"Gus Russellts Outfittt SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. If delayed stock makes you nervous, Try Dollar-Portlandts famous grades And our right-now Sudden Service.

"Gus Russellts Outfittt SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. If delayed stock makes you nervous, Try Dollar-Portlandts famous grades And our right-now Sudden Service.
EOR nineteen years the wind and water have b... trying f to wear out these window frames, but cannot do itIohn Reichel built this house in 1905, using Andersen 'W'hite Pine Frames. Yet these frames are just as good today as they were the day they were set in the house
The Andersen Frame of today is built of the sam€ genuine 'White Pine that was used in these 19 year old frames.
Recsoas Why Anderlrrlt Ftolnles Ate Prefend:
1. Immediate delivery-no expensive delayr
7. Modern machinery, methodr and rpccielize. -' ;;i;iil-i; special frimes. tion lower costs at thc fector; quickncrc of
2. lZL eies r"aJy for cvefy Purpooe. asrcmbly saver you time, labor and monca
3. Delivered in two comPact bundlcr plainly on the job' marked for eize and eerily handled. & Bcttcr tesul' in framc, brlck or ltucco
4. ? units instead o{ 5?. No rmall patr to be' buildingr. come lost or broken'
5. No eorting, mealyips l_r t{S*:^-Tl: T5 givea continuour rervicc. plete frame nailed up wlth Pocrctl lno iirii!vr'i?i^if"iJii-t""--rttn.*-
9. Whitc Pinc pterewer origtnel eccurecy eod
10. Medc by lergc* crdurive rtcnderd fr.Bc
6.Accutacygivesamoothrunningwindowqmlnufacturct.Thetredc.oarkirebrolutc - iit-"xaudi weathet. ptotcction'
Andersen Lumber ComPanY
Bryport' Minacrote
First: Ab,solute confidence in ADVERTISING.
Second: Confidence in the Medium.
Third: Confidence in your ability to deliver the materials and rervice that you advertise.
Incorpontcd undcr thc levr ol Crlilorntr
J. C. Dlonm, Pra. ud Tran; Pbil B. Hrt' VlePr*; J. E. llrtla' Scy. Publirhcd th. l3t Dd l5th of ach noth rt |etnn FAY BLDG., LOS ANGELES, CAI- TELEPHONE VArdt {ea6 Entcred u Scod-cls! nttcr Scptrobor 4 lta, rt tL. P6todc. rt Lo Angclen Cdlfornf!, rindar Act of Mrrch ! l!ilf
Subrcription Pricc, $Z.fi) Pcr Ycer Single Copierr 25 ccntr cach.
Northrcrtcrl lO6co
rza Nathr-t r! BL Blds. Pctlu* Orrfc
Advcttirin3 Rrtcr oa Applicrtion
Three weekr ago, maybe four, it wa,r not bard to find lumbermen in their officec. Wholelale rnen and mill repre' tentatives had very little to do and they adnitted it" Today. and in our opinion this it a eplendid indication of bctter dm;, you will find thece fellowr working, and working hard.
They are on tte Phone, are eending telegramr, their steoo' graphere are busy with tnrnifests, etc., and almoct without exception you will 6nd an air of busl activity around thesc offices, that is very refrerhing.
No one will doubt or deny that the lumber rnarket in California is in a decidedlv better condition, .and that each day ree! more improvement.
The actual conditi6ns vary in different partr of the rtatg induced of cource by peerrliar local conditionr btrt we would say ttat as a rtate, up and down the line, buying ir more brfuk, building is picking upr every indication is for a good fall, and the lumbermen are going to come in for their thare
Scvcral large raihoad have com into fhc merket in the hrt two wcclo, pfacing ordcrr fq cer nrtcriel
An advertising campaign to promote the use of gum lumber was decided upon by manufacturers of gum at a meeting in Memphis, June 6. The campaign witl be conducted through the Hardwood Manufacturers' Institute, and as a part of the latter's plan for advertising various species of woods of the hardwood industry.
The Gumwood Service Bureau was formally organized to undertake the campaign which will be maintained through an assessment of 15 cents a thousand feet, log scale, basis 1923 cut. The following permanent committee of five will have supervision of the advertising campaign: H. Curtis Dewey, Chapman-Dewey Lumber Company, Mem- phis; C. Arthur Bruce, E. L. Bruce C-ompany. Memphis; J. B. Edwards, Hillyer-Deutsch-Edwards, Inc., Oakdale, La.; H. D. Love, Turner-Farber-Love Company, Memphis; Morris Cooper, Carrier Lumber & Manufacturing Company, Sardis, Miss.
of the National prosperity that ir irut rtarting. (Sce editorial, ttNational Optimirm Increalertt in this irsue.)
Yardc are placing orderr now at pricer that bave been asked for tfre lart thirty dayr and it cannot bc raid that prices have advanced, yet. It could not be expected that lists would advance this roon, erpecially when there war considerable unrold lumber on the docb. At San Pedro there has been a house cleaning and the wharver can 'aLG care of a lot of lumber in AugurL Cargoer are running lecs to large lots of rough randorn, and there is more uirper grade lumber coming in. f 5-8 latb are rtronger, while tb lt/z are weak. Green clearu are rclling more freely but at low prices, too low.
Thir rhqtd heb thc uplrcr merLctThe eqlort market ir not rpccially r|lil& nil borhcr b iurt about hotdhg itr own end thc bopc for b*tcrna hcrc [c. in Sc solss of 6c farm crope d 6c ncw high pri<s the,t hrvc bcca prcvrfrg tbc lert few &yr. Mu.f, bu bcc! t id of tLG cfft.t thrt thc opcrhg of tbc langvicry phnt uill brvc o tbc Cefiforair nulct. Thir trcmdour dl opcocd &ly 31* It docr not rcco rceroeble to anticipetc 6rt en orgenarS,n li|:c rhc f.og-BCl Lnmbcr Compeny, witt Scir yean of crpcriane lDd thch ability, woold comc into a market ar importrnt s ltL oc' and imncdietcly dirrqt Ahgt, ar bar bccn prcdiclcd ro oftcn lt ir n(xr! [Ldy to rrypcc thet thcir in Califonia will bc cercfr[v leid out, with thir ooc nein thougbt in mind.
Shipmentr for July witl bc ligbtcr thar for Jue. To the nighq of July 29th, rcvcnty-Srec bodt brd docked at Loo Angeler barbor, ca;ying tS millfun ftct of fir and redwoodThe total for the Eonth of Jrnc ruar 1O5'(XX)'(XX) feet.
Buitding in thc Soothcrn city L aclivc and July will see a total of about $ll'0(X)'(Xn.OO.
Thc lart wcc&ly report from thc Wcrt Coert t umbermen't Atsociation rhorvr a wcCCr pr,oduclio of 74,(XX)'(XX) feet and raler nnning to 95'(XX),(X)O. TAis b e geod indication.
The rcdwood millr report a cot of E (XlO,(XlO ftct for thc week and relcr of 4,3(X)'(X)O.
After all Sales arguments are over, the order is placed because of:
l. Quality of Material.
2. Past Performance and Relationship --- between buyer and seller.
3. Delivery---what service can be depended upon.
4. Responsibility and Reputation of Seller.
5. Price.
The Nettleton Lumber Company has an impressive standing and enviable reputation among Southern California dealers for their business policy which places great emphasis on the above Sales Factors.
Southern Sales Ofice: 729 Bank of ltaly Blds., Lor Angebr, er|if.
"Will you.please convey to Jack Dionne my appreciation of your magazinc, not done the Anniversary Issue, but every issue. I read everything in it and the outstanding fact is that Jack Dionne is welding the lumber dealers of California into one fraternity. He is making us all know one another better and is holding up to the lumberman a high ideal of their business as a whole. I am sure that since the starting of The Cdifornia Lumber Merchant there is much better feeling of friendship, cooperation, and good will among all California lumbermen-"
The above is from a letter written by C. H. White, White Brothers, San Francisco, dated July l5th, addressed to J. E. Martin, San Francisco Manager for this journd'
We reproduce it because we are tremendously proud to have won such commendation from such an outstanding figure in the lumber industry of the state as Mr. White and because Mr. White has said for us exactly what we would like best to have said. There is no greater, no finer, no more blessed work than helping good men to know each otter better, to the end that they may.better cooperate and better serve, and this we have tried to accomplish for the lumbermen of California.
The first editorial in our first issue said that we would know no separate districts of California; that there would be no North and no South, no East and no \tr/est, so far as this paper was concerned, but that we would try and sell California to Californians as one splendid commonwealth in which the citizens are one solid citizenship with one common cause, and the lumbermen all enthusiastic followers of the one great industry, serving and building for a greater lumber industry, and for a greater California
Today the lumbermen of the state know a thousand times as much about cach othcr as they used to do. Their names, their faces, their ideas, their activities, their hobbies, their pastimes, etc., have been heralded through our columns. Thc theory of friardly cooperation, intensified merchandising efiort, and abovc dl appreciation of and rccpect for the industry they are in, has been constantly propounded. And it has brought rcsults.
Mr. White's letter att€sts it Hundreds of others have done the sarrrc. Thc good old song says: "1i[/e shall know each other better when the mists have rolled away-" We have been busy rolling avay the mists.
For several years Chas. R. McCormick & Company t/as had exclusive sale in the State of California, of the famous flooring products of the big battery of Weyerhaeuser mills located at Everett, Washington, including two of the big. gest sawmills in the world.
Chas R. McCormick nolv authorizes "The California Lumber Merchant" to announce.that they have made the same arrangement with the great mills of Weyerhaeuser located at Snoqualamie Falls, Washington, and have therefore a much larger supply of this famous flooring to sell than ever before. They have exclusive sale of-Weverhaeuser flooring producis in California.
This additional contract, which they rightfully consider a splendid prize indeed, rvas brought about by the great volume of flooring they have sold under the previous arrangement; and the splendid servicb Weyrehaeuser Floori1g has received in California through thi well-known McCormick Service.
- Weyerhaeuser 4ooring products have made the place for themselves in California that was contemplated by-the Mc9ormick organization several years ago when tliey began handling th_em here. There is no betttr softwood -floor-ing T?de,tlran Weyerhaeuser's. The Fir Flooring is a wonder-- ful product as to grade, quality, machine wolk, and scientific care in manufacture. The Hemlock Flooring is a new product that .is constantly growing in favor ai builders
discover its beauty and its great practical value. It is endmatched, which the Fir Flooring is not.
Every piece of Weyerhaeuser Flooring bears the Trademark-of the-firm, and there is a national advertising selling effort with all Weyerhaeuser products.
In addition to quick shipment from the mills in straight or mixed cars, Chas. R. McCormick & Company cariies this product in stock at it big wholesale yards at Wilmington, Calif., where quick shipment of full carlots, or less, mav be had at any time.
Chas. R. McCormick, of San Francisco, President of Chas. R. McCormick & Co., is on a weeks business trip in the Northwest. He made the trip north on the H. F, Alxeander to Seattle. From Seattle he will go to Loneview, Washington, where he will be present it the opeil- ing of the large LongBell Lumber Co. operations. - He will also visit Portland on company business before his return to San Francisco. He will be accompanied by Chas. R. McCormick, Jr., rvho is at home from Santa Barbara on his vacation and who is gaining his first lumber experience this summer in the company's San Francisco office.
Well ventilatcd sheds in our yard where HARDW@D LUMBER and FLOORING are protected from rain and sun and delivered to you BRIGHT and CLEAR and FREE FROM CHECKS. WE RUSH RUSH ORDERS
Wth the Annual meeting of the Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo but a ferv rveeks arvay, and rvith the expectation of this being one of the largest in point of numbers attending, and most interesting in the history of the Order, it is but natural to be hearing suggestions here and there for the most logical successoi to the position now held by C. D. LeMaster of California, as Snark of the lJniverse.
Charlie LeMaster rvas elected at Nerv Orleans last September, to serve' the year 193 and 1924. He has made a most efficient officer, and during his administration Hoo Hoo has made great strides.
Without doubt the one name that is heard the most often, and the man who is outstanding in the country as the proper candidate, is Ben S. Woodhead, of Beaumont Texas. This gentleman, knorvn from coast to coast as one of the most successful 'rvholesale lumbermen in the country. is respected and admired by all lumbermen. He has been prominently identified in Associational rvork for years,, is i keen level headed business man; his name and profession carries considerable 'rveight in the different branches of the business, and if elected, would give Hoo Hoo a boost and momentum that rvould put it on even a higher level than it stands today.
The publisher of "The California Lumber l\Ierchant" was told by I!Ir. Frank Trorver, of San Francisco that Ben Woodhead would be acceptable to the state of California to head this great Fraternity. N[r. Trorver is a past Snark
Manufacturers of Douglas Fir and Port Orford Cedar. Sawmills, Marshfield, Oregon
Distributing Plant Bay Point.
Annual Production 2(X),(XX),(XX) Feet
GENERAL OFFICES :'rTl ??tj:i:}'t"
Los Angeles Office, to6 ccntrel Btdg.
of the Universe. has been a member of the order for a great number of years, and is known as one bf the men who have given counsel and aid for its betterment.
In the south, through Texas and the other southern lumber producing and consuming states, Ben Woodhead is tremendoirsl/ popular, and iJ being boosted for the distinction. Mr. Woodhead is an uncle of one of California's rvell known retail lumbermen, IWr. Dave Woodhead, of Los Angeles, head of the Woodhead Lumber Company, of that city. Dave Woodhead served Hoo Hoo for two years as Vicegerant Snark, and is the man who has been given credit for putting the Order rvhere it is in one of leading Districts in the eountry.
Harry White, General Manager of the hardrvood house of White Brothers, San Francisco is happily whiling arvay the month of July with his family at "Galawater," their country place in the heart of the Santa Cruz mountains. Rusticating among the beautiful soft Redwoods should prove a delightful rest to "Hardwood Harrl'."
"We all enily your papcr and looL fornrd ritb plcenrc for each hue. Illr. Dioonc'3 ptgc oo the Elrlcr b perticularlv intcfe.ting and helpful"
(FrrDk L For)
Hish C'rade Stoc& and Dircd clrlr ou epecidty.
All doorr madc mortire and teoon
THERE is no better surface for holding it than Redwood.
Puffs, blisters and peeling may be the rule with all other woods, bur they are the exception with Redwood. And there is no other wood that can resist wind and weather so thoroughly withour a coaring of any kind.
Member Milk:
Albion Lumbcr C,ompany
Dolbeer & Carron Lumber Co.
Glen Blair Redwood Co.
Flarnmond Lumber Cor.pan/
J. R. Hanifr Company
HobbsrVall & Company
Homes Eureka Lumber Co.
Litde River Redwood Co.
Mendocino Lumber Co.
Northwestern Redwood Co.
The Pacific Lumber Co.
tlnion Lumber Company
This qualityalone would make itthe best material for home, garage, barn, shed, poultry-house, silo or warer-rrough.
There are a score of other reasons why Redwood should be your cusromer's first choice, but a word to the wise is sufficient.
