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In the very necr luture we hope to publish the BLOOD DONOR ROLL in c subsequent issue ol this magczine. Be sure your. ncnrre is included.

lf you owe your life to someone you would certainly want to ftnow that pelson's name

True, it is impossible to label every'pin1 of Flgsma with ecrch donor's i*" or idenfrty, f"t ttt"te should b; a Blood Donor Botl oI those who h;. so unseltistrly given blood that some Americcn boy mcry live.

So mcny lumbermen hcrve lreely giv_en_their blood to this vitcrl cause thcrt ;e ;" Jtortirrg ott trottot roll on -which their ncrmes cre to be inscribed cs deeply clnd plrmcrnently cs they are in the hecrts ol those brcrve boys whose lives they scved.

II you hqve clrecrdy given your blood, we would crpprecicte your ?"Tding us c note ot "Jtiig ott ih" telephone. Il you-havent cs yet' pledre *iL" it cr point to do "o . . it wiu not inconvenience you in the_leqst' nor will it ccruse you the least bit ol pain or suffering. Iust ston _<r1d thhk oio* boys who crie willing to risk their lives for you you ccrn't let them down,

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