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Ior Post-Wqr Builders

LONG LIFE-Red Cedor Shingles cre endowed by ncture with nqturcl preservoiive quclilies which insure long lile,. low upkeep,

COMFORT-Double-coursed Red Cedcr Shingles on the sidewqlls give your home extrc protection,. extrcr insulqlion; extrc comlort.

STYLE-Red Cedcr Shingles cre cdcptqble to cny style oI architecture. Their cppecrqnce is clwcys neci, trim cnd "homey."

ECONOMY-Red Cedar Shingles <rre edsy to cpply; recsoncble in cosl, qnd require q minimum oI upkeep <rs the yecrs go by.

Red Cedar Shingte Bureau


The QucrlitY oI the SPirit

By Thomcrs Wolle

There are some people who have the quality of richness and joy in them and them communicate it to everything they touch. It is first of all a physical quality, and then it is a quality of the spirit. It is probably the richest resource of the spirit; it is better than all formal learning, and it cannot be learned, although it grows in power and richness with living. It is full of wisdom and repose, since the memory and contrast of pain and labor are in it'

People who have this energy of joy and delight draw other people to them as bees are drawn to ripe plums' Most people have little Power for living in themselves, they are pallid and uncertain in thoughts and feelings, and they think they can derive strength-the richness and the character that they lack-from one of these vital and decisive pebple'

. Wrong Guy

A man rushed into a bar and excitedly asked the bartender if he knew anything that lvould stop a bad case of triccoughs.' His answer was a slap across the face with a wet bar towel. Furious, he demanded to know what the hell the bartender meant? The bartender said: i'Well, have you noticed you. are not hiccoughing any more?" The stranger said: "Nuts! I didn't have any hiccoughs when I came in ! It's my wife ! She's sitting out in the car !"

The Modern Version

The curfew tolls the knell of parting day; A line of cars winds slowly o'er the lea; A pedestrian plods his absent-minded way; And leaves the world quite unexpectedly.

Question crnd Answer

Question: "A. motorist was 100 yards from an open, level railroad crossing, and driving 50 miles an hour. A train is also approaching this same crossing at 70 miles an hour, and is 35b feet from the intersection. The question is, did the motorist get across?" , "

Answer: "Yes, the motorist did get a cross. His wife bought it out of his insurance money."

Another Pentcgon Gcg

A young lieutenant recently was assigned to the Army General Staff in a secretarial capacity. Curiosity developed in the Pentagon workers when much of his mail came addressed to him as "Major.". He explained: "When I taught at VMI, I held a rnajority in the Virginia Militia, unorganized."

Shortly afterward his steno was heard telling some of the other girls about it. She said: "He's not really a lieutenant. He's a major in the Confederate Army, disorganized."


Whcrt Duce Forgot


An Italian prisoner of war was farmed out and working'': on a peanut ranch in the South. The ranch owner got to'i talking to him one day, and asked him what Mussolini had;' promised him when he joined the Italian army. T!9 you4g'i ;:

"I{e promised me that I would soon be marching acroig:i the United States. What he forgot to tell me was frat {'.} would have to pick peanuts as l.march€d."

lte Rocrd to Wqr

By Chcrrles Devine

The road to town is young with spring' And brave with new green grasses' And how my heart goes venturing, With every lad that Passes !

For here my lover left so gaY, And on his lips was laughter, But I-I turned my head a\ilay, I couldn't follow after.

Tho gypsy heart to gypsy heart, I've shared his every by-waY, His roads and kisses-O ! To Part On,such a golden highwaY!

Buy now he's gone the road to town, O God! The lilhc's bloomingAnd from the town the shiPs go down To where the guns are booming.

The road to town is young with spring, And green with new green grasses; O, lad, my heart goes venturing, with each of you that passes.

No Horn Blowingr Allowed

One Sunday morning when the F'irst Baptist Church'ir: Colored, was heiding services, a big colored woman ap-:ii peared at the door who was conspicuously carrying one of";i those old-time ear trumpets; a big, black, twisted instru:''rr ment such as were common two generations back. Shc.' walked into the main door and stood looking around,.' searching for a vacant seat. ;;

The head deacon, whose job it was to find seats fo-'n'i* strangers, appraised her as a visitor from the country, aniil: carne over to help her find a seat. Then he noticed the eafj' trumpet, which was something €ntirely new in his experi; ence. He eyed it most suspiciously. Then his sense of:, duty carne to his rescue' and he said: I

"bis way, Lady, and I'll fine you a seat. But listen, Sld. tuh! Dis heah am a place o' quiet wusshipl One tod oqi dat hawn, an' out You got"

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