The following letter is a copy of one that was sent_jqlt recently to all o-f the California Vicegerant Snarks, by C. D.
Dear Brother:
Plans are progressing rapidly for the State wide Concat at Santa Crirz August- 23rd. -Santa Cruz instead of Del Monte.
The State Retailers are co-operating and are assured the Millwork Institute will do like wise.
As soon as plans are complete notices will be sent out from one poin[ to all Hoo-Hoo in the State. Notices will be signed- by all Vicegerents and State Consulor. San Franc-isco ha-s already made announcement of the meeting at the Hoo-Hoo Club Thursday.
Each Vicegerent should start now to BEG HIS KITTENS and we will put Michigan to rout. Get busy now and get kittens signed up whither they are able to go to Santa Cruz or not. 'We can elect and initiate them at some other time and place, and thereby get credit for them this year. Each Vicegerent to have full credit for all kittens from his district.
If you are out of application blanks wire Isherwood for supply at once.
Vicegerent Grifien and High Priest of -Ptah l. R- Neylan are in -harge of arrangemenis at Santa Cruz.
This rvill be the griatest meeting ever staged in Cdifornia.
Do your bit. -
Yours sincerely and fraternallY, C. D. LEMASTER, Snark of the tlniverse.
Mr. W. E. Black, of Dallas Texas, one of the best known and influential wholesale lumberman of the Gulf State, has been in California for the Past two weeks, on a combined vacation sight-seeing and business trip.
Mr. BlaJk is Sec-retary of the W.- H. Norris Lumber Company, large wholesaltrs, who operate offices at Dallas as well as Houston.
They have sold Yellow Pine for years in the south, and have ilso been handling a large quantity of California White Pine and Fir.
Mr. Black visited Los Angeles for a few days, looking up numerous lumber friends, and-then went to San Franciico, where he stayed a week before leaving for Portland and Seattle.
Joe Rolando, the well known and popular California lumberman, has been appointed manager of the large SuddenHeitman Lumber Co. Yard at Third and Mariposa Streets, San Francisco, succeeding S. W. Towlb who resigned on July 1. Mr. Rolando has had a wide and varied lumber experience and is well equipped to fill the duties of his new position. lle was formerly associated with the HartWood Lumber Co., with which concern he spent five years; he rl'as about three years with their retail yard in San Francisco and for the past two years was connected with their wholesale office in Los Angeles. His friends in the California lumber trade are many and in taking up his new work he carries their best wishes for his cohrtinued success.
Dear Sirs:
We are indebted for your address to the Belgian C,onsul at San Franciso.
We should feel much obliged to you if you woutrd hand us an exemplar of your review and let us know the price for an annual subscription.
Yours truly: Rufin & Jacques, Gilly (Betgique).
Officials of the Sugar Pine Lumber Company, at their mill at Pinedale, were hosts recently to a foursome'of Los Angeles lumbermen who made a special excursion to Fresno for the particular purpose of going through this tremendous mill.
Mr. L. H. Stanton and R. McAlpine, of E. J. Stanton & Son, Mr. L. M. Rosenberg of the Hipolito Company, and Phil B. Hart, of "The California Lumbe,r Merchant," were delightfully entertained by Mr. I{emphill and Mr. Baird of the Sugar Pine Lumber Company, and were given the opportunity of enjoying a personally conducted tou! through the mill, from one end to the other, and of having all the details of manufacture explained.
They also journeyed to Central Camp, where this company is falling and loading approximately fourteen million feet of beautiful Sugar and White Pine logs per month, and were there taken in hand by C. H. Smith, Logging Superintendent, who took them for a trip into the woods.
"Pleare bc advircd tbat your megazinc har caured conriderable trouble at our home and tbere ir a fceling *i't to divorce proceedingr betrreen my wife and myrelf, for every time your paper conrcr my wife grabs it and I have to walt from 5 to 1O dayr before I am able to read it at dl, ro it will be either nece$ary for you to rend ur an extra copy or cancel the paper eotirely."
(I-eo Hubbard, Htayward Lumber & Inv. Co.)And still we keep on meeting men who say: "That stuff is all right with others but 'my business is different."'
And in every case it's just what the above title says about it: it's monkey talk. Nothing else.
A rnan who studied eighty-seven forms of business in this country makes the declaration that "I have not yet found one that is unique."
As a matter of fact, the more a business is called unique, the more inefficient it is, as a rule. The more a man thinks he is unique, the less teachable he is, and the less likely he is to improve and develop his business.
Many a man says: "I am a Robinson Crusoe. I stand alone." Hs may sell a little of that to his poor family, but not to other business men.
The truth is that such talk is childish nonsense. It is genuine delusion or comimon swank. All business is funda-
mentally the same. Every sale has four elements and no more.
In every business in the world the object is thc samcnet profit. In every business there is waste, and delry, and planlessness, and sales loss, and preventable leaks.
In every business it is better to study than to guessbetter to learn than to sneer-better to improve than to boast-better to profit by the experience of other business than to think they're all out of step but YOU.
No business is "different."
W. R. Chamberlin, of W. R. Chamberlin & Co., San Francisco, has been in the east for the past month on a business trip. He made the trip east through the Panama Canal on the "'W. R. Chamberlin Jr." which is one of their lumber carriers. While in the east, he visited New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, and Washington. He was was accompanied on the trip by Chas. G. Lynch, of the Blinn Lumber Co., of Los Angeles.
For a quarter ccntury Hipolito Company har rpccialized in making window lcrceD! and creeo doora
Experience has develog:d special machinery and improved methods of constrirction. Volume production bas brought moderate price with good dealer profits.
Inbuilt quality, a principle nevcr lost sight of, has made these screens famous. They do more than satisfy-they please.
"Let's Go!" said the California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association-and they signed contracts for a big nation-wide advertising-sales campaign to start in August, 1924,
Month after month full pages of California Pine messages by the millions will tell home-builders, architects, contractors, builders, lumber merchants and wood-consuming industries about California White Pine, California Sugar Pine, California White Fir and our other woods. Think what this million-message campaign will mean-it puts a million California Pines salismen in the field, selling month in and month out.
During thc 6rst ycar twenty Dational and sectionat magazincr will calry horc tban FOUR MILLION California Pincs
The American Lumberman, The National li$'",'Jfi : "i"",,",x',Xi Jlif; lTTiJii"lS 6 0 0, 0 0 0
Backing up this millions-of-messages campaign will be a steady output of booklets, bulletins, four-color folders, information sheets, reports on tests, technical data sheets, motion pictures and carefully prepared exhibits. And to make this bigger business campaign a better business campaign as well, this Association ofiers the trade the experience of a competent Wood Technologist formerly with the United States Government Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wisconsin, who will give prompt attention to all inquiries about our woods. Ask him-he knows!
"The Birthday Number wat a vcr5r 6ne irue. \f,fc like 'The Califomia Lumbcr Merchant' vcr5r much and like
the way it ir gotten up."
(Heorv Hink, Dolbcer-Canon Lumbcr Co.)
"I have jurt finirhed reading the Birthdry Isuc and it ir very fine. I enjoyed readins it vcry much.tt
(A. B. Wartell, The Calif. Retail Lumbermeo'r Arn.)
"I have looked ovcr the Bir'lhday lrure and I likcd it ver5r much. I am gled to rce it geating biggcr cver5l irue. I am taking thir isrue homc to-nigtht ro that I can look iu oyer more thorougbly.tt
(Char. R. McCormid.' Chat R. McCormick & Co.)
"The Birthday loue tyat a eplendid irue. I got conlderable plearure for reading iL"__
(A. J. Rurell, Santa Fe Lumbcr Co.)
"The July 1 bnrc twat a chny numbcr. I iurt wcnt tbrowh it and cnjoyed it vcry rnuch."
(Jar. -n. Bto.'o, Char. R. McCornic& & Co.)
"The Birthday lrue war very 6ne. It ir tbe bclt irruc Sat you have publirhed todate."
(W. M. Bccbc)
"I havc not bed en opportnity o logl thc Birthdey Ire ovcr vcry thoroughly bd it loob fte e pcrcb< dndy ilruc.tt
(Strycll Snith, C4il. Whitc & Sugrr Ptne lffg. Arro.)
"Jurt a lbc c tro to rey thet yoa rccod eanivcrnry numbcr tekcr tbc ce|rc. You uill hrvc to !p rcru to bcrt it ncrt ycar.tt
(H. Rirldiford)
"It wla a'bca/ of en isuc. Th.t ir thc bcrt word I can think of." Yorrr for lifc-
(J. M. Cterc, Heyrerd L@bcr & IEv. Co.)
"You ccrtainl5r do hw hfr to pd it lcrn I hrvc nevcr tcco r norc eltrrc{ivc inrc, ttr- 6rt Birthdry ne bcr of your. I-og ny 5ro[ rtYc.tt
(F. lL Connclly' Woodhced Lmbcr Co.)
"l wLh to congntulrtc yoc wo Sc rplcodiil Birtbdey Nunbcr. Fron cvcr5l angl,c it rr l mdcrful bc!' and war without doubt, pprccirtcd by cvcryoc tho rcad it.tt
(C. S. E*c+ J. O. Mar C;o, La AngPlo)
"I an not in thc lubcr burincr+ bc I cc do rcd
..The Birthday I'uc war l ver5r fine i'ue. ..The Cali- evcryr iruc of your Crlifomh PrPcr' ud coiqy iLThrt fornia Lumber M*;h;;; ""ry ir"p"l"r -iu u. lumber lart Birthdev Nunbcr urt I wodcfrl pice of -,o.lq rnd t'"jJ;t;;*" grJto"* iii"itfrt"'" - we consratulatc-vou'
(J. H. H;l-;iill-;E;.ka Lumber co.) - (Ertt schnidt, Schrmuf,cr wdl Board co.)
"I think that the Birthday lsue wat r vcry 6nc numbcr "Dclr 'Gengtr{ognfulefirnr rgrir. urd war very attractive."
(Home Marit) roundingr (rcc lctcr brt ycc) lnd THE CALIFIORNIA
(en e lr-,:.\ "Our drrcllinc pllcc b rdt pitchcd rmg plcuent rr-
"The Birthday Number twar a vcty vcry fine i'ue-a LLJMBER ugRcHANr' lftc tbc lndolry tLich ir rc ebly dandy irgue.r, umD€r war vcrv vcrv r'rc ".G-r ::Tfal1_f,ar grown BIGGER AND BETTER tilL thG '
(R. F. Hammatt, Calif. Redsood Arn ) o%ffCftfi* and to SER''E tyher mc pherent fatc
"The July 1 irue wa! a dandy. I enioyed it very nuch." could mere man dcdre- Wc Lnor of bd o9c^11y--tg 191c,y1",r Di|nmicft. pitirii.t Lunbcr Co.) plgyc y_orn lot in lifc end tbrt L to BIJILD A H(X,SE ON "Enjoyed reading the Birthday Igue verlr much. It wu m.'' very nrry lroutl' I a fine i*ue.
ltIrthday l$ue vcrl mucn. lt wlr (Prdicf t rnbcr Co., lnc.)
(R. G. Hircox, Wertem Strter Lumbcr Co.) .nWe wirh to congrduldc you G you Birf1de' I'.c, ..The Birthday l$ue war lome ilrue. I rurely cnjoyed ar it certainly war r hundin8icf and vcty worthy of neoreading it very much and fiked the attractivc wai in ir'f,icn tion." Vcry tnrly yolrl irt
(Hco&icbm lmbcr company)
(John c' Mccabe' Andrerr F Mahoney Lumber co') ..I think yo' dcrctve e grcet dcel or crcdit for the Bir6..I want to compliment and congratuhte you on the nag- day Nrnbcr. It ir lrrely e vdcrful pdlicetion' end I am nitude and fine appearaDce of thi: Anniverrary Nrmbcr, sure qycry hmbctmu egrccr vith n tt and I rincerdy hope the Cdifornia Lumber Mcrchent nay "I have foud yorr Lubcr Mcrchrnt'e grcet_help to the lile to celebrate -"oy prorperour Birt[dayr in the coloy- lumber indudry end a fi." pcp rcttdcr for dl ralermco nent of the confrdence and good wbhee of itl palronr ar well u olw'Dcrr end nenegcrr" which it so richly delcnrer.tt Yourr rinccrely, (Jar- S. Foreter) (D' J' cahitl, wectetl Hardrvood Lbr' co') ysur Annual Number was a "hum-dinged' and r trust ..\f,fe have jurt received the Birthday cditioa of the Cdi- that each year will show as muc,b improvement in your fomia Lumber Merchent and for a two yar old paPcr live paper as the past year has showrr. we think it takcr the prize.tt Yorrr vcry tnrly Germain Lumber Company, Los Angeles. (S. C. Hooper Lur*cr Co.)
H. Eason, sanFraacieco.
,.The Birthday Nunber lwar a vcry good i''e. I havc r think your issue of July lst is a credit to you and to all haard rome 1,ery frne qomplinrdr on thir i*r..t the lumbermen who subscribe to your Paper' - aa5;ld o"as., E i-p"as. c".)
"Big Annivemary Number a 'beart. Congratulationr."
(Hunt Sarh and Door Co.)
"Every iroue ir " gobd one, bril, nrhen I rcceived my July let number, I war rurely pleared. lt war a fine job."
(Earl Hoffmar, Earl Hoffrnan Co., Lor Angclee)
"Once a year I write yoq congratulating you upon the Anniverrary Number. I rhould write twice a month, the year around. You have the be* looking and moot intererting lumber paper thet ir printed.tt
(H. L. Rooenberg, Hipolito Co., Lor Angeler)
ttAllow me to extend my congratulationr on that wonderful Birthday lerue. It war a dandy, and full of interesting matt€tr.tt
(F. A. Cartetter, Cregon Lmbr. .dgcncy, I-os Angeles)
" tAtta Bo5 Jack. Fine irue end no more ttan I qpected. Give ru more like it."
(A. L. (Gus) Hoover)
"Accept my felicitationr on t{re recond Birthday of your worthy joumal; tgorh how tte youngrter bal grown'."
(Rollinr A. Brown)
"I have jwt now had time to glanss thru your Second Anniverrary Number and yotr ere certainly entitled to congratulations and to tlre thanke of all retail lumbermen.
"More than anything of ite kind, your publication ir conrtructive end builde men up into better merchantr and better citizenr, and withal" it ir put up in ruch attractive form and is flavored with humor to a point where it is 'easy. to taket.
"I thinL a safe basir for difrerentiating betweerr progre!rive up to dati lumbermen and the old reactionarlr or' moss-back type, would be the fact of whether or not they take and read the Cdifornia Lumber Merchant. My wirh and hope ia that it may continue indefmitely to rerve thir great industry and grow in intenest end inf,uence ar the yearr go by." Yourr very rincerely,
(8. J. William+ Paraff,ne Companier, Inc.)(Letter
"I wal much intereeted and pleared witb your article in the JuIy lst issue of the California Lumber Merchant, and I fullv agree with dl the kind thingr you say about ttat wide-awake journal. lt has hehed t6 make a real fricndly family out of California lumbermen and Jack Dionne and hig able coadjutors are entitled to much praire.
