2 minute read


To impr.ove our Cargo Senrice we are moving August 15th to Berth 53, San Pedro, Calif., where we will be equipped as nevef, before to take cane of your immediate needs in Douglas Fir Dimmsion as well as mill shipments. Ve will cotitinue to specidize in rail shipments of Douglar Fir and Ponderoca Pine, and in Oak and Maple fooring. (IVe carry a complete line of foor. itg irt Los Angelee.) Tty our service at our new quartef,s.

Phone Pleasant 3123 ot San Pedro 64O4 Post Office Box 749

lnsulation Board Can be Stored Outside

The R. J. M. Company, 2436 East 8tl-r Street, Los Angeles, are distributors in Southern California for Homasote, a weatherproof insulating board manufactured by the Homasote Company of Trenton, Nerv Jersey.

W. L. Rawn, president of The R. J. M. Company, says that his board combines unusual stru,ctural strength, resistance to air infiltration and definite sound-deadening qualities; that it can be stored outside just like lumber, and comes tn any commercial size up to 8 ft. x 14 ft. FIe also states that the large size sheets in u/trich it is made eliminate the necessity of the usual batten strips, thereb.y providing an ideal base for wallpaper or paint.

to the Los Angeles Harbor


Roy O. Kendall, of Oklahoma City, Okla., a rvell knorvrr lumber and shingle commission man, lvas a recent visitor in Los Angeles and San Francisco.


P. L. Davidson, of Dallas, Texas, a specialist in selling Western lumber and shingles in North Texas territory. has been spending his vacation in California for the past couple of weeks.

Leo G. Opsahl, sales manager of The Co., Westwood, Calif., made a business in the early part of the month.

Red River Lumber trip to Los Angeles


I Three words-"perfected iolnt concealnent"-tell why the narket for Sbeetrockr ts now unlimited. This USG patentedwall and ceiliag constructioD, which ia e:clurive with USG, tcmoves thc last batticr to faet, profitable Sheetrock galegl PerI-A-Tape*, used with Receeged-Edge Sheetrockr, givee your curtomers the aaauraBce ol anrooth, reialorced jointa that can be entitely concealod by aoy decoration. Whole new marketsbroad rl€w profit opportulitiosawait the doaler who merchandiser thig brand lew fesfcd ard provad systen of ioint concealment. Your own efforts are bacledbyvigrorour USG advertisiug directly to the people you walt to reach-architectr, builders,conttactorg and conaumers-telling them olthe pctfccted joiat coucealment aade possible by PerI-A-Tape aud Recegsed-Edgre Sheetrock congtruction. Prolit by thie iucreased denand aow. There's a uearby USG mill or warehouge ready to nake imnediate delivery. Call them today I

Four Profit Mokers Thot Sell Together

RECESSED-EDGE SHEEISOCX cud PERF-A-T.f,PE for smooth walls with reinlorced and coucealed jointe.

TEXTONE,* The Plaetic Paiot, for atbactive tertured aurlacee.

TEXOLITE,* the new-principle paint lor colorful, diatiuctive interiorg at low cost. tI6S

REC0itlilEltD USc pEnt-A-TAPE Ailo nECESST0-ElrGE SilEErRoCl( CoilSilU0noll...THonoUGlr[Y /\ rEsrED, pnoYED Alilt P rEllrElr... lDttl F|ln iloDEnillzAil0il AllD ntPfin rrkcllbrdho-Nr"


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