1 minute read
Flooring \food of Ar ) urpassl ng
Bea uty
or stair stepping. The average man, seeing it on a floor for the first time, hesitates to walk upon it on account of its unusual beauty.
The accompanying picture is that of a room in the home of J. W. NIcLeod, in Los Angeles. Mr. Mcleod is with Cadu'allader-Gibson Company, Inc., and he built his home last year, using in its interior decorations many of the handsomest of the Philippine u'oods. In the room shorvn t1'^ floorirrq is Ciuiio p:,rrkirrs. I l/16 by 91/+ and llla Every visitor is unstinted in his admiration of this wonderful floor. The walls of this room are done r,vith panels, battens, and raisecl mouldings made from Bataan, Cadrvalllader's trade name for their Philippine Mahogany. NIr. McLeod's entire home is a splendid example of the use of Philippine hardwoods at their best.
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