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Sehafer Bros. Lumber & Shinste Oo. Lumber and Shipping
Old Growth Fir and Hemloek Packaged Lumber Red Cedar Shingles
Kelly-Smith Company Moving Offices to San Pedro to Handle Cargo Business Better
The Kelly-Smith Compar.ry, Los Angeles wholesalers of lumber, announce that effective Augttst 15 their offices rvill be located at Berth 53. San Pedro, California, instead of in the Garfield Building in Los Angeles. They are n.raking this change believing that it will greatly facilitate their handling of cargo, which is a fast grorving part of their business. Located right there at the Los Angeles harbor they feel that they rvill be able to give their customers much better cargo service than ever before.
This rvill r.rot interfere with the handling of their rail business, both Douglas Fir ancl Ponderosa Pine, nor lvith their specializing in the sale of Oak and Maple flooring, of which they carry a cornplete line in Los Angeles.
J. Walter Kelly and Stuart C. Smith, rvho comprise the Kelly-Smith Company, have made steady progress in their building of a wholesale lumber business in Southern California, and they both feel that their change of location 'rvill be a decided step forward.