"I erpecially appreciated yoru remarke about the advance which Hoo-Hoo has made and which Mr. Dionne he4 helped to promote bv hir friendly publicity. The Order ir on a higher plane than ever and ic going forrrard to rtill gleater achievements. You will be intcrerted in the two little pamphlets about Hoo-Hoo which I enclore, one about 'Treer'and the other about 'Hoo'Hoo; the Soul of Lumberdom' which includer our Code of Ethicr. California takee pride in the fact that it war at thc Frceno Annu'l in 1921 that the Code war adopted. Panon Simpkinr tellr me that no lerr en authority than Juliur Barneq Precident of the National Chamber of Commerce told him in hir Warhington office that it war tfie finert exprerdon of buriners and personal ideall he had ever !Gen.
"With kindert rcgardr to yourrclf and your erteamed father, I remeinrtt Sincerely youn,
(Frank W. Trowcr)laly 21,1924. Miss Albcrta Ruth Brey, Portervillc. Calif. clo Bfty-Wright Lumber Co.,
My Dear Miss Brey:
So you havc brokcn into literature too. .Wcll you certeinly have madc a good job of it. Your two articles in thc annivcrsary number of thc California Lumber Mcrchant, 'That Golden Opportunity," and "Jack Dionne-We Thank You," arc splendid.
I too am a grcat admirer of Jack Dioncre and the spl,endid wo'rk hc is doing among| thc lurnberrrcn of tho statc. In fact I had writtcn trrim prior to sccing this article of y<iurs, but of course lt was not so well written-othcrwise it ras another .casc of "great rninds,"
The article on the display room is written most charmingly and efrcctively-bcttcr I think than any man could v/rite dt,
In ordcr that I might havc an opportunity to read both articles carcfully, I took thc paper home with mc on Saturday and read them yesterday. In fact, I read both of them to Mrs" Williams and wlu'le she could not apprcoiatc thc one on Jack Diorule, so much, not lmowing him and not knowing much about the papcr, she did think the other was splendid and she said "that's exactly the way a woman fecls about thosc thingE "
I hope you will occupy th€ page of the California Lurnber Mcnchaht frequeotly-in fact, you migfht go furthcr.
I scnt you on Saturday, I belicvc it was, a copy of ihe address I delivered at the National Convention of thc Rctail Hardwarc Dealers held in San Francisco recently, I'would bc rrcry glad to have your criticisms of thc idcas exprcsscd therein
With best personal regards,
Yours very truly,
B. J. WTLLIAMS, Director of Sales, The Paraffine Companies,P. S. Also give my best w'ishes to your father.
"San Diego"
"Point Loma"
"Robert Johnson"
We havc lcarned thc California lumbcr marL,et and thc Pacific Coast lumber conditions in the grim, hard school of erpcrience.
No hastily gotten togcthcr group of mcn could delivcr a service that 20 ycare of lumber handling has givcn ur. California has been our grcat markct and to mect itr necdr our whole organization and equipmcnt has bcen devcloped. You will find our transit stocks and gtocka on hand at our Los Angeles docks are at all times adequate to scrvc you.
E!er ,\- / .$ler Contract trrh, -Ibg ProxEER- IhrrER-Co. rrrc.
For thirty-ivc ycrr. tLc PTONEER
PAPER COMPANY, Inc, hu nlaufrcturcd felt rnd arphalt rooinjr. In tlc
ROOFS thc rlrill of nuufecturc, thc crpcriencc of ycrrr end thc 6ncrt of Ertcridr arC intcrwovcn to producc r produet that will rtand ruprcnc in durrbilitn econony and beauty.
3rnrentccd for thc full tcrrn of thc conl*tct. Thoy rill bc Lcpt in e vetcrtitht corditln by t[c PIONEER P.APER CO. Inco vithout .r;lcD.c to tf,c oncr, vhca epplicd by en rutlorircd roo6n3 corttrctor ud epprovcd by thc PTONEER PAPER COMPANY, !rc.
Fifc Bldg, Srn Frrncirco Kanay ZEBThe whole editorial force of The California Lumber Merchant paid a visit the other day to the "built-in furniture', plant of Pratt &'Warner, in Los Angeles, and were greatly surprised at the improvements that have been made during the past twelve months in the manufacturing equipment, plant, and efficiency of this splendid factory. It is doubtful if there is anywhere a more interesting woodworking plant than this one.
They make only a few items of built-in things, but they make a very high quality of them, and make them in copious quantities. They make bathroom cabinets with plate glass fronts, disappearing ironing boards, and disappearing breakfast nooks. These facts have been recited before in these columns, and are frequently repeated in their advertising. But it is the manner in which they transform plain white pine boards and hardlvare into attractive, useful, practical, and useful items of furniture than can be packed into the smallest possible nooks, that makes the business attractive.
Rudyard Kipling went through the packing houses in Chicago years ag'o on his first visit to America, and he said that the most interesting thing to him was to see those pigs, one minute so wonderfully alive, and the next minute so thoroughly dead and manufactured into eatables.
At Pratt & Warners the interesting thing is to see ono minirte a pile of prosaic boards coming in one end of that mill, and a very few minutes later complete and beautiful furniture-solid and substantial in every particular-going out the other end.
That new breakfast nook would win the admiration of anyone. When completed it occupies a panel on the wall that is five feet wide, six feet and eight inches high, and four inches thick. From the irrterior of this panel there folds out: an ironing board of adjustable height; a sleeve ironing board; a clothes hanger I two comfortable seating benches for two people each, a practical breakfast table. The benches can be used for sitting down to iron, as well as for eating at the table. One or both benches can be dropped at a time.
Everything they turn out is made from clear, well finished white pine boards, even the backs of the ironing boards, the hardware is all good and substantial, the workmanship is careful so that every piece that goes out is strong and practical, and the entire product is of the quality type.
And the quantity is great. They have special machines for every job, most of the machines being of their own manufacture and not known elsewhere. There is no lost motion in the plant, the jobs going straight through, and being handled efficiently, dexterously, and intelligently. They use about fifty men and women in the plant, and they have their system down so that they use every bit of the lumber that comes into the plant, thus eliminating waste.
"We defy anyone to produce stock of the quality that we do with anything like our speed and efficiency,, said Joe Williams, the hustling sales manager of the company. And watching the plant work we were in no mooil to doubt his statement.
Pratt & Warner own their own pine timber near Exeter, operate their own sawmill, cut everything to the sizes they use best at the Los Angeles plant, and they ship the entire product of the plant to Los Angeles for completed manu_ facture.
It is a very interesting institution.
The U. S. Forestry Division has in the course of con_ struction a very wonderful exhibit of forest products, at Exhibition Park, Los Angeles. The exhibit .r,i,iff U. ."-: prehensive of California *oods, showing samples of vari_ ous growths, cross sections of trees etc]
In the sugar and white pine department they are placins a large va.riety of sugar and white pine slabs, sictioni boards and other samples that heve 6een donated by the Sugar Pine Lumber Cbmpany, of Fresno.
This exhibit is being installed as a permanent institu_ tion, and is being presented to the Park.
A booklet of delighful character and interesting througho,ri h"r just been iJsued to the trad-e by-Th" P,"p-"-19: 9:f fioori"g Company, of Helena, Ark'. It lt 21 p"q:-t, ill "oln"r, tf,e cover in handsome art work.and colors' and the 6oof.-'lffu.tiated throughout to show the process..in detail bv which "superior Brand" flooring is made' 'r here are ;il";;;';;.;.h';;;;'t-ent in the plint, and in the back of fi;iltk tft"t tft.iy tt""e shown hbw this great.flooring is made, there are directions and diagrams showtng how rt should be laid for best results.
- i i; " Lo"f. that every dealer should have in his office'
f;;b"-""her, of Detroit, is spending a few days in San Franiisco attending to business matters' Mr' L'anaher ls i";;;;i;d i" tn. ivlichigan-California Lumber Co' with iil;i;-;;;"f*turing operitions at Camino and was formerly located at San Francisco.
The Heart of Wigconrin
A8h Basrwood Hard MaPlc
Birch Beech Oak
Straight or Mircd Can
Andrews-EarlY GomPanY
Ajcncv: Bav city Lrnbcr co.,
A- J. WG.t lmbcr Co.
,dberdccn, GraYr Hrrba' Wlrhinglc
The Arizona Lumber & Timber Company, at Flagstaff, is enlarging their mill and after present alterations ane completdd. -will have doubled their capacity.
Mn I. B. Koch is general manager of this comPany'
Mn Percy I. Merithew, well known wholesaler of Phoe' nix, is sp.tiittg a two weeks' vacation in the White Mountains oi Ariz6na, with Mrs. Merithew and their two children.
The Suporior Sarv & Supply Company,- a n9y^ly--!9rmed company in Los Angeles, 6is-just oqened at 342 Winston Street, ih"t "ity, ancl" wili conduct a-business of -supplying t"-U.t ""a ivoodrvorking companies with their reguire-."t. in saws, knives, etc. -They-will also give a service on grinding.
This compan)' represents t!re- Jas' Ohlen & Sons Saw Uanufactu;"g Co-p..ty of Columbus, Ohio, large manufacturers of saws and blades'
We are Speciali*r in SuPPlYing thc Tradc with (|AK )
$nl,f IttooRlil0 BIRCH , T TRY US-THA?S ALL
26o Califohie SL, 322 L N. Ven N-uvr Bld3"
--S; Francirco ' Lo. ADgdc.
63,$64G ^r. J t'1 Lil ADsGh.
tr-Rrv Booro Boorl
!.-Rrv tosr Lrrr Boog
i-Rev SunrzNT & Accourt Lrocur
X-Rev Smcx REcoD SYslrr&
X.Rev fxpurxc.
n*i" rir" I\IacEtltt Borurtrxc llmrr
Rmro Frn Prrrrruel lrnrtort Svstrrt
Rrpro Frnl frorxrxc.
Rrorcu Orttcr RllErrrc! Nrrr lxorr.
Rrprux Ssont Accouxr l-oost Lslt Lrmur
Ifuusrr Recx Lrocnr Brxortl
Aoyusro Trar Brxplrs.
E. P. Hunter, of Waco, Texas, General Manager of Wm. Cameron & Company, has been a recent visitor in California, visiting Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco. He was accompanied by Mrs. Hunter. It was their first trip to this state, and they were delighted with everything they saw.
Mr. I{unter is probably the most outstanding figure in the world from a standpoint of progressive lumbel merchandising. He operates seventy building stores in Texas and Oklahoma, a far greater nurnber of progressive retail lumber institutions than any other firm, and ii a wonderful advocate of every phase of business creating. He is an enthusiast advertiser of various kinds, a plan book enthusiast, and a firm believer that it is the business of the dealer to do the business thinking for his community. And he has proven to his own satisfaction for many years that it DOES pay to do all these things forcefully and intelligently.
"There is one thing I have seen very little of in driving around Los Angeles, and that is bill board advertising by retail lumbermen. It seems to me that nowhere else on earth is there such a fine opportunity for this very effective advertising than here in l-:os Angeles where there-are boulevards radiating in every direction, and tremendous traffic on a-l! of them. Bright and effective billboard advertising would pay wonderfully for the hrmber merchants here. -I was surprised to see so little of it. f saw some very efiec- tive billboard advertising by lumber merchants around some of the smaller cities, but not much around Los Angeles," said Mr. Hunter to The California Lumber Merchant.
Mr. Ifunter considers billboard advertising as one of the lumber merchants greatest opportunities, and has used it wi_th _unfailing success in his own efforts at many points.
"All efforts to create a demand for building -material brings good results," said I!?r. Hunter.
Frank Adams, Chicago representative of the Pacific
Lumber Company, was a recent visitor tt lqg. company's George B. Waddell, accompanied by Mrs. Waddell, has San Francisco office on business matters. While on the returnei to Califronia'after sfending ibout three weeks on coast, h_e also spent several. days at the company's large
glj9y1ble trip to Alaska. Mr."Waddell operates the redwood operations at Scotia. Waddeli Lumbei Company at Alameda.
There was a large attendance at the Klamath Falls Concat which was held July 6, when 34 Kittens were initiated and 2 Reinstatements were made. The California delegation that made the trip included C. D- LeMaster, Snark of the ljniverse; Frank Trower, Bob MacArthur; Parson Simpkin; R. T. Buzzard; G. W. Fraser; Franklin Trower; Mrs. C. D. LeMaster; Mrs. G. W' Fraser; Mrs' Frank Trower: Elizabeth Trower; Miss Graham ; and Miss Maybelle LeMaster, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs' LeMaster. While at Klamath Falls the party attended the annual Rodeo exhibitions and also made the trip to Crater Lake.
Prof. Smiley of the Occidental College, Los Angele.s, is making a siries of four lectures on the ori{n,..growth, characterTstics, etc., of the American trees, and dealing particularlv with the California varieties. These addresses are being delivered at the weekly luncheons of the Los Angeles -Hoo-Hoo Club, and are oPen to all lumbermen, rvhEther members of Order or not. Professor Smiley started the series on July 17th, and gave the second of the talks on July 24th.
Both rireeiings were well attended, and the men who heard Mr. Smiliy, without exception, expressed themselves as being delightid at the opportunity to h"4r the inte-resting and instructfue facts that he brings out, in terms that aro plain and easily understood by men who have not made a deep study of forestry growth.
Thd third- address wiil 6e given on July 31st, and the series will end at the luncheon on August 7th. As stated above, all lumbermen are invited to attend, and there is no charge made.
At the luncheon of Hoo-Hoo Club No. t held at the Palace Hotel, William H. Propert of the United States Steel Products Co., u'as the speaker of the day and gave an interesting and instructive talk on the proposed Golden Gate Bridge.- Dick Richards entertained the gathenng with his intereJting monologue and stories while Bob Gehnng and his orchestra played several delightful selectlon.i.
Owing to the absence of President R. A. Ifiscox, Vi"ePresident J. Walter Kelly presided over the busrness 5ession of the meeting. Charles Moody, president of the Lumber Salesmen's CLub of San Francisco, was the chairman of the day. The attendance prize, a beautiful bill fold donated by Hugh Handley of the Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., was won by Walter Blick
At the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo luncheon on Thursday, July 24th, Snark Rosenberg announced that the Los Angeles Club would hold a dinner dance during the month of Augusl The time, place and other arrangements are in the hands of capable committees, and it promises to be a very brilliant affair.
The Snark also read a letter from $nark of the lJniverse, C. D. LeMaster, telting of the plans for all Catifornia Hoo'Hoo to get together during August, for a Convention, monster Concatenation and a general good time.
No definite plans have been made, but all districts have
expressed their rvillingness to participate this kind, and it has been predicted that be selected as the site.
in an affair of Del Monte will
What is said to be the largest lumber carg'o ever to have entered an American port, arrived at the Los Angeles Harbor, recently, on the Lewis Luckenbach. She carried a
Mr. Monroe llarris, manager of the Arizona Sash and Door Company, Phoenix, is the proud father of a new son that arrived at his house on July 1lth.
cargo of 7,574,N0 feet of lumber.
