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Becomes Manager of lfoodworking Institute at Los Angeles

C. W. Pinkerton, of Whittier, has concluded the r,erl' able u'ork he has been doing for the California Retail Lumbertnen's Association in legislative matters, and on Attgust first he accepted the position of manager of the Institute of Woodrvorking Manufacturers, succeecling E. W. Edwards, resigned. He is located in the offices of the Institute on the seventh floor of the Fa1' Builcling. Los Anqeles.

Houses And Apartments Lead Los Angeles Building

During luly, 1937, Los Angeles issued 2.709 permits for building, estimatecl r.alne of $4,4ffi,785, as compared u'ith 2,715 and $6,030,618 for Jull' of last year. In June, 1937, the permits numbered 2,947, ralte $5,494,371. In Julv there rvere 591 permits for cln'ellings and apartlnellts costirrg $3,0e7,s70.

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