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3ll Financial Center Bldg., Los Angeles

Yours For a Prosperous Season, Phone TR. 9821

Not long ago an Eastern lumber specialist visiting in Southern California was taken to a home in u'hich he sarv upon the floor a wood covering that was decidedly and distinctly different from any wood he had ever seen. He rvas told that it was one of the Philippine hardwoods, called GUTJO.

The visitor examined it for a long time in undisguisecl vvonderment. "That," he finally said, "is the most beautiful r,vood I have ever seen laid upon a floor; or almost anywhere else, for that matter."

It is thus that Guijo impresses the rvood lover rvhen he sees it properly finished and laid. It is o.ne of the lesser knorvn Philippine woods, yet is to be had in commercial quantities at the present time. Not only is it beautiful as to color and grain and finish-taking ability, but it is particularly dense and hard, thus making a wonderful floor,


One of the handsomest retail lumber offices in the Southland is being finished at the present time by the retail lumber firm of Lounsberry & Harris. at their yard at 6641 Santa Mo,nica Boulevard, iu Los Angeles. u'hich is managecl by Paul Hill.

L,ocated inside a fire zone. the building is built of tile and concrete, with concrete floors. There u'ill be three private offices, all of thern finished in detailecl Redwood of very handsome design. and each of the three will be finishecl differently. The rear of the big outer office n,ill be u'al1ed with Weyerhaeuser knotty pi.ne, and the front portion .rvill be u'alled with knotty Red Cedar panels, a new proclrrct being distributed by U. S. Plywood. All the ceilings, and dropping one foot dorvn the walls, u'ill be covered rvith FirTex insulating boar<l. Various of their rvood specialties rvill be used in the counters and other parts of the interior. It rvill be a swell iob vuhen finished about September 1st.

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