This boat, rvith her sister ship, the bach, have the honor of being the steamers under the American flag.
Andrea F. Lucken-At the regular meeting of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco held at the Palace Hotel on June 26, the feature of the day was the Estimating Contest which was won by Mel Salomon of the Acme Lumbef Company. The qugstions were prepared by President Charlie Moody and pertaine.d to the various items that the retail lumber salesman is called upon to figure When calling gn his iustomers.
Mel .was awarded a fine $5.00 box of candy for being so proficient in his speed and accuracy at figuring. It you don't think he is a.good mathematician, sharpen up your pencil. and see if .you figure correctly the following questrons rn htteen mrnutes.
l-How many Lineal feet of ly43 T&G required to cover a floor of. 27'x32'?
2-How many Board Feet to cover same ?
2-How many Lineal Feet of 1x8 Rustic for a wall 25' high x 62' long?
4-How many Lineal Feet will you get from 1280' B. I\,f. lr/axlO after reiawing once ? '
Specialty: Old Grouth Ycllou Fh Clcus Southct'n Rencrcatrtivc
ALPINE LBR. C0. ',"'si[&iX&'
Office and Yard, 819 E. 59th St. LOS AI\GEI FS
AXridge 2812 AXridse 2815
5-How many 3' shakes laid 16". to the weather are required for a roof 13'x50'?
6-How much freight would you figure on a car consisting of-
3,AN' lfux6 Dry Flooring. 64 Bunches Cedar Shingles.
5,000'K.D. Pine Ro.
3,400' Ro. Redwood, green.
7,W' Ro. Pine, green. Freight rate $5.471per Ton?
7-If. the per M rate is 96.25, what is the rate per 100 lbs. on lumber weighing 2500 lbs to the 1000' B.M:?
&-How many bunches Cedar Shingles laid 41" to the weather required for a gable roof, 36' Ridge, 15' Rafters?
9-How_ many bunches of Redwood Shingles for the same roof?
lG-How many lfx4' Lath required for a room I2'x12, l0' high? (No openings figured)
'oEverlasting" Hardwood Flooring is rnanufactured under ideal conditions by men who undensand fine woodworking.
13 is scientfically ldln-dried, tongued and gnooved with split-hair precision, and shipped in wir,e-bound easily handled bundles.
An event of great importance, not only to the present lumber season 6ut to ALL time in the manufacture of lumber, took place on July 31st, at Longview, Washington'
On that day the biggest and most notable sawmill institution ever d6signea 6i buitt by m,an, began ope-ration,. cutii"e i"to one o"f the greatesf privately owned stands of tim-ber left on the globe.
The Long-Bell Lumber Company has been two years pt"p".ittg f8rthis big day. They have invested in their iio^grotit6" -or. -orr".y t-han ?ny-oTe in the history of th.e iu#U.r industry .'t ", lt."-ed of investing in a sawmill plant.
Thev soent a quarter of a million dollars for relief topogt"oft;.'"f '-"pt oi their timber, before they did anything elie. They -planned the cutting of th-eir timber from the first to th6 tast tree, before thiy built a foot of logging road.
Thev built a beautiful city for their employes,before thev iiarted the mill. They built railroads, and docks, and *"i"tt"u".t, and theatresi and hotels, etc', before they started the mills.
The first milling units are now complete, lnd are manui".t"ii"g Long-BEll trademarked Douglas Fir for national """."tnition. "Two mainline railroads serve the plant, and ii"tti rf their own docks there on the Columbia River the lr-eat lumber steamers to all parts of the lumber using
world will take their cargoes from the Long-Bell plant.
The mills are electrically driven entirely- L,ong-Btell has built and operated a string of the biggest sawmills in the country, do'wn in Texas, IJouisiana,- AiFansas, and Misiissippi, ind they have learned much about -mill buildingEvirything thit their skilled men have has been-ingorPol: ated into -their great operation at Longview.When- all completed the Longview plant will turn out about half a billion feet of lumber annually.
For several years Long-Bell has had a selling grganization in the Stite of Calilornia, handling the lumber, sash and doors from their great white and sugar pine plant at Weed, California, as well as their hardwood f,ooring froln Arkansas. This selling organization wi'll be augmented, and it is reported that very interesting things will be^don-e by this concern to arrange for supplying the trade- in all pirts of California with Long-Bell Fir products.- No announcement has yet been made concerning this phase, bqt there will be spelial arrangements for both water and rail supply.
C. J. "Ctint" Laughlin, of Los Angeles, is California sales igent for the company, and will be prominently identified with all their sales.
Mr. Kenneth Smith, well known in and around the Bay District, handles the company's sales in the northern part of the state, making his office headquarters at San Francisco.
Lunbcr & Slhrtc Co- Ab€r'leeD' W8!h'
Amcrlcan Mlll Co-' Aberdeen' wasn' iil;i;; i,o-tlJ'e tll4slc Go- Eoqulam' wa!h' F-*ip.t Mlll co, Prosper, Ore' ;r;";1;;d--;"m1,6. co.' Ravmonal, {ash-' - i'ir.niTi" s-oia r,o-t.r oo.' Sout-h Bond'' wash' ft-rrt.J-uttl co., Aberdeen, wash' ;;;i;-ilm;-& ii'-t.t ce- South Bend' wPth' j.-i."1,'i.i'fi irGll. oo., sbuth Bend' rrasb'
610 Arc{ic Club Bldg. Seattle
Blootltr nrtr.ra Cerncl GroDr crrt. Eubor Glrtlcr Oblttm Crtlcrhc C. trddcr Earr Ottltac!.aD Vhltr Bdl|
6th Floor-Hind Bldg. 230 Cdifornie Srcct San Francirco
9m A" G. Bdclt Bld& Lc AryCcr
Dietributing Agente for Ctark-Nickcrron Lurnbcr Coo Evcrctt,lf,ferh.
Denprey Lumber Co, Tacome, Werh.
Defiance Lu-bcr Co, Tacome, \lfeeh.
Fcrry Bakcr Lumbcr Coo Evcrctb lVuh.
Little Riva Rcdwood Coo Hunboldt Bay.
909 Porter Bldg.
Opcr*ing Stcencrl
W. R. Chrrnborlio, Jr. Der F. Hrnlon
Phyllir Strnrood Ber$rn C
l2OO Balfour Bldg.
Mrrlr Henloa Bcrtio Henlon
LOS AI{GFLFS fmO Ba*lett Blds.
An fnterview on the Lumbcr Situation With 'Gus lloovcr of L. A,
A. L. "Gus" Hoover, of Los Angeles, is known as one of the keenest lumber salesmen in Southern California, and likdwise as one of the most lik{able and popular members of the fraternity.
Therefore, when I started out the other day to get a line on lumber conditions, I naturally thought than an inter_ view with Mr. Ifover would be mighty well received by the trade generally. He is exclusive agent in Southern California for the Pacific Lumber Company, of San Fran_ cisco, giant producers of Redwood products, and of the Wendling-Nathan Company, of San Francisco, famous wholesalers of Fir and other lumber products, and so is in touch with all the ramifications of the various lumber mar_ kets in the State.
I found him in, and although a busy man, Mr. Hoover is always ready to receive his guests smilingly. (Califor_ nia lumbermen, please take notice. I have found lumber_ men in this state with more red tape surrounding them in their offices than you will find surrounding J. p. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Calvin Coolidge, and Old King Tut combined.)
"Mr. Hoover," said I, "I want a strong intervier,v on the lumber situation, and if you will grant me that interview I will consider it an honor."
"Shoot" ! said Mr. Hoover. .,It's your honorl"
Just then the office assistant stuck his head in the door.
"Fore !" shouted Mr. Hoover, and the head disfappeared;
"In the first place" said I, .,can you tell me about export ?"
"You've got me wrong" said Mr. Hoover; ,.I,m really not an expert. I just play a fair business-man's game. If I worked at it like C"ppy Slade does, I might become an expert, but I play just for the fun I get out of it, and when I get in the low eighties I'm very happy. An expert ? Never ! Besides, I'm a little off my game right now I've developed a slice that's bothering me considerably. One of my friends tells me that my hands are just a trifle too fast for my club-head, thus giving the ball a slight spin to the right. Others tell me I jump ahead of the ball in swinging. I'm not sure just what the trouble is.,'
"I see" said I. "How about timbers. I hear thev,re looking'up."
"Well' said Mr. Hoover, "maybe you've hit the nail on the head. Looking up may be my trouble. Sometimes a man's eye leaves the ball just before his club-head reaches it, and instead of sending the club-head right through as
he should, he pulls it slightly across his line, creating a slicing tendency. You are right. It might be looking up."
"What do you think about things in the North right now," I asked him.
"I really can't say," he replied. "I haven't played the courses up there very much, but they tell me they're mighty sporty around Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver. Those lumbermen up there give a lot too much attention to their golf, I think. They should attend to business like we do down here. They trap their greens in the north so that one of us roll-up approach players have a hard time of it. You have to approach with a back-spin mashie or mashieniblick, and the last time I played in Portland my niblick got so hot I couldn't hold onto it, and had to quit playing."
"'What do you think about prospects for the next sixty days?" I asked.
"It all depends" said Mr. Hoover, "On whether or not I can get rid of that slice. If I can, I'll be shooting in the low eighties by fall. I want to develop a tee shot aimed at the right hand side of the course, with just a bit of a hook on it. Those kind run. My midiron is working fine, and I am getting very good distance with it. I think it straightens out an iron shot to take just a slight divot. I may buy an entire new set of irons. I think mine are too heavy. Those Crowflites are the stuff. You get an awful distance with them if you put some rhythm into your swing. Still, the prospects aren't the best on earth, because my putting is still rotten. I can't seem to get the break on my putts that Fred Golding gets. Some of these guys go down whenever they get within three inches of the line. Not me. I have to putt for what I get. Is there anything else ?"
"Yes" said I. "How about prices ?"
"Dollar, dollar, dollar, is my price system. As I told you, I play golf for fun, not for a living like some of these birds. Anything else ?"
"I don't remember:anything," I said.
"They're hard to hit from memory" said Mr. Hoover. "fs there any advice you'd like to give the trade?" I asked in closing.
"Tell them" said Mr. Ifoover, "that shortening the back swing, and snapping the club hesd through with plenty of wrist, sure increases your distance. Keep the left arm stiff, the right elbow close to the side, and send her right through. That makes her travel."
"Thanks very much for your kindness. I'll go now. By the way, how far is it to McCormick's offrce from here ?',
"About a No;3 iron." said Mr. Hoover.
Here are the values of building permits for the first half of. 1924 in all California cities reporting more than $500,000, with 1923 comparisons.
Aggregate value of permits for fifty-six reporting cities in California for the half-yearwas $199,151,007, as compared with $219,109,455 for the first half of 1923. The total of trvelve San Francisco bay cities for six months of' 1924 was $51,055;348, against $45,659,169 in I9?3, a gain of $5,396,179, The total fm twelve Los Angeles district cities this year was $114,881,84, against $132,483,207 last year, a decrease of $17,6O1,387. '
The figures for thirty-three California cities, scoring more than $5m,000 fo,r the first half of. 1924.
L R. Gaynor, of S€rattle, vie'president of the Nettleto'n Lumber Co., was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent a few days attending to business matters with O. F. Folsom. Mr. -Folsom re[resents the Nettleton Lumber Co. in the San Francisco Bay District and in Ncthern California.
R. E Chapman, the well known Portland wholesaler, has returned north after spending two weeks in California calling on lumber trade and miking a survey of the lumber mirket in Los Angeles, San Francisco 'and the Sacramento Valley. Mr. Chapman stat€s that the lumber market throu'ghout the Northwest is showing much improvement
For 13 year! thir ompany bar bccn mel' ing trucb muntain !trgp.' cilt' ilGr city and drect nihuay bo.rc.. Itr tndo and burrcr bave madc good hm loggbg crrnpr to thc [ghtcrt dCivcty vq&.
Built by wc3tern DGn w[o Lnov wcdcm conditionr; they ue trpcrior fd wort un&r there conditionr
ll,0OO'(|(XD in Rcprir Pertr Arru ltcrvicc All Ovcr rlc Cod.
The A. W. Smith Lumber Company, of Los Angeles, has accepted the exclusive agency for Williams Famous Fir Finish, for Southern California. This announcement is made with considerable pride by both A. W. "Bates" Smith, and his right hand man Jefi Tully.
Williams Fir Finish is manufactured exclusively in Seattle by the Williams Fir Finish Company, and the Williams Fir Finish Company is much better equipped than ever before to deliver a wonderful quality and quantity of Fir finish, this in spite of the fact that for years Williams Fir Finish has been looked upon by lumbermen generally as the acme and perfection of Fir finish.
They have a new and modern flooring plant in Seattle that produces Fir Finish in much greater vblume than they had previously known, and they manufacture it with peifect care, and scientific accuracy. The lumber is kiln dried to a degree that exactly fits it for the climatic conditions of California. Each board is perfectly sanded, and is protected by careful handling so that it goes into the car in a perfect condition as it comes from the machines.
And that isn't all. When they ship a car of Williams Fir Finish they line the car with'papei to protect the lumber from sifting dirt, dust, sand, etc., an-d when the car
l4t. H. E. West, of the J. H. Baxteq Company, Los Angeles, is making a three- weeks trip to Vaniouver and Seattle. He will return to Los Angelis about August lOth.
arrives in California every board is as clean, and clear, and perfect as when it left the machine in Seattle, no broken, dirty, or damaged lumber to unload.
The A. W. Smith Lumber Company continue to be exc_lusive ?gents in Southern California for the splendid pro- ducts of the Northwestern Redwood Company, and Williams Fir Finish simply give them another high quality
I Mt. D. R. Philips, who for some time past has been Los Angeles manag6r for the J. R. Hanify Company, will, after fon Aug,ust lst, be associated with the Los Angeles forces o.f the Hart-Wood Lumber Company, in the salis department. _
Mr. Philips is filling the vacancy'created when Mr. Joe Rolando went north to take the managefnent of the SuddtnHeitman Lumber Company.
Mr. Frank W. Pool of Winkleman Arizona, has been appointed prohibition enforcement director for the district of Arizona.
Mr. Podl is,,well known in lumber circles in the west, and is at the fresent time operating yards at Winkleman, Ray and Superior,' Arizona.
Fir Finirh, Ceiling, Flooring, Mouldingr, Commonr, etc., from geveral of the mort reliable millr in Oregon and Washington. Abo Redwood from Humboldt Corurty mills, in mixed shipments with Oregon Pine if desired.
Everything in Fir and Redwood for prompt shipment to San Pedro, Redondo or San Diego.
