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Mv Earfy Recoflections of Lumb ering
(Continued from Page 12) past Ottar,va City before and I tried a small quantity of logs to r un them through the Chaudier Falls, -but found ,l1l *,". going to. be impractical because a great quantity of.the Iogs stayed in behind the falls and rverJch,rrnirrg "ni milling around so fast that they were coming ttlroupn i" !!ip._. Therefore, I got p.ermissibn to run them"througi the Northern Slide. Thls slide had been built to run cr'jbs of timber down it and I got the logs started, but in the mean_ time I had lost so much time fwas very anxious about it and so I got our men to crowcl our logj down faster than the slide could take them, and as a resu-lt it caused a block_ ade, which in turn caused the water to dam. This water overflowed onto a match factory belonging to a Mr. E. B. Eddy. As soon as he discoveied wha-t h"ad happened he rushed over to where I was and commenced calling me all the names he could think of, which were far from-compli_ mentary. I answered him and said, ,,lfere you are keep- ing me while the water is overflowing and going throujir your factory. Leave me alone, and i rvill irv i,.ru *iu possible to put a stop to this flood of water.,' . It looked as though it were going to be impossible to do, but we hnally managed it. Fforn,ever, I had my doubts about- breaking this jam at all, and heaved a sigtr of re_ lief when I found we had accomplished it. As so"on as we had the water under control it immediately ceased running through the factory. I then lvent on back to start the los! going on.their way again. ln the meantime Mr. Eddy hid been waiting to see me. \\'hen I put in "r, "pp"ui.r,." finally he called me over and said, "i want to congratulate you and_compliment you cin rvhat looked to be an-impossi_ bility. .It-certainly did not look as though you would ever accomplish this in such a short time." From that time on
Mr. Fddy and I were fast friends and remained so until the time of his death.
Those were the first saw logs that ever passed bv Ot_ tarv.a City going.-down the riverl Since that iime, horie*,er, Dlllrons upon billions of feet of timber have gone down past there.
.9n -I first visit to my native town Mrs. Dollar and I visited the lumber yard and saw the house in which wi lived. P1le.d up behind the house was a great pile of hewn square timber. We sat down to .rest oi one'of the logs. and as usual I looked carefully at the timber. t touna t-liJ every piece had a $ mark on it. This was a cargo of tim_ ber I got out on Lake Huron and sold to a merchant in Glasgow, who in turn sold it to my cousins.
From then on I kept improving and when I was 2g years old I started in business io. my-self _in lumbering, g.itirrg out logs, in the Muskoka district of Ontario. Lacf o-f busi ness-experience prevented my selling them when I was of_ tered a good price; Black Friday came along and the bot_ tom rvent out of everything and I had to sill the loss at a loss, so that I came out in debt. It took *e ttr..-ie.is to. earn- e-nough money to pay off the debt, but it was a splendid lesson that I nevei forgot.
..I went into partnership_with n'fr. H. H. Cook, the big Cana_ dia.n .lumberman, and began exporting timber to' Cieat Britain and -getting out logj for the saw-mills. Ou. ""-f" were on Lake Huron. at Georgian Bav. But we ,"r, olt of timber large enough to export to Great Britain and moved over to Michiga^n where there was a large quantity gf fig timber. When finally we exhausted the"bis timber !n this part of Michigan I-moved to Californi" ;J h;;; I still am.
Lumber Committe e ol State Association to East Bay Hoo Hoo Attend Meeting at Meet in Scotia August 21 McCloud
The next meeting of the Lumber Committee of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association with the Redwood Relationship Committee will be held in Scotia, Friday, August 21.
Plans are being worked out to invite members of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association to visit the Redwood Empire and attend this meeting. Details of the program will be given.in the August 15 isiue of this paper.
Part of the entertainment program will be the rigular golf tournament, for which a ctip with a beautiful Redirood burl base has been donated by J. U. Holmes, president oi the Holmes Eureka Lumber Company. The idp is similar to the one shown on page 24 of ihe July 15 isiue of The California Lumber Mercliant, ancl must be won.three times in order to become the property of a player.
, H. S. Mgrto.n.,9f Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland, Supreme Jabberwock of Hoo Hoo, went to McCloud recentlyio at- tend a meeting of the Tom McCann Hoo Hoo Club. He was 1:complni.-9 by B. E._Bryan, of the Strable Hardwood L_o., (Jakland. Vicegerent Snark for the San Francisco Bav district, and C. I. Gilbert and J. B. McKeon, members o1 the Oakland Hoo Hoo Club.
They found the McCloud club in excellent condition and very enthusiastic despite the depressed conditions in the lumber industry which have seriously decreasea .-ptoy_ ment.
.Among those present was W. W. Martin, popular choice of many California districts for a position as'field reDre_ sentative of Hoo Hoo Internationai,.and for whom m'any Californians have requested consideration when the O;?;? is able to increase its field staff.
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