1 minute read

Calaveras ttlhite---A Cement That Surpasses A. S. T. lll Specilications

Ccrlavercrs White portlcrnd cement is a true portlcrnd cement, mcrnulactured in cl Calilornia mill equipped with the most up-to-dcrte mcrchinery lor the manulcrcture ol white cement.

It exceeds by c wide mcugin the specilicqtions oI the Americqn Society ol Testing Mcrtericls; it is non-stcining, crnd is oI cr lcsting white color. It is crpproved lor use by building officicls oI municipcrlities, the Stcrte oI Ccrliforniq, cnd the Federal Government.

Mcny excrmples ol its use cre to be lound on the Pccific Coast where it hcs been utilized in the exterior {inish oI stucco, concrete or mqsonrlr structures whether in new work or in modernizqtion.

The Only White Cement Produced On The Cocrst

OU*.s At?rcKErfuK orsPJ\Y ouTsrE oFFtcE El o*ro, SAL€S S+IEET. Fnos MANYoRtrRS FOR hCKET?ACK. llAvE co!,lE n, WIT+{OUT ANY REAL SELLIUE EFFORT.

5.\uouo*t wHAt t^ot LDtlAPflEt', tF CAMPAIGN WERE PUT BEflIilO RESOLVES TO Fh,D ouT.


ANEBTISING ttAteRrRt- FRot't CALTFoET{IA @wOoD Astoghrrot\r.

#ry l9ur.ts ADVEEnsr.lc " ttl Loc4l r< NEWSPAPEE >s {Nxd$ 'tru flwato ro MrLL FOR TOUFTfl OR,DER op Prcrer PAcKs.


U?/i//, \ ?/ar. szn4r"+tz trcEft;;;f a"rz7/& 2gqaP/ZJP.-/ llr s&.lr^Y s ra,-,.. I

CoNteupHrEs P; ERoU'fl,TURE


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