In the series of advertiremente which have been running in thie and otter lumber trade papers for the part year, we have presented to the lumber
About Our Adoertbing buyers of ihe United Statee a rerieg of facts about the Pacific Spruce Corporation of Toledp, Orcgon, for which the C. D. Johnson Lumber Company of Portland is thc exclusive selling agent, atatements in which we tried to tcll a otory that would convince the reader that one road to suscett lay through forming a connection with this company, which is able to furnirh you the kind of stock you wan! in tfie quantity you decire, wittout delay, and coupled with a service that will bring dollarc to yorn business.
If you have failed to make such aconnection with us' you rhould do so without delay. If you have not been convinced that we are in a position to render a service that is without parallel, by the facte we have told you, we will be pleased to have you communicate with us in regard to any question on which you may wirh to be infotmed.
o Send for a copy of '"fhe Last Ctreat Stand" and other printed material, which will tell you fully all you will want to know about our timber and our operations at Toledo, Oregon.
LOS ANGELES OFFICES: A. G. Bartlctt Bldg., Lor Aogelcr, Gliforair
There is a new shingle staining outfit just starting in business in Seattle, Wash., with two very live men in Cxecutive positions, the firm being Starks Shingle Stains, Inc., with J. J. Starks, President, Dan Earle, Secretary, and Don Clark, Treasurer. They have established a plant in Seattle where they are manufacturing shingle stains, and staining shingles for the trade. Mr. Starks, formerly of Kansai City, has located in Seattle. He is still identified with The Starks Manufacturing Company, of Kansas City, although the Seattle concern is an entirely separate institution.
Don Clark is one of the best known men in the shingle industry having been Secretary of. the Ritegrade Shingle Association until a year ago, and a hustler of the finest order.
Concerning their plan, Don Clark writes:
"Our plan includes-(l) The manufacture of shingle stains both to the regular distributors of paints and to the shingle mills who are using Starks improved staining machines and Starks stains. (2) We are organized to sell stained shingles in the local trade surrounding Seattle through the regular channels of distribution, vii: the retail lumber merchants. (3) We intend to do custom stainiqg fqt shingle mills in full carload lots for shingle mills in Washington and British Columbia and returning the ship- ment tq the mills for partial shipments with unstained shingles or other lumber products, or having carload lots
billed to final destination through our plant for staining in transit and forwarding.
, "'We have just secured staining in transit privilege from the carriers, and under this privilege we are ready to unload any designated portion of a car of shingles or of shingles mixed with other forest products, staining this designated portion and drying them by our patented Centrifugal drying'process, and immediatelj' reloading them into the car and forwarding to destination.
"By the use of Starks improved staining machine all surplus stail is removed from the shingles before they are taken out of the machine so that no damage is caused to finished lumber or similar materials that mav be contained in the same car with the shingles."
Mr. H. A. Browning, head of the H. A. Browning Lumber Company, Los Angeles wholesalers,-is in the-Northrvest, on a three weeks'trip through the mills.
Mr. H. F. Brey, veteran lumberman gf Porterville, is reported as being well on the way to recovery frorn his very recent'serious illness.
He is spending the summer in Oakland, at 578 34th Street.
Nation-wide distribution and two large mills. Long .establiehed reputation for perfect matching and uniform grading. Prompt ehipments.: National advertising in leading home magazinee. This is the story back of the success of Perfection Brand Oak Flooring.
We have some excellent advertising material for general distribution among proepective home builders. Our latest booklet, beautifully illustrated, giving the full story of oak floors is considered the best of its kind.
Write today for these excellent selling helps and full information.
The colored preacher had taken for his subject this Sunday morning, the Biblical Prophets, and one by one, in his own long winded and detailed way he had discussed the prophets, their history, their work, their deaths, etc. This had gone on for more than an hour, and he seemed to get stronger on each subject as he reached it, so that the end was nowhere in sight.
"Now, bredern and sistern," he said, after closing with a well known Biblical figure, "we am aproaching one ob
de Bibles mos'remakable 6ggers,{e Prophet Isaieh. And Ah ares youdl now, contpa'ed wid dl dc gr€t ttophctt ob dc Good Book, whah shall wc placc Is.iah? Wb.h shall we place dis mos' rema'hablc ProphctP
And Sam Johnsing, about half way bacL in thc audisrcc, rose slowly to his feet, stretched himself, yawned weariln and remarked:-
"Pahson, you can put Isaiah in Uah place, causc Ah fixin' to go home."
The last meeting of the San Fernando Valley Lumbermens Club, held at San Fernando on July llth, was attended by twenty-two of the Valley retailers and their guests.
Mr. A. B. Garrett, addressed the meeting on "Cost Accounting," and there was a general discussion on yard
management and other subjects vital to the retail lumber business.
The next meeting was called for August l4th, at San Fernando. The Club now numbers fifteen yards, the meetings are very well attended, and the members are predicting a brilliant success for the new institution.
Our new LUMBER WAREHOUSE in Los Angeles is stocked complete for quick deliveries to Southern California retailers and quick mixed car shipments anywhere. Car lots direct from our Northern mill connections.
We adaertise for the Lumber Dealer
There are rrany different kinds of wall boards on the rnarket. Sorne of thern are good, sorne are indifferent and some of thern are very bad.
It is the very bad ones that you should be warned against. The only virtue they have is the price and this is not a virtue as yort will so6n find out aftq tbe board has been up a short while.
Remetrrber, ue man'ufactute both 8 and la inch boards
Why not get the best? It will prove econornical in the long run.
You can rnake sure of getting wall board that will always give cornplete satisfaction if you insist up6niSchumacher Wall Board. Look for the &ade-mark on every piece you buy.
Schurnacher Wall Board is a totally different kind of wall board. Its rnanufacture is protected by U. S. patents, and it is backed by the nanie of a ieputable rnanufacturef,.
Accept no substitutes for this superior wall board. Your carpenter or builder or lurnber dealer will tell you about Schurnacher Wall Board.
nama Scftum acher stands for guality in material and ser0ice
We operate a fleet of truchs to insure prompt deliaery
When you get a rudden demand for lumber, or any building materialr' which exhaurte your otwn rupply<all on the nearert Hammond lrard.
From Hammondtc atocks you can fill every ne#not orrly for lumber but for practicdly every Hnd of hdlding material.
The Hammond organization har a reputation for service to tfie trade.
Heitman Lumber Co., he became associated with the Sudden-Heitman Lumber Co. as manag'er. He resigned from the Sudden-Heitman Lumlter Co. about thirty-days ago and started his new company rat Seventh and Hovvaid Streets, San Francisco.
The location of their yard is in the center of the San Franisco industrial district and the company intencls to operate a specialtv business in the leading Pacific Coast woods concentrating their sa-les efforts_ on upper grades.
-fhe yard will be located under covered lumb'er sheds.
S. W. TouleThe S.W. Tou'le Lumber Co., a corporation lvith S. W. Torvle, President, and Chas. McFarline, Vice-president, u'as recently formed with headquarters at Seventh and tsloward Streets, San Francisco.
S. W. Towle is one of the best known lumbermen in thE San Francisco Bay District and has been activelv en- gaged in the lumber business in San Francisco for twtnty- nine_years. He was born in San Francisco and has made his home there all ,his life. He began his lumber ex- periences with the Pacific pine Co., arid around the period of the San Francisco fire he became associated r,vith the Harmon Lumber Co. When the Flarmo,n Lumber Co. discontinued their lumber operations, he went with,the Christension Lumber Co. and-remained with this concern until the Sudden-Heitman Lumber Co. took over their stocks and yard at Third and Mariposa Streets, San Francisco, last September. Mr. Towle was manager of the Christenson Lumber Co. and rvith their transfer to the Sudden-
S. W. Towle is a splendid citizen and is well and I and favably known. not onlv to the lumber trade of San Fran- orably known, only of San cisco, but is held in extremely high regard by his fellow Itrmbqrmen elsewhere. His development and success in the lumber business has come through hard work from the bottom of the ladcler. He is the father of four children.
Associated with him in his new company is Chas. McFarlane as Vice-President, an experienced lumberman ,antl a vcry able associate. Mr. McFarlane has been in the lumber busi'ness in San Francisco for seventeen years and is recognized ,as one of the star salesmen of the -lumber business. He associated himself with the Christenson Lumber Co. after years of service with the Hooper Lumber Co. and later rvith the Sudden-I.Ieitman Lumber Co. from which company he resigned on July l.
These two men should round out an efficient lumber organization and carry rvith them the best wishes of the lumber fraternity in San Francisco for their increasing and continuecl sucess.
':r-'; ',rl i'-(' I lv t/'re b',
We are pleased to advise that we now have exclusive rales agency in California from the entire battery of Weyerhaeuser mills for that famous
In the past we have sold with much success the flooring from the two mills at Everet! Wash. We now sell the flooring from the great Snoqualmie Falls MiIl also-a mighty total.
Weyerhaeuaer has two world-famous softwood flooring products: l-Perfectly_manufachued, trade marked and nationally advertised FIR FLOORING-a truly incom- parable Fir Product.
?--P:t-f".!tv llanufachred beautiful looking intensely practical trade marked, nationally advertised, and END-MA,TCHED, Hemlock Flooring.
Years ago the late A. C. \Ierr-vman \\'as a ver-v successful manufacturer of rvhite pine in the then great lumber city of }larinette, \\,'isconsin. Having monev to invest, and seeing far into the future, he made a trip to Californid, and returning to Marinette advised his family that he had l>ought Jgreat tract of Redrvood timber. He declared that he had not sought to buy the more available tracts of Reds'ood. but had gone far enough back into the timber to rnake it an invistment for the future, declaring that it u'ould be trventl'-five years before the timber he had bought rvould be in demand. He selected it so that his children n'ould ha'r'e no temptation to sell it for a generation.
-\ ferv days ago that tract of Redrvood timber rvas sold l>1- the children of the late A. C. Ilerryman-1vfue has been gathered to his fathers for manr' 1'q415-1hs purchaser being the Charles Nelson Companl', of San Francisco. The farnill' had held it for just trventl--six )'ears. one year longer than the estimate made by their father.
It is one of the finest stands of Reds'ood in existence, contains approximatell' a billion feet of timber on 13,00O acres, and is located mostlf in Humboldt County.
There are five children of the late A. C. trferr1'man living, three daughters and trvo sons. The eldest son is Reuben C. N,Ierrl'man, of Pasadena, \rice President of the Fruit Grorvers Supply Companl', and A. C. llerryman, of Pasadena, Advertising Ambassador of The California l-umber Jlerchant.
Jul;- I I the Pacific Ccast Regional Advisor-r' Board of the American Railrvar' -\ssociation \ras organized at San Francisco s'ith C. E. \rerde of San Frai'cisco, Genenal Cl.rairman; Fred Gregson, I-os Angeles, General ViceChairman and H. Sloan. General Secretary.
The Lumber Committee Nas rnade up of R. E. Baker, California White and Sugar Pine '\ssociation, Chairman; _J. ]1. Hotchkiss. California Redn-ood Association, ViceChainnan; Tirnothv Riordan. Arizona Lumber Company. Flagstaff. Arizona. \-ice-Chairrnan and S. fI. Bunrp, Los -\ngeles l-umber Products Companr-. Los Angeles, ViceCl;airman : t'l . Ricldiford. Lunrberrnen's Exchange, Los -\ngeles and ,\. B. \t-a.tell. California Retail I.umbernien's Association, are also on the Committee.
The object sot:ght in the establishment of these Regional .\d'r'isorv Boards, *'hich. n'ith the Pacific Coast now represented. cover the United States. is to bring about a comrnorr rneeting ground ltetrvoen shippers, local railroads and carriers as a rvliole for the better mutual understandin.q of lc,caf an6 general transportation requirements, to analyze transportation neods in each territory and to assist in anticillating car requirements. The practical effect of the o1>eration of these boards rr-ill be to facilitate car distribution on an equitable basis and to care for manv car suppl'r' emergerrcies orr the spot s'ithout the time and delal heretofore required in appl-r-ing to \\iastrington.
-'\ rnec-ting of the Boarcl is callecl for the third Fridav in .\trgust at Los Angeles.
is in a large measure overcome when sash, doors and allied manufactured products are offered to the builder or home owner, when you have the opportunity of stocking from a manufacturing institution that has by its consistent growth proven the value of a strictly adhered to policy of "wholesale only" and "dealer protection."
When buying from John W. Koehl & Son, Inc., you have the assurance of receiving correctly machined and graded lumber, built into the desired goods, and built under manufact,rrittg and distributing conditions that receive the approval of thinking dealers.
lVhy Not Let Us Help You Increare Your Sash and Door Volume
The bigger the man the more child-like is his nature. Ho is more charitable. He is never hurt by criticism- Hc never criticises except to help. He is dways ready to assist the unfortunate. He can hurt no one without hurting himself ; no one can hurt him, without hurt to himself.
"I will tdk health instead of sickness."
'I will talk prosperity instead of failure."
"I will carry good news instead of bad news."
"I will tell the cheerful tale instead of the sad tde."
"I will mention my blessings rather than my burdens."
'I will speak of the sunshine of yesterday and tomorro,w instead of the clouds of today."
"f will encourage instead of criticise."
"I will try' and be a friend to everyono."
One never knows
How far a word of kindness goes;
One never sees
How far the srnile of friendship flees.
Down through the years
The deed forgotten, reappears.
One kindly word
The soul of many here has stirred;
Man goes his way,
And tells with every passing day
Until life's end:
"Once unto me he played the friend-"
'We cannot say
What lips are praising us today.
We cannot tell
Whose prayers ask God to guard us well.
But kindness lives
Beyond the memory of him who gives.
Take one good order, add equal parts of accuracy, appreciation and good will; squeeze in several "thank yous"; shake rvell rvith quality and serve promptly rvith Service.-Blue Diamond Co.'s "Whiz Bang."
The most unfortunate letter in the dphabet, somc tey, is the lelter "e," because it's dways out of "caslL" forever in "debt," never out of "danger" and in "Ifell" dl the tinc. That's all true. Still, it's never in "war," always in "1tcacc," and dways in somettring to "eat." It is the bcginning of "elistence," the commencement of "ease," and the end of "trouble." Without it there could be no "life," no t'hcavco," it is the center of "honesty" and is dways in "lorrc." It is the beginning of "encouragement" and "endeavo/' and ttc end of "failure."
The skirts w'ere short that norv are long, The hair that rvas long is shingled and shorn, The srveet old tunes are heard no more. Jazz is the stuff they all adorer
The house that rvas Colonial is Italian today, But our Hardrvoods are hard and rvill stay that way. (W. E. Cooper Lumber Co.'s "Hardrvood Shavings")
Slam: "Have you an opening for a bright, energetic college graduate?"
Bang: "Yes, and don't slam it on the way out."
"The tin you love to touch."
"For Sale, One Dollar, or will trade for good second hand Packard-"
"Four wheels, no brakes."
Not long ago we ofrered this one-
"Old Mother Hubbard she went to tte cupboard, To get her a big drink of gin,
When she got there the cupboard was bare, And the Old Man was wiping his chia-Here's another on ttre same lady-
"Old Mother Hubbard she went to the cupboard Thinking she'd get a drink,
But when she got there, the cupboard was bare, So she took a big drink-in the sink"'
Speaker: "Mr. Spoker, I dways love to hear you deliver an address. It gives my mind a much needed vacation."
