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How Lumber Looks
_ Douglas Fir-A total of 343 mills reporting to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week Lnded July lS operate! at 39.61 per cent of capacity, as compared to 32.33 per c_ent of capacity for the preceding week and 42.23 per ient during the week of June 27. For the first 28 weeks-of l93l these_mifis have operated at 41.56 per cent of capacity, as com. pared to 61.43 per cent for the same period in fSiO. During the week ended July 11, 172 plants were reported as down and. 162 as operating. Those operating reported production as 55.8 per cent of capacity.
Current new business rqrorted by 223 identical mills to the Association for the week ended July 13 was 0.59 per cent over production, and shipments were 6.67 pet cent undet the output. Production, orders and shipments at these mills for the week were repotted as follows: Production 10014681142 f.eet; Shipments 9t,769,415 feet; Orders 101,065,675 feet. During the past 28 weeks of 1931 orders for these 22V rnills have averaged 2.08 per cent over production.
Details of orders and shipments as reported by these 223 mills for the same week follows: Orders-Rail 3316961183 feet; Domestic Cargo 45rO43r08O feet; Export 1412481271 feet; Local 810781141 feet. Shipments-Rail 32r785r8t4 feet; Domestic Cargo ,7r48OrOO2 feet; Expott 15r425,4t8 feet; Local 8r078r1.4l feet.
The California market shows very little change and the volume of business continues light. Fir lath is reported scarce. 58 lumber boats in the California service are reported laid up. tlnsold stocks on the public docks at San Pedro on luly 29 totaled 912191000 feet, compared with 7,773IOOO feet for the preceding week; fir cargo arrivals at this port for the week ended luly 25 totaled 9,682,oo0 f.eet.
The Califorrri" n.a'i"u ,^1"*ia" reported production fror4 12 mills for the month of June as l4r293r000 feet, shipmerrts 15r880r(X)0 feet, orders on hand l7r727rOOO feet, and orders received 1618091000 feet. The California Vhite and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association reported production from
Bridge Engineer Visits Redwood Mills
R. N. Sack, bridge engineer of the Missouri State Highway department, has completed a tour of the Redwood Empire during which he visited the mills in Humboldt, Del Norte and Mendocino Counties, for the purpose of investigating the merits of structural Redwood for use in State and county bridges in his State.
24 mills for the week ended July 1S as 17,060,0fi) feet, shipments 1618431000 feet, and orders 16r609,0fi) feet. The same number of pine mills reported a decrease of 36 pet cent in production and an increase of 7 pet cent in orders, compared with the same week of 1930. No material changes are reported in the Pine and Redwood markets..
Lumber orders for baraneedproduction,,.'i'rljii.:li:t"{:g"Jf,
797 leading hardwood and softwood mills to th; Narional Lumber Manufacturers Association. These mills gave their total cut as 2O7r74)rOQO f.eet. Shipments were approximately 5 per cent below this figure.
I-umber orders reported for the week ended July fS by 5O4 softwood mills totaled 18613111000 feet, or 2 per cent below the production of the same mills. Shipments as reported for the same week werc lTTrEElrOOO feet, or 7 per cent below produc- tion. Production was 190,58710O0 feet.
Reports from 252 hardwood mills for the same week give new business as 22rO5Er0O0 feet, or 29 pet cent above production. Shipments as reported for the week were 20286r00/J feet, or 18 per cent above production. Production was 1711561000 feet.
The current relationship of shipments and orders to production for the first 26 weeks of 1931, as reported by-the regional associations to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, follow:
'West Coast Lumberments Association-Production 21754169l M feet; Shipments 2,886,514 M feet; Orders 2,9t0,7t4 M feet.
Southern Pine Association-Production 9221649 M feet; Shipments 1,007,727 M feet; Orders l,006,719 M feet.
California Pine Manufacturers Association (25 weeks)Production 266,171 M feet; Shipments 798,646 M feet; Orderc 4O9,977 M feet.
Western Pine Manufacturers Association-Production 72E,126 M feet; Shipments 746$45 M feet; Orders 72O,2O2 M feet.
Total Hardwoods-Production 5591167 M feet; Shipments 603,421 M feet; Orders 611,957 M feet.
Redwood Executives Visit Mills
Leonarcl C. Hammond, vice-president of the Hammond Lurnber Co., San Francisco, and H. W. Cole, vice-president of the Hammoncl c& I-ittle River Redwood Co. have returned to San Francisco from a visit to their companies' operations at Samoa and Crannell.