4 minute read
Form New Pine Association
B. W. Lakin Elected President
For the purpose of forming a new association to replace ty_o organizations, the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association of San Francisco and the Western Pine Manufacturers Association of Portland, a meeting of pine manufacturers, including members of the above associations and non-association members, was held at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on July 22 and 23. There was a full attendance at the two-day meeting, more than 8O per cent of the entire pine production in the west being represented. It was voted to form a new association to be known y' as the Western Pine Association. The new association will include all the territory from British Columbia to New Mexico. The majority of those present believed that their needs would be better served if all matters were handled through one organization presenting a solid front in the exploitation of their product.
"Ponderosa Pine" was adopted as the common name for the species Pinus ponderosa. ' No change was made in the common names of Idaho White Pine and California Sugar Pine, which names have been in use by the trade for many years.
Principles of the association adopted following the report of'a committee on plans. and scope of the new organization included standardization of grades, sizes and basic weights, use of trade marks and car cards on shipments,
Fire At Bay Point
A fire which might have been very serious occurred at the Coos Bay Lumber Company's plant at Bay Point, July 11. The blaze did some damage to the flooring and piling under one end of the planing mill. No delay in operation was caused as this end of the mill was no't in use. The damage was estimated at $40,000, fully covered by insurance.
basic price for all regions, establishment of an export bureau to develop foreign markets, a wooden box promotion committee, employment of a secretary-manager, and the establishment of a headquarters in Portland, Ore.
B. W. Lakin, general manager of McCloud River Lumber Co., McCloud, Calif., was elected president; J. P. McGoldrick, McGoldrick Lumber Co., Spokane, was elected first'vice president, and J. P. Weyerhaeuser, Jr., Potlatch Forests, Inc., Lewiston, Ida., was elected second vice presi. dent. C. L. Isted, Shelvin-Hixon Co., Bend, Ore., was elected treasurer. Directors electeil were: E. 'H. Polleys, Polleys Lumber Co., Missoula, Mont.; Walter Neils, J. Neils Lumber Co., Libby, Mont.; Ralph J. Hines, Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chicago; Charles H. Ingram, Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., Tacoma; W. E. Lamm, Lamm Lumber Co., Modoc Point, Ore.; D. S. Painter, Fruit Growers Supply Co., San Francisco; J. M. McNary, Cady Lumber Corporation, Flagstaff, Ariz.; Geo. W. York, George E. Breece Lumber C<i., Albuquerque; James Clifford, Sugar Pine Lumber Co., Pinedale, Calif.; J. P. Her4phill, Madera Sugar Pine Co., Madera; John D. Tennairt, Long-Bell Lumber Co., Longview; Walter C. Leuthold, Deer Park Lumber Co., Deer Park, Wash.; R. B. White, Forest Lumber Co., Kansas City; B. W. T akin, J. P. McGoldrick, J. P. Weyerhaeuser, Jr., and C. L. Isted.
Fred Burgers Back From Vacation
Fred Burgers, r:salesman for the pany, San Francisco, returned July vacation.
Union Lumber Com27 ftom a two weeks'
J. B. Blair, J. B. Blair Lumber Co., Placerville, Calif., has returned from a visit to Steamboat Springs, Nevada.
Ventura County Dealers Have Barbecue Outing
The Building Material Dealers' Club of Ventura County held a barbecue outing on Monday evening, July 2O, at the home of L. R. I'tyers, manager of the Sun Lumber Co., Ventura, in Ojai. Delicious steaks prepared in Mr. Byers' special built barbecue pit lvere served to the lumbermen under the large spreading oak trees on his grounds. Following the dinner there was a round table discussion on local building conditions. Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles, and Kenneth Smith, secretarymanager of the Lumber & Allied Products Institute of Southern California, addressed the meeting. Forty-five lumbermen were Dresent.
B. C. Mills Unde' Half Capacity
British Columbia saw mills are reported to be operating at 46 per cent of capacity. Water-borne exports of lumber during the first five months of this year amounted to 228,721,W board feet as compared with 323,2D,W for the same period a year ago, atcording to reports from Vice Consuls Nelson P. Meeks at Vancouver and Robert M. Newcomb at Victoria and made public by the Lumber Division of the Deoartment of Commerce.
Vancouver disirict shipments to Canadian Atlantic ports were 14,6O3,000 board feet during the first five months of this year as compared with 29,393,0N for the same period last year.
Water-borne exports to lJnited States Atlantic coast amounted to 70,604,00O board feet for the first five months of 1931 and to 100,484,000 for the same period of 1930, and to California 16,941,M board feet this year and 9,3O4,000 last year.
The movement from Vancouver and New Westminster to California during May, 1931, came to 5,756,W board feet and during the first five months to I2,943,OQ board feet, whereas a year ago none had been exported to California up to the end of May.
During the four-rveek period ended May 30, 1931,2,683 cars were loaded with lumber in Western Canada as compared with 3,933 and 5,46O respectively during the corresponding periods in 1930 and 1929.
British Columbia saw mills anticipate that shipments to eastern Canada will increase as reports indicate a gradual improvement in building activities in some of the larger cities.
Cafifornia Lumber Cut for 1930
The preliminary report on lumber cut for California and Nevada for 1930 prepared by the U. S. Forest Service for the Bureau of the Census shows a 26.7 per cent decrease over the cut for 1929 and is the lowest since 1921. A total cut of 1,512,787,W board feet was reported from mills with an output of 50,000 feet or more of lumber per year, as compared to 2,063,2D,W feet for 7929, which represents approximately the two billion board feet at which California production has held during the seven year period since 1923. The decrease in the total cut lrom 1929 was distinctly greater in the pine than in the redwood region, and in both regions the decrease came mostly from the species that are less desirable commercially.
New S. F. Hardwood Concern
The hardwood stock of the Weston Basket & Barrel Co., San Francisco, has been purchased by the Jones Hardwood Co., which is operating a hardwood business as successors to the first mentioned firm. Nelson E. Jones is manager.