Spoker: "Your mind, Mr. Speaker, reminds me of the farms in the mountains of TennesserFlDor by nature and worn out by attempted cultivation."
The only thing some lumber dealers know about advertising is how much it costs:-AND THAT'S WHY IT DOES.
The Poorest "building paper" you can put on a home is a "Blanket Mortga$e".
One of the important annotlncements made in California of experience in the lrrmber and mill game, ancl the firm lumber circles in the past two weeks, is the one coming ha_ving_been connelcted with mills of liigh caliber. from the offices of Meyer & Hodge, Los Angeles wholel ^ Mn.,,M.{:.t h?. just retut'ned to Los Angeles- from the salers, that they have completed arrangements with the (Jrovtlle mill, rvhere- he spent a number of d,ays inspecting Hutchinson Lumbe,r company, of oroviue, whereby their l*r:t':Xttf;,:ldtJ*,:l"'#"if"ofH:l"il$ lf
company will act as exclusive representatives in Southern operation, as liell as the quantity and quality of srocks California, Arizona, Nerv Mexico and Texas, for the lu- that they are turning out each -day. Incidentally while ber manufactured by the Hutchinson Lumber Company. there, he took some very fine trrgut fiom Feather River. o"Tf;""
or,r\4eyer.& Hodge, composed or Mr. Lorne ktf,n;rftt$ffil"L"filn'i"t:ffTJ*:l'F*:1"+i&';f;j lvl' Meye,r, lld J' L. {odge are rrery well and _favorably manufacture large quantities of Caiifornia Fir, aira of knorvn .in this state. Both gentlemen having had years White Fir.
Bill Russell, popular San Francisco lumberman with F. T. Staats, of New York City, is a San Francisco visitor offices in the Flatiron Building, San Francisco, has returned arrd will- spend several days in the Bay District calling on from a two weeks business trip to portland and the Colum- the lumber trade. Mr. Staats is associated with Staats bia River District. on his return, he was acco,mpanied by f;rrl.j:?:, large lumber distributors in the Metropolitan Mrs. Russell and his son Bill Jr., who have been spending the past month w,ith relatives in the Rose City.
A fire broke out at the Pacific Box Co. located at Bay and Taylor Streets, San Francisco, on July 9. A property loss of $25,000.00 is reported.
Ray Gray, president of the Taft Lumber Co., Taft, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent several davs calling on the lumber trade. He attended the luncheon of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 and stated that he was glad to get back in the Bay District again for a few days and meet a lot of his old lumbermen friends.
I would like to get in touch with yard owners in different parts of the State who would consider selling their yards.
At present I have several prospects who are looking for good payrng propositions. Th.y have the cash and will make quick deals.
'Am experienced in this business and if your yard is a good proposition, I can sell it.
Answers will be treated in all confidence, and your yard will not be advertised in your name.
Especially want yards from $10,000 to $75,000.
Ad&ersBox ttCr,ltt Grc
Telcphcn' Ptivate Drcbrnge HUoboh oas?
2l2O-2130 Eort 25tb Street
Los Anteles
July 15, L924.
Your undivided attention is respectfully called to analyze our new Sash and Door Price List No. zbL. This list solves the nystery of figuring sash and doors. We have endeavored to shos you that
This pocket sized list consisting of forty six pages enbodies the principles of estinating your sash and door lists, and will enable you to readily arrive at the desired price rithout confusion.
It is based on the Northern cost prices and in our estination is nuch more evenly balanced than any loca1 list heretofore published.
BE SURE to examine our July lst which we nailed. IT MEANS M0NEY T0 YOU.
Our every ain is to foster and Retail Lunber Dealers Sash and Door business. We ttooth and nail'.
Price Bulletin, help increase the are behind you
DON'T F0RGET IIe are strictly wholesalers.
Phone or write for our new list #zbL if you are not on our regular nailing l1st. increases your efficiency in figuring It costs you nothing and
calls next time.
Ask our salesman to estinates. denonstrate the list when he
Your orders are respectfully solicited.
We thank you.
The mid-summer meeting of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Associatictn to be held at Portland July 30th, will be largely attended by the wes'tern membership, and a number of eastern officers and members will be on hand. This meeting provides opportunity for consideration of problems especially affecting the Northcoast membership, and their relation to organization activities at large. R. A. Dailey, rnanager of the association's Northcoast office, has visitedl Portlrand and made plans for meeting program, etc., and a number of subjects. inclrrding Transportation As It Affects Intercoastal Business, Credits, Arhitration, Cost of Doing Business, MaLrketing of Shingles, Standardization, Uniform Order Blank, etc., will be discussed.
The meeting will be held at the Benson Hotel, starting '' rvith a luncheon on Wednesday, the 3oth. The Portland Lumbermen's Club is co-operating to make the meeting a big success and will furni,oh automobile transportation from Portland to Longviel for an evening joint conference with the directors nf the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association. On the 31st, there will be the formal srand opening at Longview. w'hich will attract a large gathering.
Ed. Anderson. the well known Northwest lumberman operator and a member of the firm of the Anderson & Middleton Lumber Co. of Aberdeen, Washington, has returned to the Northrvest after spending two weeks in California. While in California he was calling on the trade in Los Angeles and San Francisco and making a survey of the lumber market conditions.
9m Fi6c Blds. San Francirco Phone Dug. 3415
Send your lnquiticr to r or to orr Southcrn Cafifomia rcprocntativer:
S. F. Fneeman, well known San Franisco lumberman, is norv associated with the California & Oregon Lumber Co. as sales manager. He has succeeded W. V. Struby who at the present time is in Chicago on a business trip. "Buck," as he is best known by. his'lumbermen friends, is extremelv popular in the Bay District and was fo,rmerly with the .Eagle Lumber Co.
Ben Byrnes, of San Francisco, general manager of_ the Califo'rnia & Oregon Lumber Co., has returned from a short business trip to :Los Angelep. While in the southefn metropolis, he was calling on the trade and looking over businCss conCitions,. He rvas accompanied over the southern te,rritory by Bob Pattison, the company's lSouthern California representative.
Mr. W. R. C. Shull, of the J. & W. C. Shull Lumber Company, Beverly Hills, was elected pr_esident of the Chamber of Commerce of that city, recently.
Miss Kate Grant, secretary to A. J. Russell of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., San.Francisco, has returned from an enjoyable weeks vacation at los Anglees where she was visiti"! tne many interesting pointJ in Southern California. BeJore resuming her duties again, she also spent a few days sojourning on the Russian River.
[-iIFTY-THREE ycarr ago Father Henncberry .F built this Catholic echool for boye at Alton, California. lt is now being torr. down for the Redwood lumber it containe.
Scientific Hln drying prescrves within our producte uture's sturdy and beautiful qualitiee, while
Modern macliinery and sldlled hunran effort iurtifrer our dogan
From the San Diego "IJnion"
Construction of an apron wharf extending from the foot of Arctic street to the foot of Seventh street and costing approximately a quarter of a million dollars is included in the plans for a lrrrnlsi center to be built on tidelands there if the proposed bond issue providing for construction of a concrete bulkhead and dirt fill is approved.
Announcement of the apron wharf projct was made yesterday by Harbormaster Joe Brennah.
This apron wharf would be built out from the concretc bulkhead for the entire distance of 3000 feet between Arctic and Seventh street. Access to the wharf would be provided by a channel 30O feet wide and 22 feet deep, which rvould be dredged to obtain dirt for the fill behind the bulkhead.
Becatrse the channel rvould be dredged close to the bulkhead, it would be unnecessarv to extend the wharf apron out more than 45 feet. This would make unnecessary the transfer of lumber to barges and rehandling at the yards, as norv is being done at a number of yards here.
Lrunber Plants
Furniture Stock in Sete CUT TO SIZE Rcadv to Assemble
Flafi Surfacer Har&tood Trim Sandcd
C. M" Clark, Reprerentativc Lor Angeler
Chicago Lumber C.o. of Wash. San Francirco
Construction of this apron wharf and the $2,0m,m group of lumbdr plants on the tidetands depends on action to provide the $250,000 necessary for dredging, bulkhead construction and fill, Brennan said. This bond item has been postponed a number of times and action is necessary in order to insure establishment of the big lumber projecg the harbormaster declared.
The city rvould not be called upoh to provide the wharf, for this would be built by the lumber companies to enable thgir vessels to dock. Revenue from the land ,reclaimed would pay interest and sinking fund on the bonds and net the city a handsome profit annually, it was declared.
The proposed fill would cover approximately 3,00O.00O square feet, or about 75 acres, it is estimated, and the hmbor depa.rtment already has received applications for practically all the land to be reclaimed. Among the applicants are soveral companies which at present have no frontage on the bay and are desirous to locate at tidenrater.
one of these firms il"Xfn:frr, the Big Jo r-umber Company of \Vichita, Kan. This concern has no office or plaht here at present, but rvants to establish itself in San Diego and rvants n3,5n square feet of the tidelands for its plant- Other companies desiring to build on the tideF lands Qo be reclaimed are the San Diego Lumber Company, Dixie Lumber Company, City Lumber Company, Russ Lumber Cornpany and Westqrn Lumber Company.
Several of these concerns hare leases on private land which expire next year and are desirous of constructing nel' plants on the tidelands.
Allan Turner, the rvell known San Francisco lumberman, is in receipt of information advising him of the death of his friend, W. J. Lovering of Toronto, Canada. Mr. Lovering rvas one of the largest wholesalers and manufacturers of lumber in Canada. It rvas only a few months ago that he rvas touring on the Pacific Coast, and rvhile in San Francisco he rvas the guest of Mr. Turner.
"If ltls Bradley's lt's Better"
The Sones Lumber Company, Imperial Valley retailers, have a very clever and attractive card that they use as an envelope insert.
It is a postal sized light gray card, folded across one end, displaying the rvords, "Don't to be Observed in Euilding a lIome."
Upon opbning the card, the following well rvorded sermon is found:
l-Forget you may want to sell it some day.
2-Overestimate financial abilitv.
}-Let contract before financial arrang'ements are completed.
4-Buy a lot without learning all the facts about it.
S-Fail to obtain a practical, tested, house design with an intelligently arranged interior.
6-Include freak features such as alcoves. dens and the like-things that are of very little practical value.
7-Accept the lowest bid without inquiring as to the character and abilitv of the contractor.
8-Alter plans after construction is under way.
9-Fail to get an adequate heating system.
lG-Neglect details such as electrical outlets for vacuum cleaner, floor lamp, electric iron, waffle iron, etc.
1l-Use cheap materials to lower first cost.
l?-Fail to have professional supervision of construction.
f3-Fail to provide sufficient closet and storage room.
l4-Fail to.decorate lawn and grounds, nor to plant shade trees.
l5-Use special made to order windows and doors; stock items are much cheaper and just as beautiful. And by all means don't fail to consult Sones Lumber Company as to plans, material, workmanship and other details.
(From the Los Angeles Illustrated News)
Sawdust and shaving's are to fur'niish calories for cows if experiments now under way at the Los Angeles l-umber Products Company prove successful.
According to reports, sawdust and shavings from sprruce logs are to be rnixed with molasses to serve as a daily food on farm and range. The experiments have been going on for sevetral months and have al,ready proved so sucessful as to rvarrant the erection of a special building and installation of machinery for manufacturing purposes.
It is'said that government authorities are keenly interested in, thq nerv process, as rvell as dattlemen. The latter, it is declared, see in the sawdust-shavings food a soltttion of the problem of how to prevent livestock from cheu'ing fences, stalls and like wooden tidbits favored by cows in particular.
Floyd Elliott, San Francisco and Bay District repre. sentative for Chas. R. McCormick & Co., is spending his vacation in Mendocino County. He is making the trip by automobile and will also take a fey side trips into IIumboldt County. While in Humbolilt hnd Mendocino County, he expects to visit several of the large redwood'manufacturing plants in that district. . He is accompanied by his wife and children on the trip.
We believe that we heve one of the 6nert organizationr, from a man'Power standpoint, to be formd in the lumber producing indurtry.
Added to this, our three plantr heve been built with the knowledge that tLey murt meet today'r requirementr. One of our plantr ir practically new, the other two have been remodeled and rebuilt, and are capeble of filling the moat exacting demandr.
To there two elementr-a working force intere*ed and educated in the businers of giving you the lumber you want, operating machinety built and
instelled to insure the high€rt perfection in lumber produetc; we add a celection of timber; a rigid inrpection; and a derire for your continued orderrthir year, next year, and ten years from today.
We are building for the futwe.
' Sdcr OfteJe7.8 hmbcrmcn'r Bldg. FORTIAND, OREGON
lVe rpccializc in KILN DRTED FACTORY LUMBER and KIIJ{ DRIED CLEARS Wc crrty r onphrc tuc& of T PPER$DIMENSION lnd IATH la PR(ruT
We Ovn anil Operatc Ow Ovn Logging Camps, Scpmi&, Plolldng MilI: or,il Dry KIal
BJcan"" the Blue Diamond plaster mill is close to your market you can always have fresh, uniform plaster at the lowest price, and wit{rout chokirrg your warehouse with excess ctock.
Menufrcturcd ErclurivCy by
l6th rnd Al,moda Str. Lor Angclcr, Crl
More than anywhere else on earth, home plans are uFed in California to create the desire and demand for homes, They teach home architecture in the schools, and in many schools they teach landscaping as well, so that scholan leafn not only how to plan an attractive home, but how to make models of the homes they design, and of the yards as well. In hilly building territory this latter thing is very importanL
The other day I ran across a demonstration of the use of home plans to help sell home sites that is well worth consideration. A real estate firm opened up a new piece of hill-side property for home sites, and advertised it wide ly. They put a sales office on the ground, as is customary in California, and opened the plot to the publie
Here was a wise selling company depending on their plans to make people buy their real estate, the plans thus creating directly a market for building material that woul be furnished by lumber dealers.
Yet there are still lumber dealers who can't adapt the use of modern home plans to their own particular business.
Our personal opinion is that modern, horne plans are doing more to create a demand for HOMES in this country today, than any other agency of any Hnd or description. Are YOU one of that sort of dealers?
If so, can't you see that you are looking at your business through the wrong end of the business telescope?
Moore'r netural draft and meohanical recircuhting kilnr of practical and rnodern typol.
Complete linc of dry Utr equipmcng ruch er trucb trawfer can, recording and regulating inlrumentr, lurnbor liftr and fat and edge lumbcr rtackcrs..
In a recent
damage and prevention, S. B. Show, silviculturist with the United States Forest Service in California, stated that fire is the most important cause of denuded forest acres. where logging operations had taken the old timber and no new growth has come up to reclaim the land. Of such fires, most start from the logging operations themselves.
