are just as good today as they were the day they were set in the house
The Andersen Frame of today is built of the sam€ genuine 'White Pine that was used in these 19 year old frames.
Recsoas Why Anderlrrlt Ftolnles Ate Prefend:
1. Immediate delivery-no expensive delayr
7. Modern machinery, methodr and rpccielize. -' ;;i;iil-i; special frimes. tion lower costs at thc fector; quickncrc of
2. lZL eies r"aJy for cvefy Purpooe. asrcmbly saver you time, labor and monca
3. Delivered in two comPact bundlcr plainly on the job' marked for eize and eerily handled. & Bcttcr tesul' in framc, brlck or ltucco
4. ? units instead o{ 5?. No rmall patr to be' buildingr. come lost or broken'
5. No eorting, mealyips l_r t{S*:^-Tl: T5 givea continuour rervicc. plete frame nailed up wlth Pocrctl lno iirii!vr'i?i^if"iJii-t""--rttn.*-
9. Whitc Pinc pterewer origtnel eccurecy eod
10. Medc by lergc* crdurive rtcnderd fr.Bc
6.Accutacygivesamoothrunningwindowqmlnufacturct.Thetredc.oarkirebrolutc - iit-"xaudi weathet. ptotcction'
Andersen Lumber ComPanY
Bryport' Minacrote