With adequate care;during lumbering operations and a reasonable system of patrol of cut-over land for a few years following logging, the greater portion of California's timberland would, in the opinion of Mr. Show, reproduce in due course of time and carry a second growth of pine in all respects equal to the virgin yield, if not actually greater ih volume of timben produced.
"Whether the slash and debris left after logging in western yellow pine should be burned deliberately, to reduce the fire hazard," said Mr. Show, "is a question wholly of time and method,, If gathered into piles in an efficient manner, and burned the spring or fall after logging, when fire danger is least, the result will be beneficial. But scattering the slash without burning, or even letting it lie without scattering, is prefereble to careless burning, either in piles or broadcast.
"In our California pine region fires in slash are more difficult to control, but are not greatly more destructive to the young growth than fi,res on cut-over areas where slash has been piled and burned. Underbrush slash, indeed, ceases to be a serious hazard. in 10 years at the most."
Chas. R Wilson, of Chas. R. McCormick & Co., has returned from an enjoyablo two weeks' vacation spent at Lake Tahoe. "Charles" carried his gnlf clubs along, and in addition to hunting and fishing, he spent some time on the links at the fumous mountain resort.
Bob Dixon and Glardon Davis, of Chas. R Mdormick & Co., San Francisco, have returned from a two weeks' touring trip through the Northwest where _they visitgd Portland, Stattle, Victoria, ahd Vancouver. While in the Northwest, they also traveled the Columbia River Highway and spent several days totrring on Vancouver Island and the belutiful Fraser River District in British Columbia-
John Conlon, of Chas. R. McCormick & Co., has returned fr6m his vacation sPent oo the Russian River near Healdsburg. John reports that the country life is the only way to Jpend the summer outing and that he had a wonderful tim6. Mrs. Conlon and their tr*'o fine children made ttre trip with him.
Mr. H. F. Brey, ex-President of the Joaqqiq Valley Lumbermen's Club, ind President of the Brey-Wright Lumber Company, of Porterville, is spending tte summer at Oakland. Mr. Brey is a patriarch and is one,of the oldest lumbermen in the'State of California. He is accompanied by Mrs. Brey.
Constructive work on the new $100,000 administration building and important additidns of the Pioneer Papor Company plant at Los Angeles will be completed by September lst, at which time ra celebration and banquet will be held. according to William Henry, vice president and general manager of the corporation.
The down town office at 247 S. Los Angeles street has been secured by the firm of Blakg Moffit and Towne, together with the Pioneer Paper Company's coarse and wrapping paper divisio,n. The manufacture of roofing and building papers is now exclusively engaged in by the Pioneer Paper Company, operating the la,rgest plant of this type in the west.
A. J. Russell, of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, has neturned from a few days pleasure trip at Santa Rarbara. He was accompanied by Mrs Russell, who will remain there for two weeks as the guest of Mr .and Mrs' E. T. Ford. Mr. Ford is the General Manager of W. R. Grace & Co.
A wedding qf unusual interest to the lumber fraternity of the state o&rned on Friday, July 25, when Miss Agnes M. Gardiner of Washihgton, D. C., became the bride of Nelson E. Jones, manager of the Jones Hardwood Co. of San Francisco. The ceremony took place at Lake Tahoe and on their return rvill make thein home at Burlingame.
Concerning our stending and rcliebility ASK THE CAUFORNIA LUMBER MERCFIA}IT
Inquiricr Cordialty Soticitcd
GEO. R- CHTISTIE' Goorel Mrtr3or Houo 06oo HOUSTON, TEXA6
Sro Fmciroo Bnrch Loe Anr&r BnrGl tilO Morrdrocl Buildir3 Nl Frry Buillir3
Mannfacturcn of Catrondr WhfrG rnd Surrr Plnc Lubcr ltilb et Scrurilb lnd mt, CrL
150,(X)O,(X)O Fc* Annd C+edty
B. W. ADAMS, Mcx. Salc! DGpu Fir* Nation l BanL Bldg. - SaD Fnndp
N. 'rlt Brnk BHg. Portlrn4 Orc.
Ve Specializc in Grayr Harbor OLD GROIVTH YEIJ0W FIR Finfuh and Verdcal Gnh ftorbg.
lf you fike extn good quafry Rcd Ccdrr Shingter we crn fundrh Scm.
H. A. Browning Lunhr iCo.
Phonc ATLntic 204
Hardwoods a Sp*ialty
t$h lnd Ato Ddcd Upcn
Grcco Clan eud Gmnr
Rdl Dd Crilo S[foncotr
16 Calif St. - San Framrco
I am the ruler of retail reverses.
I am the Lord High Potentate of Failure.
I arn the reason for that downward slant of your profit curve.
I am the cause of the sil.ent sickness that.stills your cash-register bell.
I am the cause of dissatisfied customers and loss of trade.
I am the leavi:n of uncertainty in the midst of certain profits.
"it lasts"
Maaulactutctc of Hutnboldt Rcduood
Domestic Wooils
I am the element of chance that turns a winning busineqs into a losing gamble.
I am the fountain-head whence springs most of your trouble and worry.
I am the key to the problem why more than 15,000 retailers fail every year.
I am th,e why and the wherefore, the direct and proximate cause, the germ and genesis of unsuccessful merchandising.
I am the sticker, the shelf-lounger, the left-over, the nameless child of an unknown father.
with your trade. "Put them wise" to
L (r
r ad ern ar ked)
A white lumber, of rich mahoganyJike grain, with finish possibilities as unlimited as the scale of tints. And besides, no lumber of this character is as reasonably priced as LAIVIAO.
The ONLY Imporlas uith our ovn Timbs Supply oftd Mills in Luzon, ard with PACIFIC COAST HEADQUAR?'ERS ar
Sth and Brannan Sts. San Francisco - Oakland - Los Angele*
Lamatco Compo-Board Veneers, Dowels, Treccraib, etc., etc.
Herdwood Hcadquartcrr
Sth and Brannan Stc.
Foreign Wootls
It isn't so long since there were few lumber dealers who had display rvindorvs, and therefore few who had window displays.
Even those lvho now have display u'indows often seem to be at a loss to use them properly for publicity purposes. Of 'course, that is all that displa{ windows are really good for, outside of the fundamental giving of light for the interior.
But windorv'displays, properly handled, can be made a great polver for good to the lrtmber and buildingl *el.chant.
In lfouston, Texas, there are a number of retail lumber dealers who make very excellent window displays.
Recently the old lumber firm of W. T. Carter & Bro., moved their offices from their big retail yard, where they had always been, to the busy corner of Capitol and San Jacinto Streets, right across from the Post Office, and where many thousands of people, both walking and riding, pass daily. One of the attractions was the fact that the entire corner of the building is devoted to big plate glass windows, wpnderful for display Purposes.
They have immediately put five of those big rvindorvs to work in a vary attractive, unique, and practical manner. An artist painted for them fir'e canvas panels, about 12 feet in length, and 3 feet in depth. There is a panel in
each of the five windows facing San Jacinto, thd heaviest traveled street of the two. In length, each panel fills a window.
The panels are painted in bright and attractive colors, the art work is niost excellent, and the general effect is splendid. Each panel represents an era in the development' of American homes. The first, at the left, shows the first American home builders, the Cave Dwellers of prehistoric times, the panel being divided into two parts, one side shorving a distant view of a clifi with the caves far uP oa the side, and the other a close-up of the dwellings within the caves.
Th.e secohd era, on the next panel,.is the next development in American homes, showing the early Indians, with their group of Wigwams on the shore of a lake. This is noted as the "Nomadic" era of American homes.
The next panel is the succeeding step, showing a scene of home building among the early pioneers, the cabins being of rude logs, built in the midst of the fotests.-
The fourth is the next step in our home development the "Neighborly" peroid, when men began making settlements and torvns by grouping their now more refned homes.
(Continued on Page 54.)
We are h"ppy to make the announcement that, on and after August 6rst, our' comPany will act as bxclusive repiesentatives in Southern C-alifornia, Arizona, New Medco and Texas for the Hutchin' ron Lumber C.ompany, Oroville, Cal.
Manufacturers of White and Sugar Pine, and Douglas Fir.
We will handle all varieties of lumber manufactured by this splendid mill.
Our oficet are lotcd at 330 Cbepman BuiHing' Loo Angclcr Phone VAnfike 4912
There is a far better feeling in the United States generally today, tha,n there was tliirty days ago.
And it is manifeating itsilf in an improvement in general national conditions, that cannot but be refected in conditions in every normal territory.
The strangulation that Presidential Election year had clasped around tfre throat of business for several monthr, is already looeening. The nomination by the two great politicd partier of Presidential candidates who ane both admittedly in the "gafe and sanett class, has had a vely stimulating effect on the nationts buriness. The strength of the radical senator from Wisconrin, running on a thiid party ticket, is the only fy in the ointment, but not a vitally serious one.
The price of the great farm crops is having a wonderful efiect. It is reactF ing its way into millions of pockets that can be reached in no other possible way. It is aftecting districts that can in no other manner be afiected. And this wonderful price of corn, and wheat, and cotton, dil find its way into every strala of American induetry, business, and commerce.
It looks to us as though conditions were already decidedly improved, prospects consid'erably better, .td opiimism being rapidly rertored. 'r'4,.'': :
We are likely to have a splgndid fall business money loosening up, business activity enhanced, on ttre national face.
all over thia country* #h and the good old smile bpck
Let each one of us do our share, by working harder, thinking straighter, and helping ourselves and one another to the greatest poasible extent.
(Continued from Page 52.)
The fifth is the present era of Home Building and shows a modern bungalow, in its beautiful environment, and advertises "Carterbilt" homes, plans, service, and materials.
This series is attracting wonderful attention from passers-by, and big display advertising in the local press has called the attention of the tor,vnspeople generally to the panels.
W. T. Carter, son of the late W. T. Carter, founder of the business, statesl that these five, and their three big front windows will bg devoted at all times to attractive advertising for their business.
In addition to this sort of advertisng, the W. T. Carter Lumber & Building Cornpany do a lot of other decidedly attractive advei:tising. Their elaborate and beautiful signboards have been pronounced the 6nest ever used by ahy retail lumber concern in the country, and their newspaper advertising is of the highest type.
Mr. Carter is thorouhgly sold on the necessity and lvorth of intelligent advertising for the retail .lumber business, ahd has been brought to that'conviction by the results obtained by his orvn advertising.
Clyde Seavey, President of the Railroad Commission of the State of California, was the speaker at a largt attended meeting of Hoo-Hoo Club No. t held at the Paltace H,otel, San Fr-ancisco, on Jaly 24. Mr. Seavey gave an excellent talk on the functions, duties, and responsibilities of tAe Railroad Commission.
Fred Roth, of J. H. McCallum, was the Chairman of the Day. An excellent musical program under the direction of Charles J. Lamp of the Kohler & Chase was cnjoyed by the members.
Vice-President J. Walter Kelly 'was in charge of the business session. Frank Trower announced that the next Concat wbuld be held on August 23 at Santa Cruz. The Concat will be held in Conjunction with the Mill Worker's Institute that will be held at Santa Cruz on August 22 enil23.
Frank Trorver was the winner of the attendance pize, a Searchlight, that was donated by J. E. Martin of "The California Lumber Merchant."
G. W. Fraser rvill be the Chairman of the Day at the next regular lneeting and President William Sproule of the Southern Pacific Railroad will be the speaker.
To insure etraight, flat gtock, careful sticking on thc kiln can is absolutcly necesaary.
The corrcct seaeoning of hardwoodr to meet thc clinatic conditions of Southern California, is but onc of our anccc!.fuI cffortr to Eerve our trade efficiently.
The key of success may fall into the hands of a drunkard, but he seldom finds the keyhole.
'I en plcarcd to note thrt thc Lmbcr Mct[F !!otr bcttcf eech ycar.tt (J. IL Brt r)
The breakfart room may be a distinctive unit of the horne or it_may be buitt in the kitchen. Here ir a happy nrrediur+ ryhiq\ qartater of botrh rhere idear. White *iii"t.a fr"ri tte kitchen by_ a partition wall, thir breakfart "i"t i" itosely enough related to it ro ar to creete a minimuna of efiort ani a maximrun of convenience. Thir particular feature may be conrtructed at a ver5r rm4l coat and will prove " pr".ti"d and valuable addition to the home.
It's one thing to sell Eo many feet of fooring, and "rroth"t thing to sell foors. The lnilb.r merchant *t'ho ".e" the finished floor when he sells the flooring for it, is the one who will demand the best. Why, for instance, should he let a customer buy unsponsored hardwood stock, when for the -same money, he can give the lrome builder OAK LEAF OAK FLOORING
Acorn Brand, guaranteed uniform in grading, milling and dimensions? Think ihi" oni in terms of your own busineEs.
It ia a wondcrful thi-g for you to be able to lay to atty cuttomer who comcr to you i6 trl|< about "Roofing" that the roofing you scll ir made by people who are ro eincere and ro conrcicntioue tlrat the pcrmancnt ratirfaction of tlre roofing ir made a ccrtainty. You can aay tfiat about
It isn't juct thc euperior quality of thc materiale used in it, nor of the rcientific metfiod of proceeaing it. It ir thc rinccre purporc to go the limit on that kind of quality which will be mcaanred by many ycare of gcnuine satisfaction and rctwice. You can win and hold the confidence of your cultomcre with Weaver Roo6ng. WEAVER
2436 Elrt Eighth St - Lo. Angcler
Telephone BRoedway O784
An old adage, Oo, ". true today as when it first was uttered.
The knocker is becoming a rare specimen in the field of ' salesmanship, but he is still present with his little hammer.
And every time he strikes a blow at his competitor he is driving another nail in the coffin of his prospective sales.
The hopes of many misguided salesmen lie buried neath an avalanche of d,isgust and distrust, and with them is buried the business of his employers.
It is an old stunt to run down the product ,of your competitor, and many a man has learned to his sorrow that it is the sure road to failure, while still a large number oI others have not yet learned the lesson.
Discrediting your neighbor's goods is the surest way ol arousing suspicion of your own wares in the mind of your prospect.
He may know your merchandising is better, but your competitor .may happen to be o,n more friendly relations with him, and naturally, he will feel a sort of resentment at your attitude.
On the other hand, /our prospect probably knows all about the merits and demerits of your competitor's stock.. What he wants to know is how your own line matches up with it-and he ,alone is the judge of that.
Tell him the good points about your own merchandise
and let him rnake the cornparison. It is well for you to know the weak spots in your competitor's product so that you can be in a position to emphasize the virtues of your own, and if you can do that you have made a sale.
If. the goods you are trying to sell can,t stand up on their own merits, it is time for you to quit and'get a new line.
A beautiful reception hall end an artirtic rtairrray make the home a more inviting place to enter and behold. Ar this ie the first part of the home that the viritor seer, it will be the first one to impresr him and it should therefore be deeigDed to make the best kind of imprersion. Thir reciption hall and etairrray ere rylendidly arrangedl and beautifuIly finirhed. The triple.windows make the place bright and cheerful.
Suporfor Brud Ort ncctr iacluder a greet dcd EorHbch tooollt for the cnthuriastic prefcrcacc so m.try dcelcn and ctrltooctr rbor lol it in the concrcte fom of rcpc.t ordcn.
For intence, our improvcd metbod of cuttiag ork to its propcr thiclness, vllh lrrc4 is the primary reason wby Suporlc Brud (LL Florlql da3 lot cup or buckle.
Thir 3tctr, follorcd by r lih dryiog proccr il rUcl cta?t tncl loed of ru oel ir l,rbontory tc3tcd, indicrtcr tb.t rc .!G aot tolloriag colvcntboet ncthodr, aor ob3olctc cu3toE.
Yellow Fir Sanded Stock - Mouldings - Doors
Your order frcrhlv nanrJearrcd rnd lordcd dircc from machiner to car.
Every bundle tradcmarkcd Sold only bl
TUcker 5725 1125 Ccotrel Bldg.
Ia advencc of thc latclt developmcntr of irprcvcd ruu[rctm, rc maaufecture, wc arc makiog in Sr4ldc Bnla (Lt FLclrt' r product thet is de6nitely increariag salcr. Our ncr book for dcdcrt tcllg tbe wholc atory .ild it's yours {or thc etkin3. }Yritc ur todry lor your copy and samplcs.
Pocific Coosl Rcpraqd,dlocs
W. A. Bccbc 515 Hilstreet Bldg. 8) Fbst Nat. Ball,k BhlgLos Attgcles Sas Fra*isco
R. A. Brour
Western Red Cedar Poles, and Fir Pilingand Derrick Timbcrs. We Ship Lengths Up to 120 ft.
Cttlt0RlllA and 0REG01{
SAN FRANCISOO Muufrctnr*r ud Shipperr f.()g AIIGELES
Young lady with several years experience in large line yard company in Wisconsin, desires position with Southern California retail or wholesale company. Have splendid credentials as to ability etc., and am in California to stay. Have good knowledge of bookkeeping, and can do stenographic work. Expect reasonable salary to start, with opportunity to advance. Address Box "Y" care California Lumber Merchant.
The Donovan Lumber Co. is norv located in its nerv, attractive offices at suite 503 Nervhall Building, San Francisco. They were formerly located on the eighth floor of the same building. The Donovan Lumber Company operrates two large mills at Aberdeen,,Washington. Frank O'Connor is the manager of their San Francisco of;fices.
W. O. Dunning, of the Little River Redwood Co., of San Francisco, has returned from his vacation that was spent in the Sonoma Valley.
Junius Browne, of the Pacific Lumber Co., New York City, is a visitor at the company's San Francisco office on his annual summer business trip. While on the coast, he will make a trip to the company's large Redwood operations at Scotia.
Al Kelley of the Santa Fe Lumber Co. has been laid up for ten days with a badly infected hand that required medical attention. His hand is geeting along nicely and by the later part of the month he eipects to be calling on the trade agarn.
The Los Angeles offices of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Company have been moved from the Pacific Mutual Bldg., to the A. G. Bartlett B'uilding, at 7th and Spring St.
Would you be able to view the twisted, smoldering ruins, consoled in Jrour mr!fortune by the sure knowledge that you are adequately ineured, with every condition on the policy fulfilled, ao that there will bc no gueetion of the arnount you will recover)
The time to tlink about this question is not after, but before the fire.
"SURLSend rrl another year" rubecription. We have got to have romething to cha^re the 'bluer' away."
(Buena Park Lumber Co.)
One of the best explanations of the way in which intelligent advertising does its work, and tvhat that work consists of, and how it ties up with selling, that ever came to our editorial desk, was issued recentlv by an eastern advertising concern, the John E. Porvers Advertising Company, and is nrore than worth lvhile reading:
"We pick up our moosehorn and start calling. The moose may be a long way off when he hears the call. He doesn't pay any attention at first. But the call is so insistent that, after a while, he begins mor.ing in our direction. We don't know he is coming nearer to us. We cannot see or hear him. t If he was a half mile away and has moved up 100 yards, so far as we are concerned, he might be 10 miles alvay. If we could actually know he is coming nearer, we woulcl know we *'ere making' progress. But we don't know,
"We can quit calling and he rvill stop. Or we can keep on calling and he will movd up another hundred yards. But still we won't know.
"After a while he begins ansrvering our call, bud he is so far oft we can't tell very much about it.
"Then he comes still closer and his answer is plainer, and we can tell where it is conring from.
"At last lre is in sight close at hand. The guide has done HIS rvork. It is nou' up to you.
"If vou are a good shot-if vou are a goorl 56ts564nyou bag him.
"Advertising cuts dorvn the distance betrveen you and the prospective buyer. It talks to people you cannot see. It has an effect on them you cannot notice at first. After a rvhile, in answer to your persistent calling, they come close enough for you to deal rvith them-if youp advertising is good and persistent enough-and if your salesmanship is as good as your advertising." ***
Honestly, isn't that a simple and splendid expllanation of u'hy you advertise. and u'hat eftect it shoutd have on your business ?
Vere Hunter, popular San Francisco lumberman and'a member of the Cole-Hunter Lumber Co., is confined to his home in Piedmont ln'ith sickness. His many friends hope that he rvill convalesce quickly and will be able to return to his office at an early date. For
. There- "t _ jolt so rnany Dg!I"r" coming into yotrr trade territory each day, week, montfi and year. Are the other business firms making a harder play to attract there dollarr thanlou?
T+ gverybgdy- .$at .riou have a plan service- that you are fully equipped io t"t"" them with planr, materials, home building ideas and can provide competent Contraciors.- - -
Lots of folks like_ to- buy homer at a price; cooperation witfi contractorr makec it po*dble for you to attract this particular business.
WE WILL FI,'RNISH YOU WITH ONE COMPLETE SET OF DETAILED PLANS AND SPECI. FICATION!, oNE LARGE HAND-CoLoRED MoUNTED pIcruRE, oNE MATRIX oF u.uSrna- TION AND PROOF COPY OF ADVERTISEMENT. THE COnApLEiE SET FOR $6.50 and thir price goes folany plen featured in your equipment and for aE rnany ar you can rse.
Bcginning with thc Augur-t lrt iouc of tLir-put' licatlon. w-c will crrry i &lnttncnt of crclurivc .dt.rtirc-"rtr by lumlcrncn end lunbervouco of California who irc rcching poritionr vith rholcralc or rctril lunbcr conccrlr. Thcro "ldr' vill bc carricd rt no cort to thc rdvcrtircr, or to thc cB' pioy.r, and thcrc rrG no rtringr lttechcd to thc ofrcr'
Rcrlizing thet thcrc ir I ccrtein rnount ot un'tn' ploynaat in tumbcr circtcl, end dclirilS to .eoirt ia lhlt"".t wry wG Gltl' 'wG oficr thir rcnicc, rnd urgc itr frcc urc.
Ar rn cnploycr, will yo-u do -your -part. Rced thcrc edvcrti-r"ni.ait, notc thc qurlificrtionr, rnd rcc if vou crnnot uac onc or EotG of thc rncn or rotnc! *(o ."" rttcmptin3 to gct il conncctioa with you' Wc alro urgG thlt tLir rcrvicc bc rcconmcndcd wLcncvcr yoat-"o-a in contect with ronconc rcching a porition.
Thc copy rhould rcrch our Lor Angclcr of6cc not latcr than- thc 25tt, for thc iruc of lhc lrl or thc l0th, for thc nid-month iruc. Stetc your qurli6cationr, pert crporicncc, ctc.
A. B. Wastell, I\{anager of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, iJon a two weeks vacation to Portland and other points of interest in Washilgtgn and..Oregon. He is aciompanied by his flmily and they-wi[ret-urn to San Francisio around the first of the month. Durine his absence, Mrs. G. W. Fraser, the Association Secrefary, has been in charge of their San Francisco omce.
Reine Champlin, who has had considerable lirmber experience lvith the Pioneer Lumber Co. and Kent Lumbcr Co. of Seattle, has taken charge of the officq of Allan Turner, the rvell known San Francisco wholesalef. During Mr. Turner's absence while calling on the lumbgr trade of Northern California, she rvill look after the afilirs of the San Francisco omce.
The copies of your valuable journal seem to be in such demand iir the office here that it is.difficult for me to gct a copy for my files. Will you please mail'a copy direct to me.
W. B. Laughead, /c Red River Lumber Co.Trvo Fords passed by. Each one had a different sisrr. One of them said: "Move ov€r, Henry; here comes Lizzie." Another said: "You can't see my Mayonnaise, she's dressing now."
909 Bank of ltaly BHs., Loc Angeles' Ctlif.
fa Luubcr rnd Shingh.
Pordrnd" Orc.
Peci6c Cout Forort Productr
Orcgol Pia.r Cqdqn Holgeb
Khnlttr 6unty Glifornir
Whitc Pinc
Hcntoch, Codrr rnd Lrrch Novclty
For 6r or 613o Shipncat
From our orn nillr
Phone TUcLcr lt$lf
Sctd., WerL.
YClor Frr Docr
Genjo Dooa
t STEPtEllSOlf CO.' TrSa
Wdb 5cL
Mrplq Bbcl rra Bch Floo,ria3
ArL, Bqroe4 BircL
EIn erd Urpb Lunbrr
"Thb L thc bc.t l2.OO vc tltcod." (TdG Lupbcr Co.)
An ounce of performdnce is worth a ton of exPlpnations.George B. Maxwell Phone TUcker 14ll W. W. Wilkirrm
You KNOW what I can grve you in service on there products.
-at but slightlv higher cost than ordinary soft wood trim.
Pacific Southwest lrnport Co., through direct mill connections in the Philippiner, is quoting prices that are €Dabling dealerr to build up a nice businera in these beautiful hardwoods for interior trim, sash, doors, btc.
Wide awake builderc want these materials and will go where they can get drem.
Write for our folder, '?hilippine Hardwoods and Their LJter." We will also sladly gt"e you pricec and any other information you may wish.
Southern California, West Texas, New Mexico, or Arizona. Experienced in southern pine, white pine, Pacific Coast products. Best of references. Address Box J-I, care California Lumber Merchant.
In retail lumber yard. West Texas, New Mexico, Arizont, or Southern California, or would accept position as manager. Am thoroughly experienced lumberman, thirtythree years of age, married, can furnish excellent references. Address Box K-1'. care California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced bookkeeper, yard. salesman who can furnish references wants work near Oakland. I am willing to try to advance. Address, Box 3-F, care California Lumber Merchant.
' Position as manager of Lumber Yard or Lumber and Building Material salesman, ten years California experience, excellent references, married, age 4O, at present in charge of yard but desire change with more opportunity for expansion. Address Box "E-1," care California Lumber Merchant.
Young man, seven years Pacific Coast etperience redwood and Douglas Fir, wholesale and retail. Some experience white pine mill. Married. Seek sales position, or rnanager of large yard or chain yards. Thoroughly experienced in retail management, also handling credits. Am employed at present. Address box 2-F, care California Lumber Merchant.
Lumberman with eleven years experience managing retail yards wishes position with good concern in California. Thirty-four years of age, married, very best of references. Address, J. L. S. Route 1, Box 890, Tujunga, Cal.
Thirty-one, married. Twelve years in retail business; :] eight years as yard manager. Wants position as I ager or will take good foreman job in large yard. anywhere. Address. Box "C-1" care California I\{erchant.
mani WiU go Lumber
As manager of retail lumber yard. Seven yeafs experience, retail and rvholesale. Thoroughly familiar n'ith the lumber business also good salesman and collec$r, Best of references. Address Box "D-1" care Californii Lumber Merchant.
An old established retail lumber yard in the San Joaquin Valley has just been put on tlre martet and can be bought at inventory. B@ks for tcn ol mce years past show steadily increasing profits, bfsincss is on an absolute solid foundation, has an,e*celleot steady clientele and our neasons for wishing 1to sell are that we wish to retire. We will commrmicatc witb responsible parties. DeaI would require about $lSO()0() cash- Address Bor F-l care Califomia Lumber Merchant.
Wanted: Lumber yard within 30 miles l-os Angeles next 60 or 90 days. State best terms--details. Will'pay cash small yard. Address, "Illinois" care California Lumber. Merchant.
12 years Los Angel,es experience in retail and pholcsale lumber, as estmiator, shipping clerk, order clerk fnd sdesman. A-1 references. Address Box l-F, care Californii Lumber Merchant.
Young married man eighteen years exlrerience from stumps to market. Last four years General ManBger Pine Operation. Desires position similar or will consiidlr position -any capacity with opportunity for advancement. Ca[- f-ornia preferred. Best of references, now employed. Address Box, H-1, care California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale-. \f,tholerale qoneet! manufadrring and dealing in Brcaldart-Noold, DhpeciliDs lronfog_Bafd+ and Bath Room C,abin*n made frdn White Phc l-rmbcr. TbL ir aa iroced6od .tr".c"t-bor-i!r.. Carh Price, $lO'(Xn. Total inverhcot to bandle entirc budncs withour crerilt, iiSrOOO --U"acr t proper manag:ement of concerl the opcration .hgqH nct $lOrfiX) ennuelly.
wANTED-Li'tin$ of lumber -'a, "m?orHf*" bllycn witr sc cuh. a c/o Bilhore Hotcl EDGAR S. FI.AFER Lql .A,NGEITS, CA,IIF. Pho. FAbc fOq)
Sheathing and lath combined in orie piece.
Reduces materhl coet.
Reduces labor cost.
Special advantages where quick-drying patent plasters are used.
Cracking and scaling particularly on outside worlc greatly reduced.
Approved by building codes.
HOME BUILDERS Eave money and get a better and more serviceable job.
CONTRACTORS save labor expense and duplication of work.
DEALERS find it a quich and easy seller and a profitable item.
Byrkit Lath is a
Made by the largest producers of California Piner
Try thir money maker today. Phone or wire your rcquiremente at our expenrc.
Mixed Car Lotr with Saeh and Doors and Othcr Yard or Factory lteme
King Solomon had a thousand wives, And every one a beauty, For picking peaches was his pleasureLikewise was his duty.
Now Solomon was wondrous rich And also wondrous wise, His palace was the world's acclaim, For beauty and for size.
Yet in this marble palace, Of this wise and wealthy king, Compared with modern home delights He didn't have a thing.
No disappearing ironing board, Nor yet a printed book, No plate-glass bathroom cabinet, Nor yet a breakfast nook.
In spite of mighty grandeur That would take away your breath, A California bungalow
Has that palace skinned to death.
Sell the modern home equipmentCall on US and we'll make shipment.
St4p4ing PcigLt i5 b. lnst thc cooPlcc freoc
thc uppctdtrbdb '
BREAKFAST TABLE rrD rlotrto loallt Goaalltllt Sbi2pteg llciglt P ltt. tartdl er rbora A rcel tioc' ooc, rad rprcc rver. tdc.l fr. rF @rr c nrrll honcr.
BATH R@M CABINET titl Adjut blcshclrtl.od Phe GLr Mirra. Me&togiac rgri!.t rdt